oh boy here we go again!!! i'm just gonna explain now....
i am cLinK, and my name is colleen and then there is BLinK, and her name is colleen too it is just one big coincidence... so if referring to colleen, please specify whether it is blink or clink (heheh we got into lotsa kaffuffles on xtcity with this... hehehehe) and NO, we didn't do our names the same perpously!! heheheh but anyway, welcome colleen! my lovely name partner! you'll have fun here! woooo hooooooo!!!!! luv ya! |
heya! i met u at asteroids!! except i thought i met clink and later frances wus like hey theres clink and i'm like nnooo i already met her, thats not her! and frances wus like no, u met blink!! ahhh total confusion 4 me! hehe. :029: