It's funny you posted that, I was thinking the same thing today,
I been with Tommy for over a month now, he plays/produces house music, and I play breaks/progressive/ect. It's inspiring because the tracks he's been making lately are pretty incredible, and it's something new/different to listen to rather than my own genre of breaks/prog, which most of my friends spin too.... so when I hear my boy play one of his tracks or spin a set, it's a breath of fresh air to me, and it's really fun to listen to. I don't really play house anymore, so I can't be a huge critic when it comes to mixing ect with him... he likes to hear me play too, because none of my records are close to anything he's got, so he enjoys new tunes too. I'm too critical of myself to allow someone else to criticise me when i spin, however, we constructively give eachother feedback if we noticed something that could be better/different and it's always taken in the best way possible. It's nice to date a DJ, because seriously, I can't imagine dating someone who didn't spin too. It's something that is a huge part of my life and I want to share it with someone who is on the same level.
The only thing that sucks, is I play a big gig usually once a month or so, and unfortunately he's always booked somewhere else on the same night, so we never really get to see eachother play at parties. That's the only complaint I have as of yet.
So far, so good! I'm really enjoying having someone who is just as involved as me in the scene, and it's really nice that we both have alot of the same friends anyways, my friends love him, so it's always chill when we go out.
what a rad boy! <3