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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 13, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
Glendita* is an unknown quantity at this point
Pretty freak out right now!

OOoooohhhhh my sis was just telling me about all the incounters she has had w/ Ghosts and spirits *freaked out look on my face :024:*. I have never seen one but i know i would freaking freak out ..... oh man i don't think i will be able to sleep now because all of the "ghosts" she has seen have been in my HOUSE! ahhh and one even in my freaking "ROOM" . The only weird thing that happens to me is that i have dreams and the nest day it happens.

i know we have had a thread like this before .... but tell me about your experiences u have had ... or if u even believe in stuff like that.

and if your are apart of ghost busters ..... icq me hee hee

:350: Glenda
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jun 14, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
hm..i believe in ghosts and all that...

um...i've had some kinda weird ghostly type experience al tho i've neer seen one..its' weird. y'know how they say dogs and what not can sense things like that?? well one time my dog was jsut going aboslutely nuts..and there was nothinge lse to bark at..plus i kept hearing all these weird noises in my house..scarier thing was it wasn't too long after my neighbour commited suicide in his garage.. *shivers*

then there was another time i swear i saw aliens!! Omg..

hehe i believ ein all those things..

but my uncle has this really scary book..it's like...freaky! it's all this scary but true stuff. like there was this family down somewhere....can't remember where..and like in there kitchen....one day this face just like appeared in the floor. it's creepy!! and then no matter what theyd id it just kept appearing..they painted..they put down linouleum..they put down cement..and itj ust kept appearing! and there was a pic of it..ohh..it was so scary cuz i was reading it when i was at my uncles house and the kitchen in the book looks like my uncles kitchen!

:003: i like being scared...and i like this face..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jun 14, 01
free your mind
Join Date: Apr 2001
princess is an unknown quantity at this point
i'm the biggest wuss when it comes to things of the supernatural. man, i get freaked when just watching the outer limits theme. it scares me sooo much when i'm on the phone late at night & the person starts to tell me that there are ghosts behind me.....freeeeaaaakkyyy......:003:

haha. or maybe i'm just wussy.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jun 15, 01
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stabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nice
oh ho ho.

recent shit that has kinda creeped stabby out.

-weird clanking noise in other washroom when no one is home. like the pipes or like the sound it makes when something falls into the tub... and the time when ppl were home: bro was in washroom shitting. and i heard it and it was really loud so i was like WTF. "alex. wtf are you doing in there??" "i'm in the washroom. what do you think. im taking a shit!" "well stop with that clanking.. i'm trying to think.!" "what clanking/ i dont hear shit all." mom comes to stairs. "whats going on?" "alex is making loud noises" mom goes.. "i didnt hear anything" AHHHHHHHHH.
- in grade 8 i had a pet chinese sharpei pure breed dog.. a kind rare breed to find here.. and esp. langley.. i think i was the only person with one here.. anyways... she passed away in grade 8 when she got sick.. i was really sad cuz i was her favorite... (sharpeis like to play favorites sometimes...) and recently i went and met up with a friend in langley and we got on the discussion of pets. and i kept a pic of my dog in my wallet so i was like, "here's my dog...." now i met my friend just this year... and they have never seen a pic of my dog.. he goes, "oh yeah.. i remmeber.. when me and erin were at your house.. i remember seeing it in the backyard and asking if i could let it in." that kinda shocked me.. cuz well. my dog passed away in grade 8.. and like i said.. NO one in my neighbourhood or whatever has a dog that looks even REMOTELY similar to mine...

k.. and dammit. mojo that lil punk sent me a story that kinda freaked me out and made me a lil more paranoid than i needed to be!! i dunno im usually pretty brave when put in a situation or place that is "SUPOSED" to be "scary" but i dunno my room and house kinda creeeps me out. like just weird lil noises and such.. and i think there is something really weird with this thing in my basement.. k.. this may be a lil bit freaky.. but in the back back crawl space corner in my basement there is a lot of dust and it kinda looks like ashes... EEP. i dunno im convinced someone is in my house all the time.. so i walk around the house with a wrench or screwdriver :003:
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jun 15, 01
Join Date: Dec 2000
mojojojo is an unknown quantity at this point

Beware the kids with black eyes...................
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jun 15, 01
Join Date: Jan 2001
Glendita* is an unknown quantity at this point
oh SMH i would freak out if i lived in your house..... just last nite i couldn't sleep because i keep hearing all these stupid noises but what was worthe was that poor tinkerbell was all by herself. Oh man i made my best friend talk to me until someone came home but she keep talking about ghost and i keep telling her to shut-up .... but she wouldn't stop ..... and i was to scared to get off the phone w/ her because i was sure something was going to pop out at me anytime soon ..... i'm such a scaredie cat , i piss my pants over anything.

C-tard~ ahhh scary face in the wall that won't dissapears ..... when that happens that means move far FAR away from that house.

:350: Glenda
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