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View Poll Results: Do you Feal Sorry For Peeps that OD at Parties?
Yes 18 15.38%
No 32 27.35%
Depends on the situation 67 57.26%
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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i take different things into mind when feeling sorry for people in od'ing situations

a.) did they take the drugs knowingly, or were they drugged by someone else?

b.) how much did they take, ie. did they take 1 cap that contained shit or did they take 5 to "get higher"

c.) their attitude towards drugs

obviously if i dont know any of these, depending on the state of the person i may just pass them off as being some stupid raver who didnt know their limit, or i may actually be concerned.

if its someone i do know, but i dont know what they took or how much they took then yes i'd atleast see if they were ok
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
drunk in montreal
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Heheh, lots of heartless people here! I feel sorry for anyone that ODs regardless of circumstances, unless maybe they were in a contest to see how many drugs they could take before OD'ing =P
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Is it really possible to feel any geniune sympathy for something somebody has an actual choice in?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
Is it really possible to feel any geniune sympathy for something somebody has an actual choice in?
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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only 2 questions come to mind when i hear about someone od



"learn something new?"

drugs are something you choose to do. no one can make you do drugs. The fact is, you never know if that last cap is gonna be your last. That's the risk you take when doing drugs, quality control is non-existent.

it sucks when someone od's, hopefully they walk away from it more aware of their limitations and the realization they're not Jesus.
to answer the question: no, i don't feel sorry for people who od.

Last edited by Goat; May 21, 04 at 03:18 AM.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
Is it really possible to feel any geniune sympathy for something somebody has an actual choice in?
hell yeah, i think so. i feel sorry for any impressionable youngster who has drugs pushed on them and pays with their life. Of course they did make a wrong choice at some point, but they don't deserve to die for it. I wouldn't feel terribly sorry for them if they just got sick or passed out, but for some one to die from it - that's really sad to me, regardless of the fact that the individual is partially to blame for being uneducated or succumbing to pressure from someone else.

gotta say i'm quite disgusted by some of the replies in this thread, 'oh that idiot went and died and ruined our rave party' - fucking grow up & show some compassion. even if a person makes a bad choice that puts them in their grave, you have to appreciate the circumstances that brought them to that point. people who suffer from depression or anxiety might be more vulnerable to the pressures that can lead to a drug overdose. or someone might have a bad reaction to a normal dosage, what makes them so much different from any of you? how many people here, before using a drug, went to their doctor and asked about the potential risks? and even if you did, what would a doctor say? 'Don't Do Drugs'.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by Wood
hell yeah, i think so. i feel sorry for any impressionable youngster who has drugs pushed on them and pays with their life. Of course they did make a wrong choice at some point, but they don't deserve to die for it. I wouldn't feel terribly sorry for them if they just got sick or passed out, but for some one to die from it - that's really sad to me, regardless of the fact that the individual is partially to blame for being uneducated or succumbing to pressure from someone else.

gotta say i'm quite disgusted by some of the replies in this thread, 'oh that idiot went and died and ruined our rave party' - fucking grow up & show some compassion. even if a person makes a bad choice that puts them in their grave, you have to appreciate the circumstances that brought them to that point. people who suffer from depression or anxiety might be more vulnerable to the pressures that can lead to a drug overdose. or someone might have a bad reaction to a normal dosage, what makes them so much different from any of you? how many people here, before using a drug, went to their doctor and asked about the potential risks? and even if you did, what would a doctor say? 'Don't Do Drugs'.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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It really does depend on the situation...

