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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 02
Extra Crispy Beats
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Originally posted by NinjaBoy:

But I think the greatest thing about this thread is your arguement against leslie cause she's not a lesbian. That's like me getting mad at you and insulting you cause your not gay. It dosen't make any sense.

this thread ceased to make any sense whatsoever a long time ago.

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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 02
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Originally posted by Dj Valtrex:
aren't you proud to be a moderator on a message board for wannabe designers and stupid ravers that talk out of their asses?


omg, I can't believe I missed it, how could I of missed how Bob is so overbearingly proud to be a mod of a message board for "wannabe designers and stupid ravers that talk out of their asses." Aren't you one of those "stupid raver that talk out of their asses"?

Already been said: once you put out a product and stamp your name on it, it's now known as a part of you, it gives everyone else a image, reputation and act as a reference in case someone wants you to do work for them.

Example: Someone is looking for an artist/designer, they flip through flyers, do you want them to see something that will represent you, your finest work and what you are capable of? Or a half assed, rushed job?
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 02
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Originally posted by stabmyhead:

omg, I can't believe I missed it, how could I of missed how Bob is so overbearingly proud to be a mod of a message board for "wannabe designers and stupid ravers that talk out of their asses." Aren't you one of those "stupid raver that talk out of their asses"?

Already been said: once you put out a product and stamp your name on it, it's now known as a part of you, it gives everyone else a image, reputation and act as a reference in case someone wants you to do work for them.

Example: Someone is looking for an artist/designer, they flip through flyers, do you want them to see something that will represent you, your finest work and what you are capable of? Or a half assed, rushed job?
Damn't leslie, you don't understand it cause your just a wanna be designer, if you were like me or robin (who have both done actual rave flyers, for actual raves) you might understand the workings of being a designer.

Keep wishing though leslie...
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 02
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hi can everyone shut up with the comparing dicks and actually do some designs?

or is everyone all front and no action?

come on, enough shit talk, lets do it. then everyone can be friends.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 02
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all this started cos of little old me.

and it is tough to be a designer...
deadlines... what the client wants..
I had one night to do that flyer.
and I wouldnt include it in a portfolio anyways.

and all the damn insults.

this completely remids me of AC Slater on LX.

I'm up for some designing..
werdyboy, bob... or anyone else who wants to try..
some illustrator tennis?

that's what I was originally trying to accomplish with this thread..
some intelligent design talk..
serves me right.. bunch of uncultured ravers..


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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 02
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robin hun, you're the one that threw a brick at stabhead to start all this shit... so shutup, i can't even figure out why u would challenge her to begin with... ur making yourself look like some butch lesbian trying to prove her manlihood to feed her ego...

how dare u call us undercultured... you're just a diluted piece of fizz candy who gets off on her belief that she's so much better than everyone else because she has a gucci hat that looks like my grandma's old moldy couch in her attic...


i'm not a design whore, i like to flail around in photoshop, i tried to teach myself maya, 3dsmax, and all that crap back in the day but mommy wouldn't buy me harsh megasupercomputer... i still play around with vector based shit, and do basics in photoshop, but nothing i would even consider battling with. my work is for myself and i use it only to express myself, with whatever talents i have... i have nothing to prove to anyone who thinks they're better than me because they can make cd labels. *throws a lighter in the air*

all i wanna say is, making your own clothes and going to fashion shows doesn't make you any better of a person, or any more cultured than anyone. so get off yourself and go stradle a fire extinguisher.

and that flyer really did suck. no excuses. one night is ample time to make a flyer. if you really were a design whore you'd be up all night spazzing over it... do some jib and get imaginative. ya know...?

no hate. just lay off everyone ok...? we're all in this together
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 02
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"leslie's" arguement against robin is that she WAS a lesbian!!!

an angry junglist lesbian.

you people are fucked.

and hell.....jr. was happy with the flyer....she did her job...

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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Jun 04, 02
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Your running on the assumption that everyone here who has any art ability does design.

And robin, I wouldn't be one to bring up the fact you didn't get a well discussed art thread, see's how you started this as an attack on stabby.

She does diffrent art then your design work. We professional designers sometimes have trouble grasping this though.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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I'm sure if anyone spent 2 years in design school they could pull the same sorta stuff outta their asses. :)

Bob and Chris summed it up pretty well, I would expand on their points to keep this "drama" going, but it's yesterdays drama. You throw brick at stabgirl, she throw back, only fair that way, MMKAY? Btw, my arguement was that her get fuct flyer was crappy and coulda been much better, I just threw the extra bits to be stabby-ish.

