You're all going to hell!
*ahem* You all have been blinded from the truth! Turn away from the devil! BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! These traps made by the devil to trick you into joining him in the firey pit of hell are mainly: liking Kenji, dancing, POKEMON aka 'POCKET MONSTERS', movies, talking to Kenji, supporting kenjis satanic ways, being Kenji, humping Kenji...although that doesnt happen too often...DISSMISSED! DOES IT HURT KEN? DOES IT FUCKING HURT!?
and where do you get off calling people ugly you fucktards! Those who are incapable of making an actual meaningful point that proves the person is whatever he/she believes he is that is soooo bad, uses insults like a 6 year old. If you cant come up with anything intelligent to say about a person MAYBE ALL THE DRUGS YOU TOOK FROM THE RAVES KILLED ONE TOO MANY OF YOUR MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF 2 BRAIN CELLS. Or MAYBE your just STUPID! And one more comment i have never seen so many ugly pictures online in one place....i hear mikeys a sexy bitch though ROWR.
AND ONE MORE THING if your gonna try to redirect my comment made in the previous paragraph to use against me and make me seem like a jack ass, the difference between me and all you feeble humans is that I am GOD ette and as god i can do or say whatever the fuck i was especially to dirty little raver attention seeking high school social rejects.
I went to a rave once....and after i got off my E all the people i saw there were straight up HURTING, all have problems of some sort: its no wonder so many of you people avoid being in public with normal people if i saw you walking around ID KICK YOUR ASS! Ravers all are socially handicapped and go to raves to feel like the whores theyre slutting around with really care about them. In reality they're all a bunch of insecure idiots looking for somewhere they feel they belong. And dont make me get started on the clothing ravers where....thats for next time....
and what u gonna do about what i just dissed you asses on: "oh no please dont hunt me down with youre ecstacy 'hits' and GHB overdosing midgets, you might vomit on me or sweat your narcotics out onto me PKLEASE DONT GET ME HIGH!"
"im afraid of all you flailers dressed up in zellers short shorts half nude with a bowties bitches who run around in groups of similarly dressed bitches thinking you look like hot shit but really look like homosexual drag queens, or maybe you'll just mistaken me for a giant speaker and dance infront of me and then HUMP me!"
so all you anti godette morons should go do that PCP in your E mixed with beer and GHB so maybe youll OD and ill never have to SEE (on this message board again)
By the way i have asecret about Kenji....he works for me whoring his ass in hooker alley and never seems to make kme any money anyways. If you wanna see some video footage of kenji nude go to