Originally Posted by Harp
most fucked up pill i've ever done. and not in a good way. but im sure if there was a new batch of yellow pacmans they'd be much different.
Remember kids. Theres no point in asking if a pill is any good on a forum cause you gonna get different answers due to being different batches and not everyone reacts the same to the same pill. If you have fun off the last stuff you did just stick to that rather than switching and not having a good time
Very well said Harp, most kids dont realize that just because they are the same color and are pressed with the same picture that they aren't the same e. So many naive and underinformed drug users these days... And to whom ever wrote that they do not put heroin (Yoshi its spelt heroin, not herion...maybe you need to lay off the colorful pills...) in extacy, wrong also, extacy is such a cocktail drug you never do know what exactly is in it (unless you test it.)