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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
Join Date: Jun 2001
TiSty~ is an unknown quantity at this point
Montel : When Ecstacy turns violent

ummm... i dunno! SO i watch daytime TV! i had nothing better to do today!
Neways so montel williams is sitting there in my TV telling me how you can die from extacy and blah blah blah blah, when all the "real life" stories he gives are actually OVerdoses of drugs that were passed off AS ecstacy.
NOw despite my knowledge on ecstacy.
i stil dont know
Can short term usage of PURE Ecstacy lead to death or severe brain damage?
short term being between 0-8 months
and the dosage being anything up to 10 caps at a time.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
Gravity Slave
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MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
If you too 10 caps of ANYTHING at a time you are going to do something to your body.

Try taking 10 tabs of Tylenol, caffine pills, sleeping pills or vitamin supplements and tell me it's not going to cause some damage. Why should a designer drug with no quality control be any different?

Look on the bottles of pills you have in the medicine cabinet, they state on the side of the bottle the MAXIMUM dosage per day, and it's WAY below 10 tabs.

If I took 10 tabs of cK my heart would probably explode. If I took 10 tabs of MDMA, I'm sure I'll fry some part of my brain.

Once this damage is done I don't think the body can recover 100%. Imagine burning your skin, sure it will heal but you'll be scarred for life.

Those TV talk shows overhype/sensationalize these issues.

Bottom line. If you take 10 tabs of 'E' within a 24 hour period, your an idiot IMO.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
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Very well spoken MC Hammered
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
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bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
hehe me and glenda saw that show too!!! we were just talking abt it b4.....
its sooo retarded.... like glenda said.. who the fuck pop for birthday parties?!?!?! anyways i think that the stuff they said on the show are exaggerated, but nonetheless, it does carry some truth.......
so the less u pop, the better it is!! :027:

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
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TiSty~ is an unknown quantity at this point
hehehe Miss Utah Teen USA! she was basically saying "they forced me to go to this rave! and i kept on telling them it wasnt my thing. But they MADE me!!" stupid :003:
Oh and then there was that ex-dealer who popped 15-18 caps at a time on a regular basis..

MC Hammered: i said UP TO 10 caps at a time....i know obviously itd mess you up permanently. ThAnx for posting that tho cuz i know some people whod have no idea before they read what you had to say, what they do about it however is their choice
Im straight-edge i dont do E.:002:
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
Gravity Slave
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MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
I'm proud of you that you are straight-edge. I used to be and I'm not complaining that I am not now. One just has to repsect the decision another person makes.

Discalimer: I am no research scientist. What I am posting below is what I have found out via research on my own and in no way should it be deemed the absolute truth. Do some reasearch on your own and make an informed decision about what you do with your life.

Anyhow, one tab of MDMA (150mg) is enough to deplete all of the serotonin in your brain, any more than that isn't going to increase the effects in fact it would be damaging your brain.

Your brain deals with the excess serotonin by breaking it down with MAO's (Monoamine Oxidase). These enzymes break up the excess serotonin and protect your brain. However, once your brain runs out of serotonin, what remains floating around is dopamine and these MAO's start breaking it down instead.

THIS IS A BAD THING! When dopamine gets oxidezed it turns into hydrogen peroxide and you are basically bleaching your brain cells.

This is why anti-oxidents like Vitamin-C are thought to help 'clean up' the post 'E' effect.

I posted lots previously about the effects of 'E' in this forum. Look them up and if you have any questions let me know. I'll try to answer them the best I can.

Take care.


Last edited by MC Hammered; Jun 27, 01 at 07:24 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
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You took the words right outta my mouth!!! Damn again!!!! :097:
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
Join Date: Jun 2001
Rytalin is an unknown quantity at this point
When they say you can die from Ecstacy, they mean it.

You CAN die from it. if the E you take happens to contain 120mg of PMA, then you probably WILL die from it.

He probably never said that you can die from MDMA.
The way I see it, E and MDMA are two different things. E is a pill which can contain MDMA, but it can also contain any number of different substances as well. Ecstacy USED to be MDMA, but its not neccassarily that anymore.

keep that in mind when you go looking for drugs. if you want pure MDMA, then ask for that.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
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Rytalin is an unknown quantity at this point
(edit: posted under the wrong thread, silly me. maybe it was the 10 caps of e I just took:003: )

Last edited by Rytalin; Jun 27, 01 at 09:29 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
Gravity Slave
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MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by Rytalin

He probably never said that you can die from MDMA.
The way I see it, E and MDMA are two different things. E is a pill which can contain MDMA, but it can also contain any number of different substances as well. Ecstacy USED to be MDMA, but its not neccassarily that anymore.
I mentioned this fact in a different thread. Most people do not test the tab they are about to ingest and are playing russian roulette with a pill. Not only will PMA screw you up/kill you, MDMA can as well. If you are the tiny percentage that happens to be allergic to the substance, you are in DEEP trouble.

If a bee sting can kill someone who is allergic to it and this is a poke through the skin, imagine what a chemical surging through your system would do?

You are correct, that 'E' was and what it refers to now are two totally different things. The label 'E' can be anything from pure MDMA to rat poison. You just don't know unless you test the tab.

Even if you ask for pure MDMA, you don't know if it is or not. If you take designer drung, you are always taking a chance. Unless you happen to have a mass spectrometer on hand.

