Originally Posted by €uro Dollar
Go up to the level of DMT gradually, start with shrooms, if you haven't done them already... then do acid, then salvia... then datura (but you can skip that one)...
basically don't go trying the strongest hallucinogen known to man before you try other ones and (somewhat)know what to expect or be ready for.
datura? fuck that man, no one tries that shit, yah some people do, but really, its EXTREMELY dangerous, i would much rather do this drug than that, i remember your post months ago, about starting these drugs.... mushrooms/acid/aother shit... how many times have you done cid? once? not getting defencive or anything, i would much rather do salvia one of my first psychodelic drugs, mush or salvia, then acid, def salvia before acid... datura, definately skip that one, then try some mescaline/peyote haha, but really, dave is 30 right? he has a kid? well its his life right, cdn_bdr, thats good for you, and I would be the same, my son would be the most important thing as well, but everyones different and have different perspective in life, and maybe dave has a good job and instead of buying shit like a nice car or whatever, spends his money one what he wants.... look at a lot of famous people, hunter thompson, thomas leary, the list goes on... all involved with drugs, but he lives his life the way he wants... and just because he does drugs, doesnt mean his son isnt his #1 priority in his life