Originally posted by namo1ner:
fie fia fo fum iam gonna stick a finger in your bum i aint no fucken troll you fucken candy stripe t shirt wearing mother fucker with your pathetic excuse for jewellery wrapped around your wrist foo your a joke you aint nothin but a waiste of time befor i got to work and for the 12 teenyear old rave well need i say more hit puberity then i will make fun of ya
If this is a waste of your time why do you keep posting?
you said what you gotta say....you obviously got your point (if there was any point) across. You have a shitty life we get it! So instead of posting threads and trying to make people feel as shitty as you so you can justify why you're so angry at the world...why don't you go and work on making your life better?
and befor you start catorigizing people maybe you should stop and think that maybe....just maybe not everyone is a Kandy Raver on this site...I know I'm not......