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Condemn Utah County Law Enforcement Practices
"To: Utah County, UT
Dear Utah County, Utah: During your raid on citizens attending a music party in August 2005, police used extreme methods of clearing the event which include: beatings of unarmed and non-resisting citizens, the presence of fully automatic arms to clear a peaceful non-violent music event, and the use of tear gas to clear a peaceful non-violent music event. We condemn your actions of violence, police brutality, and possible civil liberties violations against United States Citizens. Sincerely, The Undersigned " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION SO THIS KIND OF INJUSTICE AND BRUTALITY NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. http://www.petitiononline.com/utahlaw/petition.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- It takes barely any time at all, it makes a difference. do it. Repost anywhere you can. |
You don't need to post here, if you don't care. Thanks. This is important, this is about human rights. |
I'll tell you who SHOULD give a fuck. Anyone who's ever gone to parties. Can you even imagine, going to a show, only to get brutally beaten by cops in swat gear? with billy clubs, and automatic weapons? we're talking ak-47's. NO PEACEFUL NON-VIOLENT GROUP, ravers or not, should be "taken down" by fuckers with ak's. you obviously didn't see the video. it looks liek a fucking WAR zone for real. |
fuck why don't you put all this effort into fighting something good. I understand its all about human rights and shit but theres countless women, blacks, and gay people out there who you can be signing petetions for. Ravers are the scum of the earth why fight for their equality. Noone should be out at 4am permit or not especially mormans!
I love the "There are better things to be fighting for" argument. You know, if I took all of the world's problems, listed them, and tried to sort that list of problems in order, from "least important to combat" to "most important to combat", I would spend the rest of my years debating with myself over the order of that list.
This is a valid cause. While there probably WAS plenty of illegal activity going on at that event, there is NO EXCUSE for the way they handled the raid. Look at how Vancouver police will handle a similar situation. They show up, walk around, tell the promoter to shut it down, and tell everyone to leave. Ravers bitch, then go home or wherever. The end. Amazing that this can be accomplished without attack dogs, automatic weapons, and a massive excess of screaming and threats. It's a valid cause. Sign it. If you refuse to sign because you know of another cause that you think is FAAAR more flipping crucial, go start a thread about it, and stay the fuck out of this one. |
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