New West? heh no... I live far beyond the Tibetan Mountains with Sherpas. I herd Yaks for a living and use FnK as my only outlet to the civilized World.
i lived across from canada games...
i was supposed to go to n-dub but i moved...
that school was proven to be one of the worst schools when it came to drop out ratings in some newpaper survey a while ago. like over 50% or something.
hmmm that use to be my hood 11th ave n 2nd st:D hahah
alota brown gusy tehre drive dope fukin rides like my buddy who lives on 13th drives a gold integra n nother guy who drives a white integra both done up
i used to live on the corner of 12th and 5th ......soooooooooooooo GETTO..I could throw pennies @ hookers from my front steps.....and i found crackheads sleepin in my back yard on more than 1 occasion........MAPLE DITCH BORES ME
well... me n mushmellow are moving in on friday at 6th and 10th... seems like it's time to meet some new west peeps.. gunna have to meet at moody and :smoke1: