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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 23, 07
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
David Cunningham and the APC

Well after the on air interview this afternoon on the team 1040 a local sports talk radio station, that had the fucking balls to ask the questions and expect the answers that every balless fool in the mainstream media has refused to ask in an interview....

If you live in Vancouver, by now you’ve probably heard of the Anti-Poverty Commitee. Basically, they’re a group of people in Vancouver who are protesting the Olympics in 2010 because they believe it is detrimental to the homeless situation. They’ve gone around to the homes of Olympic organizers and to the office of the Premier and caused chaos. While there is a situation with homeless folks in Vancouver, very, very few believe that the APC is doing any good at all. Heck, even the homeless have voiced their opinion about these idiots, especially given their ridiculous tactics of terrorizing those in charge of the Olympics at their homes.
There was an interview with the head of the APC, David Cunningham, on the radio Team 1040 this afternoon on the Pratt and Taylor show. The hosts asked Cunningham a series of straight up questions to which he answered with giggles and basically sounding like an moron. He makes comments about how the Olympics is evicting people from the Downtown Eastside and making rent too expensive.
The issue is…if you can’t afford to live in the city, why not move? I mean, there are obviously expensive parts of the city, why not move to somewhere with cheaper housing? There’s plenty of cheaper areas to live in the Lower Mainland. Cunningham also says that he’s a poor guy with a kid who works two days a week. Why not work five days a week? He says he’s okay working two days a week. He expects everything to be handed to him. This should anger everyone who has to do some work for money. I don’t think he understands that he might not be poor if he wasn’t such a lazy bastard.
That means that I, and others like me who pay taxes, have to pay welfare for this idiot. I’m not sure about him but I think as long as you are able bodied, you can find yourself some type of work. You can get a fast food job but apparently that’s not good enough for him since he laughed when Don Taylor suggested he should move to Port Moody where there is plenty of houses being built and construction job opportunities. I find it funny that he can complain about being poor but wants to pick and choose want kind of work he does.
This is the thing that pisses off most of us when the issue of welfare is brought up. It’s lazy hippies like David Cunningham who believe they are entitled to a home and money without having to work for it while the rest of us have to bust our ass to earn our own way. It’s like they deserve to have all this stuff that most people have to work for. He would have an argument if he had a disability or was unable to work but he already has a job that he chooses to work only two days at. Don’t expect me to feel sorry for you if you’re poor from being a lazy idiot. Heck, if he got off his lazy ass and worked an honest week, we could give the money he gets from the government to someone who actually deserves and needs it. He is hurting the people he says he represents.
It’s true that there are folks that need some help but he and the APC are not those people. There’s a difference between a hand-up and a hand-out. These people expect the government and in turn, the rest of us to provide for them because they choose not to work. He even said that this is what he believes he is entitled to according to the Canadian constitution. That’s bullshit.
I encourage all Vancouver residents to either ignore or actively oppose what the APC is doing. They represent no one but themselves. Hard work is a fundamental Canadian trait. Maybe they should learn to do some.

I say it is time for the majority to stand up and be heard, for to long assholes like this have created a fuss and got theire way. The APC contracted out someone to tape the office break in then sold it for profit to news agencies. How many members of the APC are on the DERA council, how many APC members work full time jobs but have jumped the que to get into DERA housing?? Cunningham is fully capable of working a full time well paying job but seems to think that it is everyone elses duty to pay for his housing so he can work a 2 day work week. I want to work a 2 day work week maybe I should stop working full time and leech off of everyone else. I am fully willing to support the people in this city that actually need the support but crap like David really make me want to think twice of where I give and how I give it....
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 23, 07
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
Also I would like to mention that he laughed at the idea that maybe if he was having such a hard time providing rent in Vancouver, that maybe it would be a good idea to move into one of the suburbs where the rent is more reasonable, where he could easily get a job full time.

I personally would love to live on the west side or in Vancouver in general but I can not afford to with commute. Do I sit here and expect for the government to give me a helping hand? no I am more then willing to work towards it like 95% of the rest of the population. What makes him and his gang of friends so special??
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 23, 07
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why doesnt he look at co-op housing if he cant afford rent and has a kid?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 23, 07
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
funny thing is he has a live in girlfriend that does the exact same thing as him works 2 days a week and lives off of my taxes for the other 5 days...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 23, 07
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after i heard the interview on 1040, he sounded like an ass. couldnt answer many basic questions, laughed at everything and the interview made him look like a foul.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 07
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I still find it funny how he tries to claim that they are a "non-violent" group.... Sure your not violent.... I mean after all you decided to go into somebody's office and trashed it... I don't care if they are a public figure... you still don't personally know the guy. I don't know about you but if some random person go's into my office or my home and trashes it... I would consider it violent... A rage to throw my own shit around and damage my property??? .... There are construction sites in and around the city that I know of that will buy someone steel toe boots because they need people to work for them. And based on reports from employers just in the construction industry in bc they are short of at least 50,000 people.... 50,000 jobs alone in the construction industry... And the construction industry pays well to boot...