The funny thing is that if Bob wanted, he could easily post some stuff that he's done and have all of f&k marvel in its glory, but the stuff he does is a DIFFERENT style, but it's still art, so it must be DESIGN, he is going to battle you, I CHOOSE YOU PHOTOSHOP!! GO!! But alas, he doesn't have an ego to prove here... unlike some people.

Question: Robin, are you so insecure about your work that you think you have to post it here to a bunch of "uncultured ravers" for validation?

Answer honestly.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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she wanted competition.

she likes competition.

there was never anything wrong with that last time i checked.

i move that this thread be closed....
it's all fuckin bullshit..

and the moderators of this board do a shit job.

moderators are to be unbiased and fair.....
i'm still waiting.

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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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Originally posted by stabmyhead:
The funny thing is that if Bob wanted, he could easily post some stuff that he's done and have all of f&k marvel in its glory, but the stuff he does is a DIFFERENT style, but it's still art, so it must be DESIGN, he is going to battle you, I CHOOSE YOU PHOTOSHOP!! GO!! But alas, he doesn't have an ego to prove here... unlike some people.
wow thx stabs...
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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and valtrex, no this thread will not be closed. i've been bitched out for being a fascist mod before for closing threads like this. if u got a problem with this thread, DON'T READ IT. you're the one that walked in here and started steppin' up to the plate without a bat.

there is nothing here to be moderated. robin asked for a fight, she got one. everyone else is just having a civilized argument, if you're at home bashing your face into your moniter then that's your problem. if you want i can go over to your house and moderate you. there is nothing in the f&k 'rules and reguations' which were posted like 6 months ago or whatever, that say anything here is in violation of code.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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i agree i like bob's stuff, even the shit he says he just did quick.

but maybe it's me.

i think bob should be in on the tennis.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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i think ya'll should suck bobs dick just a LITTLE bit more.

don't you love art?

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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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they're sucking my dick cuz at least i've brought dinner to the table before, shitdip.

please stop talking.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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Originally posted by Dj Valtrex:
i think ya'll should suck bobs dick just a LITTLE bit more.

don't you love art?

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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Jun 05, 02
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I like the arugements you've presented though!

A: Stabby's not a lesbian
B: We're sucking bob's dick
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 02
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Bob, I think Valtrex wants you, give her some cock and maybe she'll shut up :)

Valtrex: You want it closed, yet you keep replying... You just want it closed because you came out looking like an idiot. You tell us to stop sucking up to Bob, yet you go off and posted about how "elite" your friend Robin is, and how everyone else will be DESTROYED by her superior human design skills... Doesn't that sound like kissing ass (or licking clit), or is it different because you guys are friends?

Art rarely impresses me, if I'm impressed with something, I will acknowledge to the person that their work is superb.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 02
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the only reason i'm supporting robin is because i've seen her work progres over the last 3 years..

i actually KNOW what she's capable of, aside from what she's posted on this board...

she's not just one of my "raver acquitances" that i might whilst "rolling"....

jesus christ...
i forgot how the internet rave message boards are the equvilant to high school.

i guess i'm just not popular enough to talk.

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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 02
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by the way...

can't WAIT to get to vancouver this august....

it'll be SUCH a pleasure to finally meet all of you.

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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 02
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what a dramatic kid.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 02
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Originally posted by Dj Valtrex:
the only reason i'm supporting robin is because i've seen her work progres over the last 3 years..

i actually KNOW what she's capable of, aside from what she's posted on this board...

she's not just one of my "raver acquitances" that i might whilst "rolling"....

jesus christ...
i forgot how the internet rave message boards are the equvilant to high school.

i guess i'm just not popular enough to talk.

A couple things

Your supporting robin cause you've known her extremely well for the last three years. Have you ever considered the fact I've known leslie estremely well for the last two years? She's just not one of my "raver acquintances", nor is it the same way for bob.

And it's not that your not popular enough to talk, it's that you seem to have this problem about talking out of your ass.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 02
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haha robin, i remember that artistic lens flare in the last pic I saw of yours. one of your little cd designs looks kinda' neat.. and the others would look comfortable in the washrooms of clubs for you to look at while taking a piss. Not bad necessarily, but lose the ego. you REALLY need to lose that ego of yours.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 02
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here i go....talking outta the ass AGAIN!

this board appals me more and more....

did anyone else post any work in this thread?

~i told myself to stop...~
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Jun 06, 02
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Originally posted by bob:
how dare u call us undercultured... you're just a diluted piece of fizz candy who gets off on her belief that she's so much better than everyone else because she has a gucci hat that looks like my grandma's old moldy couch in her attic...
sorry, but this comment wins.

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