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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 28, 07
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11 days on the patch and i dont see the point

nicotine patch that is, i dont see any differnece in my ability to breathe or climb stairs. i have gained 6 pounds and i feel very lethargic most of the time. this is going to to be an other waste of a weekend because i just sit and im really tired. mabey i should go to the fireworks.

who else has tried the patch? does it give you really fucked up dreams too?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 28, 07
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11 days?
how long have you smoked for?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jul 28, 07
dumb it down, would ya?
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wtf? i quit smoking 12 hours ago and i STILL have lung cancer? this is bullshit!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jul 29, 07
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Boy do you give up this fast on everything boy? If so how do you plan on ever quitting smoking?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jul 29, 07
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KenJi is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post

It depends on how much you smoked in the past , how long you smoked for , and even HOW you smoked your cigarettes *yes it sounds weird , but its strangely true*
Id say give it good solid month or two. It takes more than 2 weeks for any significant changes to show. The change is happening on the inside..your lung capacity will increase..your chance of any smoking related disease decreases over a period of time...

I am assuming by that paragraph. You're talking about how fast he has smoked, and how many at a time. For example. Say at work i smoke fast, and i smoke like 3 smokes on my break. So it would affect me differently when I try to quit than say someone who would only smoke 1 cigarette slowly at work. Am I rite?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jul 29, 07
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smoking 4 years, ranging from half a pack to a whole pack a day

and yes i inhale
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jul 29, 07
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I used the patch successfully. First you have to change your mentality if you are going to quit smoking. You have to start talking about how gross it is and consistently reassure yourself. You have to brainwash yourself.

Get a patch in the strength that will give you a nicotine rush (there are different levels of mg in each).

So start your day and think of yourself as a non-smoker, start changing your routine. You need to break the social and personal constraints you have placed on yourself by having a smoke after each meal and after certain things. It can take months to change your perspective on this.

Everytime you get pissed off and aggravated do push-ups or run. You translate the frustration into that and you will feel better and it will take the anxiousness away. The actual act of smoking as a relaxer is the big one to get over.

The nicotine inhaler can also do wonders as it hits faster and you get to inhale. Otherwise just put the patch on for 30 minutes to get your rush and then take it off. The inhaler also gives a rush after a 10 second huff. Basically after awhile the nicotine rush from these things start to make you feel really nauseous.

Once you have separated yourself from the smokers routine and you start to associate the nicotine rush with a grossed out nauseous feeling, you're done. Now just stop using them or use them less and your in the green. If you fall back into smoking it's because of your own weak mind and not because of the nicotine. If you are genetic crackhead then grab another vice like smoking weed or punching people in the face.

Good luck quiting smoking, changing who you hang out with can help too. Remember this takes months so don't go planning that ascent of Mount Everest just yet.

Last edited by decypher; Jul 29, 07 at 04:40 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jul 29, 07
Go Canucks Go!!
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
not quite....

Im talking about how many cigs...how many months/years you smoked...and when I refer to how you smoke..
Everyone smokes differently...some people take really long harsh drags , and smoke it to the filter..they don't really exhale much smoke..and some people only take smaller puffs....some exhale through their nose...some only smoke half a cig...and some smoke filter..lol
its factors like that...there is also a higher amount of chemicals in lighter smokes than in regular smokes....so if you are smoking "lights" and your puffin away heavily on them , you're taking in alot more chemical....
Alot of different things to consider.
The speed of which you smoke I dont recall makes a difference....
Ya I get what you meant now. Thanx for the clarity on that post. Now you just made me curious on my smoking habits... especially considering how long I've smoked now.

Intriguing post though
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jul 30, 07
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lol... I thought at first that this thread was about the birth control patch. Never mind...

Here's some stuff from the net:


There have been some doubts expressed as to the efficacy of Nicotine Patches, in trials, the success rates of the control groups was significantly lower than would be expected, the presumption being that the low dose control patches made it harder to quit than normal.

Nicotine replacement products (including patches) result in 7% of quitters quitting for at least six months. Alternative such as High intensity counselling increase quitting rates 300% to 22%.

The very government report that states the 22% figure above actually encourages use of nicotine patches, stating the following. "Numerous effective pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation now exist. Except in the presence of contraindications, these should be used with all patients attempting to quit smoking."

Side Effects


There are a few recorded cases in which tobacco users died from heart failure after applying multiple patches and then smoking and consuming alcohol at the same time, against doctor's orders. Lawsuits by survivors of such descendants against the descendant's physician and the manufacturers of nicotine patches, cigarettes, and alcohol have all been generally unsuccessful.


Patches are intended to be worn for twenty-four hours at a time, and then be replaced at the same time every day. However, some individuals wearing the patch while they sleep experience abnormally vivid, erotic, or possibly violent dreams. Within this group, some people become acclimated and are not bothered; others find them completely intolerable. Other people actually enjoy the intense vivid dreaming, experiencing no nightmares or unpleasant dreams, just pleasant dreams of unusual intensity.

For some smokers the solution is simply to wear the patch for approximately seventeen hours only, and remove it before bed. There are also several brands which offer sixteen hour patches. However, because the patches take between 2 and 4 hours to achieve peak concentration in the body, this can leave the wearer vulnerable to cravings in the morning, particularly if they don't put on the patch immediately when they wake up. For heavier smokers, or smokers whose prior smoking habits included a smoke first thing in the morning or when getting home from work, the twenty-four hour patches can help avoid times of the day where the patch is not delivering enough nicotine and cravings start.


The nicotine and the adhesive can cause swelling, itching and discomfort in the area covered by the patch. Instructions for using the patch indicate it should be placed at a different location every day. Usually the feeling of itching and mild burning subsides in 30-60 minutes, and is only slightly uncomfortable.

LMAO @ the part about nightmares.

"However, some individuals wearing the patch while they sleep experience abnormally vivid, erotic, or possibly violent dreams"

Psst... where can I get these patches? Hehe.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jul 30, 07
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the nightmares are fucked im telling ya
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jul 30, 07
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My money's on Mr Butts turning him into Mrs Butts
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