In the time that I have been attending parties I've heard and seen some horrible things and I've seen some of my closest friends almost die from drug consumption.
I started partying young and doing chems was nothing out of the ordinary, at a party called Sequel my friend Lindsay railed a bunch of Ketamine and drank a 6 pack and ended up getting really sick. The ambulance came that night and that was probably the first serious encounter I had with drugs contributing to something besides good times.
As easy as it is to point fingers and say something like "well they deserve it" you have to consider the age and circumstances. I mean most people don't choose to educate themselves about drugs hence the reason why doing drugs in moderation is something overlooked by society, few people actually believe that doing drugs in moderation is a possible thing because most people can't.. or simply won't.
At this age it's easy to feel like you're going to live forever and I think we've all been put in situations where we have taken our lives for granted, it's only with experience that we can grow and realize to take precautions, some people mature earlier or face life changing experiences that make them come to this realization sooner than others.
I think being put in a position where your best friend is having a seizure from drugs forces you to grow up, and as sad and unfortunate as that is, it was probably those types of experiences that forced me to grow up, educate myself and not OD.
Had I been raised differently or not experienced some of those things I could've just as easily been one of those 14 year old girls that did a massive quantity of drugs and OD'd at a rave.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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ignorance is not an excuse. never.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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LadyShades: If you choose not to educate yourself about doing drugs and their effects/possible consenquences, and you od, well, that is your own damn fault...

If you are stupid enough to do something you know is dangerous, without any other information, well, why should anyone else feel sorry for you.

*Note - When saying you in this post, I do not mean you specifically
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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maybe someone just wanted to be cool.

..and their mom had just died from cancer and their dad was abusive.

..and they didnt have many friends.

wouldnt you feel sorry for them?
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by ryantron
maybe someone just wanted to be cool.

..and their mom had just died from cancer and their dad was abusive.

..and they didnt have many friends.

wouldnt you feel sorry for them?
None of those are reasons to go out and do drugs till you drop over. There are better ways of dealing with emotional pain.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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I don't feel sorry for them at all...They were the ones that made the choice to doing over their limit...You should know your limits before doing it...
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by Goat
ignorance is not an excuse. never.
of course it isn't, but does an ignorant child deserve to die for their ignorance? what if they did the same dose as all their friends did, and had a bad reaction? can that be blamed on ignorance?

Originally Posted by craz_e_blossom
I don't feel sorry for them at all...They were the ones that made the choice to doing over their limit...You should know your limits before doing it...
how exactly is someone supposed to 'know their limit' without potentially finding out the hard way? how would someone know if they were predisposed to having a bad reaction to a banned substance, if the only information they can get from a medical health professional is 'don't do it'? do you know exactly how much of any given substace it would take to knock you out, or kill you?

no? then shut the fuck up.

Last edited by Wood; May 21, 04 at 06:59 AM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by M!SKA
did you even read my post???
yeah of course they tell you in school that "drugs are bad"
but do they go into any more detail? do they tell you why drugs are bad????
not likely.
people are curious by nature. and most teens try to be as rebellious as they can. so when parents and teachers say "don't do drugs" thats like saying the total opposite.
if schools focussed more on informing these kids about the effects drugs will have on them, maybe they would be able to make a more informed decision about whether or not they sould pop it in their mouth.
Wow. My thoughts exactly. :sixpak:
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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i don't....i'm heartless....

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Stacy I know you know how to handle your drugs but I also know how much you can and have done in one night.

I'm sure You mos definatly know your limits.
But you should also know that it can happen to you at anytime just by taking 1 or 2 bad pills.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by Sariel
None of those are reasons to go out and do drugs till you drop over. There are better ways of dealing with emotional pain.
of course there are better ways of dealing with emotional pain but when you're in a vulnerable situation sometimes drugs will seem like the best way out.
Also, most people don't choose to educate themselves about drugs, there are few who do ( this is what i've noticed anyways). Again, it's that whole idea of being young and thinking you're going to live forever, you overlook the educational aspect of it and do what feels good.
Yes, drugs are dangerous but so are a lot of other things, choosing not to educate yourself about them is just another mistake hundreds of people make, unfortunately the stakes are a lot higher...
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by Wood
how exactly is someone supposed to 'know their limit' without potentially finding out the hard way? how would someone know if they were predisposed to having a bad reaction to a banned substance, if the only information they can get from a medical health professional is 'don't do it'? do you know exactly how much of any given substace it would take to knock you out, or kill you?

no? then shut the fuck up.

