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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 05
..TuRnTabLe MeTaBoLiSm..
Join Date: Feb 2004
.o0*HaLo*0o. is an unknown quantity at this point
Sad Story of Mercedes Rae Clarke

Okay... So im not sure how many of you have heard of her death.
She died due to taking some bad E, at age 13.
Now we all know she isnt the first or the last 13 year old to take E... but i am so disturbed by her death, even though i didn't know her.

I do know that she was a young girl, trying to have some fun, rebelling, doing what she thought was cool etc. I also know that, like the rest of us, she would have grown out of it, gone to college, or gotten a full time job and moved out and done positive things with her life. She woudl have fallen in love for the first time, gotten married, had kids and tried to teach them that doing drugs is not cool.

When raves first became a popular thing... E was about 20 bucks give or take for a cap. And MAN did it get you fucked.
Lets look at a comparison...
Crystal meth is about 10$ per point.... enough to get you high for a night.
E is supposed to be about 20 - 25 per cap.

When did E get SOOOOO cheap?
When they started doling out compressed meth and passing it off as E.

You dont really expect battery acid, amonia and suddafed to be pricey do you??

The point im trying to get across, while trying to sound as 'little' like a cop or a teacher as possible.... is that its just not how it used to be.

All though these deaths are tragic, it is going to keep happeining...
i just hope that all these young YOUNG girls that i see at parties, can maybe just throw up a few times and know that that was a very close call... these drugs are dangerous and should be treated with SO much caution, dont wait untill one of you, or your friends dies. Mercede's died and so have lots of other girls and guys... isnt' that enough? Just because you didn't know them.
Try and imagine if she WAS your best friend and you were going off with her as hard as ever on a saturday night, then come tuesday she dies. How would you react if your BEST FRIEND died? Or even if she was that girl that lent you her lip gloss in the bathroom... its kinda scary to think of.

Please just know that whenever you take a pill, you ARE playing russian roulette.. and you could die in a matter of days.

My heart goes out to mercedes' family and friends and i hope that at least the people she associated with can learn from this.

Last edited by .o0*HaLo*0o.; Sep 09, 05 at 10:30 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 05
Join Date: Jun 2001
krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
first off, i don't mean to be a bitch but here goes:

you admitted you don't know her right.

so how do you know that she would have stopped doing e and gone to college and fallen and love and so on....

she coulda been like me and turned to crystal meth, ketamine and coke, not gone back to school and wasted years of her life.

or she could be like others i know who are still wasting their lives away

and also it doesnt matter how much you teach your kids that drugs arent cool, if they're gonna do them than they're gonna do them, no matter what a parent says.

next point: 1 point of jib aint gonna get you fucked for a night, and a helluva lotta e that i did 5 years ago had meth in it, that hasnt really changed.
its other crap that they're adding to it thats scary

unforunately most kids will see this as something sad, her friends will cry and hug each other at the funeral and swear to never do any drugs again. but their 13, some of them will still think that they are invincible, that they can do e and they'll be fine, that she probably just got a bad batch...

and im not saying that all her friends are going to do this, but some will.

its the same for having to bury a friend who died in a car accident, we're sad but we still get in a car to go home after the funeral.

hopefully some of them can learn from this. even if they wanna do drugs they need to know who they're buying it from, they need to trust that person to a certain degree....

but deaths like these are so far and few between that everyone forgets about the 13 year old that died when their swallowing their next pill.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 09, 05
..TuRnTabLe MeTaBoLiSm..
Join Date: Feb 2004
.o0*HaLo*0o. is an unknown quantity at this point
dont worry, no bitchiness taken :)
well put for sure, you definatly raise a good point. well... a bunch of good points.

you're right i dont know that she would have done all those good things, i was being bias based on my own experiences. I too fucked years of my life up with drugs... to the point where NOW i block out pretty much all of my teenage years because none of my memories am i proud of, nor can i reflect on in any kind of positive way (other than that i learned a whole lot, and grew to accept different people from ALL walks of life)

I did grow out of it eventually though, its like i woke up one day and realized that i didnt wanna be fucked up all the time.
Also, i worded it a bit incorrectly.. but one point of jib can get you 'high' for a few hours anyways, which alot of kiddies probably mistake for the high of E... and the sketch they get is 'normal'

It was believed to be a bad combonation of meth amphetamine in the pill that killed this young girl, but tests aren't completed yet.

