I'm takin up breakdancing, but I wanna know how hard it is at first, cuz I tried a couple of moves and eeeeep... I now have mucho respect for the breakin brothas out there!
anyone else jus startin takin it up or have the mad skillz?~(wanna help teach me??? haha) ~bry |
the next time julie, tim and i hook up to break i'll call some of u up....fnk breakin session. we all really suck, but its fun to experiment and break some bones. =) we all just end up prancing around raver style.
breakin is SO much fun..and if u're good at it..it sticks and its sumthing u'll have a long passion for. (the chick at summerluv was amazinggggg) |
Adam you can flare ? and cricket ?? WTF ?? NICE !!!
i can barley do 1 flare !!! grrrrrr don't got the arm power really.. i can windmill pretty smooth...eh... swipes are np but kinda boring swipes into an airstall now thats dope !! i'm not a power kid really more into the lil footworks n stalls n freezes :) GOTTA LOVE A POWER into a QUICK STALL ! BAM BACK OUT into another stall !!! now thats da shiz ! |
hehe oh man i used to break quite a bit...
with breaking i find most people forget about learning how to groove..... before you touch even 6-step, learn how to pull off a really tite uprock... and get that hip hop soul inside you and DANCE! dance your heart out! and the important thing i find is that you got to feel that soul inside to pull off that groovin uprock... uprocks in my opinion are the key parts in pumping you up for some power moves.... some people rely on 6 step to pump them up but 6 step requires alot of energy.... you gotta save that energy when you wanna pull off freezes and maybe even headspins and 9's.... dont try to jump into spins too early although swipes are a good place to start when learning spins ... the hard part about breaking is that its all practice... and taking a SHITLOAD of pain.... and i'm not joking about the pain.... and it helps to be able to be strong and fit... wears the fuckin shit outta you when you're on the floor pulling even freezes... =) ive pretty quit breaking but there was a time i was obsessed with it so if you got questions i'll be happy to try to help you out! |
wasnt he just here for the hip hop expo?!?! |
Ya learn the basics first
6 step a lil up rock a lil footworks couple lil freezes and maybe 1 power then practice that over and over till you can do it in your sleep then make 1 solid routine and practice that over and over if anyone has notice me breakin i pretty much do the same routine over and over even in the clubs/ raves/ home more and more i do that same routine the more and more i get better at it. I don't give a fuck if people are like " oh i seen that guy do that same shit over and over " DON'T WATCH THEN !!! GOTTA BE MOTIVATED THATS 4 SURE !!!!!! I got some killer vid clips and a few videos... BATTLE OF THE YEAR !!!!!!!!!! NOW THATS WERE YOU SEE SKILLZ ! Guys now compared to the old days can pull of some sick shit ! shit that just makes you go " WTF how the fuck did he get into that position and BAM in to another ! and throw themselves everwhere ! " like wtf !!! it'z crazy !!!!!! SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO BATTLE ROCK !!!!!! 1 guy i know who can battle rock PREMO if any of you know him it's BRAD !!! HOLY SHIT HE CAN BATTLE ROCK !! |