It is my oppinion so you just shut the fuck up...I didn't say you had to like what I said...
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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of course it isn't, but does an ignorant child deserve to die for their ignorance? what if they did the same dose as all their friends did, and had a bad reaction? can that be blamed on ignorance?
no one deserves to be hungry
no one deserves to be on the street
no one deserves to be raped, murdered, or wronged.

how exactly is someone supposed to 'know their limit' without potentially finding out the hard way?
it's not so much knowing their limit, but being aware of their own bodies, what's uncomfortable and what isn't.
if you've popped a pill and it feels like you just got hit with a bag of bricks, don't just stand in the corner and take it. alert your friends. if you don't think your friends can deal with the situation, alert the promoter or someone working at the party, someone more likely to be able to handle the situation.

if you're just starting out and you're popping 3 caps in a night too naive to think of the consequences, fuck it, darwanism is a bitch.

doctors are obligated to say "drugs are bad" with the amount (lack of) material, short and long term research that's been done on them. That doesn't mean they can't provide you with information on what a particular drugs affects will have on your body.

i encourage everyone to seek out their doctor and become a little more aware.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Well said Max... I personally am not shedding tears over someone OD'ing. Ignorance may be bliss, but I also hear that being Dead is pretty blissful... FOREVER! I'm not going to babble on about how people should educate themselves as other people have and I agree.
Originally Posted by Goat
darwanism is a bitch
hear hear.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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Originally Posted by Goat
no one deserves to be hungry
it's not so much knowing their limit, but being aware of their own bodies, what's uncomfortable and what isn't.
if you've popped a pill and it feels like you just got hit with a bag of bricks, don't just stand in the corner and take it. alert your friends. if you don't think your friends can deal with the situation, alert the promoter or someone working at the party, someone more likely to be able to handle the situation.

if you're just starting out and you're popping 3 caps in a night too naive to think of the consequences, fuck it, darwanism is a bitch.

doctors are obligated to say "drugs are bad" with the amount (lack of) material, short and long term research that's been done on them. That doesn't mean they can't provide you with information on what a particular drugs affects will have on your body.

i encourage everyone to seek out their doctor and become a little more aware.
Atleast someone sees my point of view...
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old May 21, 04
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you must not have alot of common sense to start a thread (yet alone a poll) asking the question "do you feel sorry for OD'ers".

can you say you have never done too many drugs, too much pot.. drank too much? it's all the same, they all harm your body and they all require a sense of discipline.

to ask if you feel sorry for these people, psh.. I feel sorry for you. as I have compassion and understanding in my blood.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old May 22, 04
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Originally Posted by Goat
no one deserves to be hungry
no one deserves to be on the street
no one deserves to be raped, murdered, or wronged.

it's not so much knowing their limit, but being aware of their own bodies, what's uncomfortable and what isn't.
if you've popped a pill and it feels like you just got hit with a bag of bricks, don't just stand in the corner and take it. alert your friends. if you don't think your friends can deal with the situation, alert the promoter or someone working at the party, someone more likely to be able to handle the situation.

if you're just starting out and you're popping 3 caps in a night too naive to think of the consequences, fuck it, darwanism is a bitch.

doctors are obligated to say "drugs are bad" with the amount (lack of) material, short and long term research that's been done on them. That doesn't mean they can't provide you with information on what a particular drugs affects will have on your body.

i encourage everyone to seek out their doctor and become a little more aware.
i agree with most of what you're saying here.... but i don't believe death is a fitting punishment, even for acting like a complete fucking retard. so yeah, i feel sorry for kids who die from an overdose. and i still think most of the kids in this thread who are making snide remarks are probably no better or smarter than anyone who dies ODing at a party. they're just luckier.

and good luck finding a family doctor who will impart any useful drug taking advice on a teenager! i'm sure they're out there but most wouldn't go past telling them not to do it, and why not to do it. seriously, if a kid wanted to find out if he was at risk of having a bad reaction to a drug..... what would a family practitioner say??? run a few tests and be like 'okay billy, you're alright to do the E'.... no. under anycircumstances they would say 'don't do it', and the kid would be back in the position of making their own decision. smart kids will educate themselves about the risks.... dumb ones who don't, deserve to get sick, get the scare of their lives, make an ass out of themselves... but they don't deserve to die.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old May 22, 04
eff eff
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Not particularly. But I do feel sorry for people who can't spell 'feel'.
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