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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 10, 06
I can has photo?
Join Date: Jun 2004
thebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the rough
*Points and Laughs*

We've replaced the intended receipiant for this email
with somebody who's NOT a sap from Arkansas!

Let's watch!

Mr.Vuyo Mbuli
Johannesburg South Africa

Email: [email protected]

Attention: Good Friend,

I am Mr.Vuyo Mbuli the chief accountant of Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) a division of firstrand bank limited South Africa I am making this contact with you based on the need for an individual / company who is willing to assist us with a solution to a money transfer.

First and foremost, I apologized using this medium to reach you for a transaction/business of this magnitude, but this is due to Confidentiality and prompt access reposed on this medium. In unfolding this proposal, I want to count on you, as a respected and honest person to handle this transaction with sincerity, trust and confidentiality. I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution of the deal described hereunder for the benefit of all parties and hope you will keep it as a top secret because of the nature of this transaction.

There is an account opened in this bank in 1999 and till 2003 nobody has operated on this account again after going through some old files in the records, I discovered that if I do not remit this money out urgently it would be forfeited for nothing.

The owner of this account is MR. SHEU YUANG DONG , a foreigner, and a miner at Kruger Gold Company, a Geologist by profession and he died since February 16, 1998 No other person knows this account or anything concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that this company does not know anything about this account and the money involved is
Million five hundred thousand United States Dollars (US$ 20,500,000 Million)
. I want us to first transfer US$ 10 Million from this money into your safe overseas account before the rest.

We are seeking your assistance as a foreigner, since as civil servant we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts. Should you be willing to assist in this transaction your share as compensation will be US$5.125m (25%), while my colleagues and I receive US$13.325m (65%) and the balance of US$2.5m (10%) for miscellaneous expenses that may be incurred by either party.

The business is completely safe and secure, provided you treat it with utmost confidentiality. It does not matter also your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. We have reposed confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint us.

Kindly notify me by sending your secured telephone and fax numbers for further details upon your acceptance of this proposal.

Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.


Mr.Vuyo Mbuli

Please View this website: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9802/16/taiwan.crash.update2
pssst... the link above actually goes to: http://702mail.co.za/Redirect/www.cn....crash.update2
pretty sneaky, eh?
[email protected]
From: TheBobman (secretly not a sap)
Subject: RE: From Mr.Vuyo Mbuli

Dear Mr. Man
How excited I was to receive your email message! so much of my email is has become just junk mail and I was beginning to wonder if there was really any real people that would try to email me!!! When I got your email I was very excited and had to read it at least four times. I still couldn't believe my eyes so I got my sister to read it too and she said I had read it correctly!!! Oh how happy we were!!! This year has been very hard on us with my grand pappy dying of the cancer in May and then my grand momma getting the cancer and dying in July (my momma says grand momma woulda wanted it that was, cause she was so patryotic). My sister and I each gots a big inhairitance but my momma said we'd have to find something good to invest in. I asked her if I could invest my money to help you out so we can all benifit and she said I could!!!!!! I hope we caan figure something out tho, cause we get our internets from our neighbors and we don't have no phone or fancy fax. My friend Jimmy has a phone so mebbe we could use his or something!!

I'm really looking forward to hearing back from your Mr. Vuyo Mbuli! Can you tell me how to say your name in your next email?
Lots of hugs 'n hopes


Tune in later to read the reply!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 10, 06
I can has photo?
Join Date: Jun 2004
thebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the rough
lord, what IS it with my email today? this just hit my inbox:

Hello have a good day,
I am not sure where to begin,it is first time I try to use internet to
meet the man but the thing is,that I will work abroad I can choice
USA,Canada or Europe and I would like to meet the man to share free
evenings and be my guide. My friends helped me to send a few letters
to different address and I do hope that I am lucky to meet good and
kind man.you should know that now I live in Russia and my goal is to leave this
country because it is impossible to live here for young pretty woman.they tell I look well
enough,I am blonde with blue eyes,I am natural blonde.I will send a few photos if you reply.
if you don't have wife nor girlfriend ,maybe we could try to meet?
I am free I have not children .and I have not boyfriend here.
I am 25 years old ,please reply
to my mail [email protected] -
See you soon ,with great hope.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 11, 06
I can has photo?
Join Date: Jun 2004
thebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the roughthebobman is a jewel in the rough
holy shit! he responded!

Dear Karl,

How are you today, many thanks for your email response to my proposal to you which I received this morning, following your positive response indicating your willingness to receive this funds in your account; I would like to explain to you the steps necessary to conclude this transaction which is very confidential. This transaction has a very strong legal edge to it, It’s just a matter of getting all the paper work right and answering all the questions correctly and generally meeting all the requirements for the release of the money.

Like you must have read on my proposal, the amount in question belongs to a customer in bank, and I have all the requisite knowledge it takes to seal this transaction. There is an important factor you have to understand in this transaction, this is a deal but you don’t have to worry yourself that we are going to be doing anything illegal because all the process in this transaction will be done in the proper banking procedures without leaving any stone unturned so at no stage will any of the processdone illegal.

Please find the next of kin application letter and form which you must fill in and sign your signature, then you will return it back to me for submission, I will use my position to facilitate the approval of the transfer of the funds into your account as the next of kin. Note very important, since the money is in an account which is dormant presently in my bank which is a commercial bank, it will not be ideal to have the transfer done from my bank without creating awareness with the federal monitoring committee, so the best way after consulting with a top banker on the possibilities to achieve this goal, he advised as the director of the Exchange Control Department of the South African Reserve Bank which is
our central bank, he said it will better we have the transfer done from his bank as a direct transfer to your nominated bank account overseas.

I therefore advise you to urgently fill in the application form and re-write the application letter with your company letter headed paper if you have any and send it back to me today for submission, upon the approval of your application, the bank will contact you direct for
confirmation of your account details and subsequent transfer of the funds. I want to assure you once again that this exercise is 100% risk free and it will not take more than 10--14 working days for the bank to finalize the paper work and get this funds transfer to your account with out any problem because I have perfected the underground arrangement.

I therefore wait for your response for me to submit the form to the bank on your behalf for approval.

Please kindly call me on this number + 27 833 638 890 to acknowledge receipt of this message, and endeavour to observe the required level of confidentiality attached to this transaction as I am still in active service, as soon as you confirm to me that you have received the money in your account, I will apply for annual leave and fly to meet with you in country for the shearing and investment of the funds.

Get back to me as soon as possible with the application form and letter for us to proceed.

Thanks in anticipation,

Mr. Vuyo Mbuli.

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He attached two really piss poor fake legal documents too!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 11, 06
MissBehavior's Avatar
tee hee!
Join Date: Dec 2002
MissBehavior has a spectacular aura aboutMissBehavior has a spectacular aura about
Dude, seriously, you need a job if you're so bored you've started replying to the Nigerian scams. =P
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 11, 06
Bringing Sexy Back
Join Date: Aug 2006
*SunShyne* is on a distinguished road
lol nice
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