Sleep paralysis
"Sleep paralysis is a condition in which someone, most often lying in a supine position, about to drop off to sleep, or just upon waking from sleep realizes that s/he is unable to move, or speak, or cry out. This may last a few seconds or several moments, occasionally longer. People frequently report feeling a "presence" that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An intense sense of dread and terror is very common. The presence is likely to be vaguely felt or sensed just out of sight but thought to be watching or monitoring, often with intense interest, sometimes standing by, or sitting on, the bed."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis Has anyone ever experienced this? Last edited by FireWire; Jan 20, 07 at 03:43 AM. |
No but i have been trying for many many years.
I practice lucid dreaming and all kinds of stuff related to sleep interests me. I can manage a lucid dream every night with proper practice tho. I absolutely love Lucid dreaming its amazing. It allows you to explore your self concious like no other way possible. |
Yeah, the first time it happened to me - I didn't even know what to think of it. When I woke up the next day, all I remembered was that I harsh tripped the fuck out. I didn't know what to call it, but I associated the experience with an intense hallucination and a nightmare.
As it happened a second time, a month later, I didn't think it was accidental and I started observing what I do with myself / my body / my mind and what could possibly cause it. In my case, it is the lack of sleep and extreme tiredness from a day that will give me sleep paralysis when I try to fall asleep that night. My last experience was so intense (last night) - it lasted about 20 mins (with a few breaks) and as much as I had this happen to me already (10 times to date) - this one had me fooled yet and scared the crap out of me... I didn't think it could fool me again into thinking it was an intense nightmare but the way it worked this 11th time was just unbelievable. I got the biggest mindfuck when my brain was tricked into thinking that I was able to move my whole body and all my muscles - only to wake up and realize that I actually HADN'T been able to move my muscles at all, and my body and hands were in a different place and position when I actually woke up than what I had seen in my hallucination. Fucked up. |
Though it's hard to believe it's just a hallucination ...there are astral spirits abound that love to fuck with us humans I reckon. Just sleep on your stomach if you want it to go away, or maybe you feel inclined to explore this space and learn from it as I have. Just don't feed into your fear whatever you do, maybe cite the Litany of Fear and thank Frank Herbert later. |
Bringing this topic back up - I've decided to explore this dark subject a bit more... and this is what happened:
I figured out exactly when and how I usually experience sleep paralysis and I told myself that I will never be afraid of this temporary hallucination but this last one that I had tonight scared the fuck out of me. I'm sitting here at 3:30am almost AFRAID to fall sleep back asleep now... christ. Basically this latest experience did to me what I feared the most - and that was fearing the experience itself. As the hallucination onset, I saw myself in my room (although at the time of the experience I didn't actually see myself but I FELT myself), and so I "got out of bed" and looked around my room. Everything seemed so trippy like on mushrooms/acid and then I decided to go in the bathroom to look at my eyes in the mirror (just to see what my pupils looked like while experiencing sleep paralysis). And so there I was looking in the mirror in the bathroom and my eyes looked very fucked up - the pupils were fluctuating in size and that got me a bit worried but that was just plain totally fucked up... Mind the fact that at time I felt like I AM TOTALLY AWAKE but just experiencing a hallucination as if I was tripping on mushrooms and having a very bad trip. The next thing that happened was my worst fear LITERALLY facing me in the eyes. I felt the general mood of the whole situation change in an instant and suddenly there was an evil presence in the room watching me with VERY interested and preying eyes from behind me. Then I suddenly turned around and I caught it - I saw what I figured was THE DEVIL. It was some kind of a creature that is normally depicted in cartoons and movies that looked a bit like that evil rabbit from Donnie Darko and your stereotypical devil with horns and hooves. Then the image of that fucking thing looking at me then tripled (yeah, it multiplied) and I woke up sweating like crazy and almost having a heart attack from how scared I got at that point. Until now I never really SAW what that evil presence in my sleep paralysis always was but this time it finally showed its face. I honestly think that meant something... This is sorta what it looked like: Thought I'd share. Last edited by FireWire; Jan 19, 07 at 04:50 AM. |
Then i become lucid in the dream and attempt to wake up but it's like i'm stuck under mud. Slowly prying my head through this barrier until piece by piece my body tears away and i wake up. Usually happens every couple months in times of stress. |
I've had this happen to me three times, twice at a buddies place sleeping on his couch, I would be completely paralysed from head to toe, but know where I am and what is going on around me, but also experienced hypnagogia hallucinations, in which I could see a dark shadow in the corner of my eye and I was really scared, I would try to speak and it came out as a soft whisper "wake me up, wake me up." I then managed to try and shake myself by shaking my foot and would awaken exactly where I was, completely aware of what had just occured.