It also still boggle's my mind how during that interview he contredicts his statements. He says that the government is "evicting people" from there homes (ex:pickadilly hotel) to make way to fix it up and accomodate it for tourists and such for the olympics. Yet he tries to say "HOW CAN YOU GET A JOB WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE AN ADDRESS"... Ok let me get this straight... you just turned around and said people are getting evicted. Its safe to say then before any eviction orders were in place that those individuals did infact HAVE an address... So why didn't these people pick up jobs instead of sitting on there asses now complaining that they are homeless? The oppurtunity was present and these people did NOTHING. And as I mentioned earlier... you DO NOT need an address to go to a temporary day job employment agency.

He also tries to play the game card about "what about disabled people?". Well in this province there are 2 disability programs that the government has. Disability 1 (temporary) and Disability 2 (permanent). Now my father is on Disability 2 for the rest of his life. He get's essentially a 800 dollar check every month. All of his medication is payed for.... He even gets a clothing allowance. The government even allows a disabled person to have a job if one is able to and that person can make up to 400 dollars before they start to tax them. Keep in mind a request from a disabled person ends up getting a full time job that makes more then 400 dollars can request to be taken off of the disability program as they would be able to support themselves. The government will even pay for your own courses to get into an industry that you would be capable of doing. So the government provides you shelter... pays for your medication.... EVEN DENTAL... clothing allowance... If you have a vehicle you can send in your gas receipts to both provincial and federal governments and get a tax return off it. You can even get free bus passes. The amount of benefits that one is entitled to is amazing. And there is NO other government in this world that would provide what we have available in this country. For him to have the nerve to use even disabled people for his own benefit is disgusting...

At the same time.... how the hell do you expect to have subsidized housing in a downtown city core.... Regardless as to what major city you go to the living costs are going to be higher and outside suburbs living costs are lower... ITS A NO BRAINER. They always tried to turn around and say "oh the woodwards building could of been used..." Bull fucking shit... the building was a fire hazard and was not earthquake proof let alone the foundation was fucked. It would cost more to restore that place then it is to build a new building. Thats why they tore the piece of shit down..

With the way our industry is booming right now across the country there really isn't ANY excuse why people cannot get jobs. Instead they would rather do drugs and put themselves in there own demise. Like I posted in another thread I know a person who was a heroin addict on the east side.. She was there for 13-15 years and changed her life around all on her own. Now she has a full time job and is living in nice condo in north van. And like she told me straight up, "if people want to get off the streets... all they have to do is try... thats all".

What the APC is doing however is now giving the general public an even worst image to people that are on the streets on the east side... They are doing more damage to themselve's and the people then anything. Thats why the APC is nothing more then a bunch of people taking advantage of people who are already down and is abusing the government resources.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 07
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esoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to allesoter1c is a name known to all
The Anti-Poverty Committee
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 07
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b0ld is a jewel in the roughb0ld is a jewel in the roughb0ld is a jewel in the roughb0ld is a jewel in the rough
wow they must be really broke ass homeless... so much so that they are able to afford the have the internet and digital camera's to take pictures of there demonstrations and all..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 07
Join Date: Jul 2003
BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
Taken from the APC website...

May 22/07

The Anti-Poverty Committee successfully launched its VANOC eviction campaign by evicting Ken Dobell from his office located at the World Trade and Convention Centre in the Office of the Premiere. His belongings have been put into boxes and thrown into the hall.
The people have announced that Ken Dobell is the perfect mascot for the 2010 games. He proves that there is no conflict between big business and all levels of Government.
Ken Dobell is, among other things, director of the 2010 Legacies Now Society and the Canadian Council for Public-private partnerships. A member of the board of the 2010 Bid Corporation in its early years, Dobell now serves on VANOC’s Board of Directors, where he chairs its Finance Committee.
When not acting as a symbolic figurehead, Kenny rakes in $250-an hour as ‘special adviser’ to the premier Gordon Campbell. Not so coincidentally his second job is as a lobbyist for the City of Vancouver, which has hired him to influence Campbell on development issues. What this amounts to is pillaging public resources for private profit.
This eviction was carried out in a non-violent manner with respect to the workers inside. This is contrary to the evictions that take place every day in the Downtown Eastside. Often the police serve as the City’s eviction service and assist in the displacement of people from their homes. In cases such as the Marr Hotel and the Burns Block, poor people are evicted from their homes violently. In the case of the Burns Block people who had lived there for 20 years where evicted with less then 30 minutes notice. Their belongings thrown to the curb.
So long as people are being evicted from their homes to make room for the 2010 Olympic games, we will continue targeting VANOC representatives in their offices. It is from these offices that life and death decisions are made. We plan on escalating our siege and making the profiteering off displacing poor people from their homes and territories too costly to continue. To get involved in this campaign and other organizing efforts of the APC..

Now I don't know what the APC deffintion of eviction is but all I saw was a couple of fools break into an office and trash some furniture and printer/fax machines..

Also to say that this was accomplished in a non violent manner with respect to the workers in the office is a sham. If it was so respectful and peacful why did the secretary go on air saying she felt like she was in danger when all this happened?? Not much repect given if you ask me..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 24, 07
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Here I was hoping to hear about one of these.

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