Disclaimer: This post is in no way saying that taking drugs is a good thing. Do some reasearch and learn before you try anything, at least try to make an educated decision and not fall to peer pressure.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 01
O.G. Sammy
Join Date: Apr 2001
Sammy Skillz is an unknown quantity at this point
i saw that show today

i was talking to Liza on the phone while watching it! the show was interesting to say the least...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 01
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mister-peenutt has a little shameless behaviour in the past
me and colleen saw a show on like the womens network i think about family's and teen problems. and they went to a "all night rave party" and some girl snuck out and her friend tried some "E" and she passed out.. and what their idea of a rave was, was just halairious! oh man!.. picture a whole bunch of 13year olds in barstar gear!! OH MAN! IT WAS FUNNY!

but they showed clips of spooky5 and hybrid which i thought was funny because i was super fuked at hybrid!.. too bad they didn't show me and my good high.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 01
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BeatItFarmer is an unknown quantity at this point
good to see that most people in here who do e are educating themselves before doing it.....keep on dishin out the wisdom winston...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 01
Gravity Slave
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MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by BeatItFarmer

good to see that most people in here who do e are educating themselves before doing it.....keep on dishin out the wisdom winston...
Sometimes I wonder if anyone actually reads the info I put up or if they just think I'm full of shit.

My eyes are brown ya know.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 01
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MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Sorry Cheryl, didn't see your question.

PMA is a 'cheap' version of MDMA. What I mean by that is the stuff used to make PMA is easier to get and production costs are lower.

What this drug does is overheat your body and you literally cook yourself from the inside out.

You won't feel 'high' so you might pop more of the substance which at that point it reaches lethal levels. Your body overheats and cannot compensate fast enough, so its systems start to shut down and you cook your brain and internal organs due to the extreme tempuratures being generated by your body.

Not a nice way to go.

It's been reported that one girl had a body temperature of 110*F HOURS after she died. (I might be a bit off on the temp. reading)
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 01
Join Date: Jun 2001
TiSty~ is an unknown quantity at this point
all of that overheating from the inside out stuff makes me wanna throw up. ewwww that is so disgusting.
it was like that girl who had all those tubes comeing outta her body and they had to put sandbags around where they put the needles in to stop her from bleeding. eeeewwwww
PMA should have never been brought into existance just liek alot of other things
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 01
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starburst is an unknown quantity at this point
i watched part of that show cause i thought it would have some tips of info or sumpthin interesting, but it had nothin.......
it was pretty stupid actually.
it all comes down to common sense.... if your going to do drugs, KNOW what your taking, at a SENSIBLE amount.
all the people that died took lethal dosages of this drug.
E is a drug that should only be used by people who know what they're doing, actually, that goes for any drug....... or actually..... drugs shouldn't be used at all!!
hhmmmmm...well.....maybe they should be once in a while *giggles*:350:
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 01
toasts to tangerine
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walkin is an unknown quantity at this point
some more info

Another way one can die from taking MDMA is by drinking too much water. Too much water dilutes the sodium concentration in your blood so your neurons don't fire properly anymore.
(those of you that too Biology 12 should know this)

so if u have done E and if u drank lotsa water, then it would be a good idea to eat something salty
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 01
Gravity Slave
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MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by wALKiN

Another way one can die from taking MDMA is by drinking too much water. Too much water dilutes the sodium concentration in your blood so your neurons don't fire properly anymore.
(those of you that too Biology 12 should know this)

Or you could go pee! And we ALL know how hard that is after you
so if u have done E and if u drank lotsa water, then it would be a good idea to eat something salty
popped! :c-tard:

What you said is partially true. MDMA is a dieretic (sp?) What happens is if you drink water, it is not being absorbed by your body and just passes through. Very similar to what happens when you drink coffee.

The difference is that when you drink coffee you WANT to purge the liquid from your system (urinate). When you are on MDMA this signal gets partially blocked and you don't feel like going to the toilet and releasing the fluids.

What happens when you drink too much water and don't urinate is the electrolytes in your system (or is it your blood? hmmm) get diluted to such a critical point that your body doesn't function properly anymore. You almost feel intoxicated. Now this is a bit extreme, some reported cases are where the person drink 3 to 4 litres of water in a 6 hour period without urinating.

Rule of thumb if you pop is to drink one litre of water per hour and hit the washroom regularly.

Disclaimer: This post is in no way saying that taking drugs is a good thing. Do some reasearch and learn before you try anything, at least try to make an educated decision and not fall to peer pressure.

Last edited by MC Hammered; Jun 29, 01 at 09:44 AM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 01
FK st0ner
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lil_matt is an unknown quantity at this point
Montel said that mdma affects your spinal column. From my research, all that 'mdma affects your back and drains the spinal fluid' talk is all myth. The fluid in your spine is sealed like a drum. Probably the only reason why people's back aches is because of the dancing they do at raves. That's what i have come to from the information i have gathered.

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 01
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MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
The spinal fluid thing is a myth.

What that is in reference to is when they did research in the past, they would extract spinal fluid from the subject for examination.

Why I have no idea.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 04
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BabyStylez is an unknown quantity at this point
becase you kidneys swell up from dehydration and puch againt your spine and also from dancing.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 04
Join Date: Jan 2003
LaMzWeLL is an unknown quantity at this point
interesting thread......
Winston you know your shit eh.....well how about give me some info on what happened to me on saturday......partially your fault :finger:
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 04
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kash is an unknown quantity at this point
For your knowledge, recently theres been a new study conducted at some university in Uk,and there sayin that ecstacy might not have any long-term affect on you,although controversial, the ppl that did this study are sayin that other studies have been bios due to the fact that estacy is an illegal drug.Although its not 100% proven right yet, more research is being conducted everyday.That still doesnt change the risks and dangers on taking the drug thats littel known about .

and did u know that e only stays in your body anywhere from 2 days to a week.If u pop and have a urine test in about 2 weeks after,you should pass negative.

Are you onE?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 04
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If you're worried... just don't do it. Plain and simple.

There's no peer pressure into things like this. It's not like someone is sitting on your forcing you to open mouth pushing the E down your throat, right?
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