its all taste, and personal flavour...
for example tristan probably loves his music, while for me it tends to be too mellow
and fuck mainstream? for fucks sake everyone listens to mainstream at somepoint, and who cares about this mainstream bullshit, if its good music, then its worth listening to, how do you think it became mainstream?...because it jerks around the serotonin of almost everyperson that heard it, thats the only difference in electronica mainstream and american mainstream, if its good then it deserves to be exposed. Aside from the traditional way of mass play to program a certain genre that is getting ridiculously out of hiphop....look at the trends, it does have the most pollitically looked down on trends and promoting of lower class living (im talking about the music videos of people partying with 60 pounders of bacardi and strippers like its everyday)...
Last edited by BenGiovanni; Dec 28, 04 at 12:50 PM.