Another time, similar to the one above, I saw a shadow standing over me, when I woke myself up I sat right up gasping for breath, this was a few days after I was lying in bed and felt a slap across the face when I was mocking the fact that there was an evil spirit residing in my new home, i've asked many experts who said this was not sleep paralysis, but an out of body experience. (the shadow being my soul, the gasp of breath my soul re-entering my body) but who knows. I've posted about this in other threads, as I myself have studied dreams and the meanings, and have helped many people out on this board with questions about their dreams and meanings behind them. Don't fuck with your unconscious! |
Yeah, actually. The doctors used to think it was mild epilepsy due to my mother having it when she was young. I'd wake up in the middle of the night feeling pressure in a hundred different spots on my body. I'd see shit from my dream but I was unable to move or speak. It was more of an intraspective nightmare than anything. My whole body would vibrate and tingle.. not a pleasant feeling when you have no idea what's happening to you.
It's happened once over the past couple of months, most likely caused by my insomnia.. my body forcing me to rest while my mind tries to stay awake, or something along those lines. It doesn't bother me so much now that I know what it is, but I used to be extremely shaken up over it when I was younger. |
Happens to me on and off for the last 10 years. It'll happen to me for like 3 months then stop for 2 months then happen again. The wikipeida article explains exactly what I feel. In fact it's weird reading it.
before I had the internet I had no idea what was happening to me. It was really freaky, felt as if I was being possed by the devil or going insane. I tryed to explain it to people and even doctors but nobody gave me an answer. It was until a couple years later that I saw it on TV and looked it up on the internet. It still sucks when it happens. Not a magical feeling at all. The reason is you can't move but you are wide awake and alert. You start tripping ut as if someone is in the room. It feels so real, even though you know that Sleep Paralysis is in effect you always feel as if that someone in the room is real and taking an interest in you such as trying to wake you up. Because of that you try your hardest to wake up, using all your strength. It's so frusterating and exhausting. The only thing you can do is breathe and open your eyes. Finally snapping out of it, everything is normal again and you fall back asleep. Sometimes the process is repeated throughout the night. There's no cure and doesn't seem like there's anything you can do to prevent it. Some people have it happen more than others. In only 1% of the population it happens more than once a week. I guess I'm one of them! Other than that it doesn't affect any part of my life. |
All that being said - does anyone know what could be the meaning behind this frightening sleep phenomenon? It's not like it's there by accident - nothing is by accident. Everything is cleverly created to serve a specific purpose in the evolution of mankind but what exactly is the purpose of these evil visions?
There is something about the whole thing that makes me wonder if what we experience during sleep paralysis is another extension to life... a connection to another dimension (or a change of frequency). But why only during sleep paralysis and no other times? I don't think we will know for a LONG time to come yet... |
tiedye: wtf dewd, where did you read that bs about DMT and dreaming:p haha, you must be thinking of DMT-verse
Melatonin regulates sleep cycles, its also a part of DMT synthesis. FireWire, stop overdoing drugzes kidd0, and sleep paralysis will go away:P Scared to fall asleep? Ninja PuuuuuuHLease! harharhar |