Originally posted by sebcoe
helo every one.
i really want to change my deodarant brand because i am sick of my current one, and want some thing to spice up my life. i know frogprincess doesn't wear any, so i couldnt get any suggestions from her.
what about you? i want to be so fresh that random people i do not know come up to me and ask to smell my arm pits OK
this thread was started before...and i remember gettin into an argument with rawb i think.....
id have to strongly recommend Mitchum...there slogan is...."so effective...u could even skip a day"
they have white flaky stuff which i don't use...they have roll on...which i also don't use....OR u could use the gel form...it comes in scented and unscented and also has regular strength adn super sport...which is for the FOB's who don't have pit stick in their country....
when wearing it...no matter what i did that day...no matter how hard i worked or fucked...i never stank...unless i forgot to wear it.....i did htat at a party once...it sucked i couldn't dance or else i woulda reaked....but if ur wearin MITCHUM...then ur set....