At any rate, it still sadens me and will continue to saden me, that little girls and boys are dying because of bad drugs. Maybe if less kids did drugs and more kids took chemistry and PAID ATTENTION we wouldnt have such a problem!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light
bad e or not,
kids that age shouldnt be dabbling with hard drugs(ecstacy,amphetamines,coke,opiates) .
thats what HIGH SCHOOL is for.

I hope that, at the very least this tragedy can offer some insight to people who underestimate the danger in taking sketchy drugs like e.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 05
Join Date: Oct 2005
jarred... is an unknown quantity at this point
u all dont know wtf ur talkin bout i fuckin knew this chick from party's and shit and she wouldnt have gone and got fucked up on meth and coke like u fuckin losers so dont even talk bout people u dont know u fuckin meth head
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 05
[RooЯ]pure glass
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Hot Karl is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by jarred...
u all dont know wtf ur talkin bout i fuckin knew this chick from party's and shit and she wouldnt have gone and got fucked up on meth and coke like u fuckin losers so dont even talk bout people u dont know u fuckin meth head
oh wait, let me guess, she was mature beyond her years, and she would never do anything stupid. oh and she was probably a really great kid and all that crap. best case scenario she'd get tagged on by a few guys and learn to grow up real fast and quit the scene/drugs. THAT was your best case scenario.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 05
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
i would imagine that there is some kind of underlying physical weakness if you die from a cap anyways...

either way, unfortunately the fact remains that no matter who this girl was going to be (maybe her life would have taken a turn for the worse otherwise causing suffering for everyone around her? now that's a speculation different from everyone elses.) this has still happened to her. we ALL make stupid choices...

maybe if there was better drug education about harm reduction and the signs of overdose etc & how to prevent fatal overdose if you are going to make the choice to use anyways, this would not happen.

anyways! bye :)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 05
semblence within chaos.
Join Date: May 2003
decypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the rough
E is cheap because:

The border has tighter security since 2001 and there is more floating around up here. There are alot of cooks in the area, it's easier to make then other drugs like Acid. It's very very popular so the market is oversaturated. And it always used to be cheap it was just the middle man who charged all the kiddies 20-30 because they could, it was just getting popular and no one knew better.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 05
help me satan-you owe me!
Join Date: Feb 2005
sinnerman is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by zarlon
i would imagine that there is some kind of underlying physical weakness if you die from a cap anyways...
Probably specific enzyme deficiency in the liver—pretty rare.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 05
help me satan-you owe me!
Join Date: Feb 2005
sinnerman is an unknown quantity at this point
Getting into a car is way more dangerous than popping a pill.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 05
I <3 House
Join Date: Jan 2002
Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
^true... also more ppl get killed by vending machines than sharks or crocadiles.

Really the schools are doing a fair amount on drug awareness. Really though how much more can they do? All though my teenage years ive listend to cops, ppl who are in rehab, parents, movies, real life video's, teachers, and friends. So has almost everyone else, but ppl still do it!?!

Alot of ppl when young are confused about life and dont know what to do... therefore they'll take risks, or dont care/respect others or them selfs, they dont know who they are therfore will do whatever it may take to fit in etc etc.

I really wish dance safe was around again. It gave a lot of young nieve kids the chance to get real inforfation instead of lisitng to what their firends said about the drug. Hearing of ppl who do pills when its against their medication, poping over 9 caps of e in one night, it just tells new users that all the bad stuff they hera about it is probly just an exageration and thell be fine.

Bottom line is... you can only trust yourself. Do some seriouse resurch before getting yourself into somthing your not aware of and dont always believe your friends... but we all know how teenagers only believe what their freinds say and hate any kind of work :n:

Some times ppl just have to learn the hard way.

Last edited by Ree Fresh; Oct 08, 05 at 09:07 PM.
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