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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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shogun rua is an unknown quantity at this point
Vaccine Could Cause 60,000 Deaths in France

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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Just for the record, vaccines do have a small risk associated with them. Any time a medical procedure is done there is an inherent risk.

That being said, you would be hard pressed to find a doctor in any country who would deny that vaccines are a powerful tool, and have helped save millions of life.

For example, denying small pox, polio or Rubela were eliminated by worldwide vaccination efforts would be ignorant. Each of those diseases (Small pox and polio in particular) killed tens of thousands of people a year.

Non religious calls against vaccination are actually relatively new, and for the most part have been championed by groups based in Southern California. And if the groups stats are indeed correct, in might be more indicative of a correlation between the lifestyles of people in that region and the development of Autism. Also, keep in mind that Autism is generally diagnosed around the same time as children start to receive their vaccinations.

As for big Pharma being evil, yeah, they are. But the risk of developing and releasing a vaccine that is actively harmful wouldn't be worth it. Keep in mind, that every step of development takes hundreds of people, and keeping them all silent is impossible. It's much easier to just keep being jerks and make your money off over charging for life saving medicine.

Shogun, until you actually learn to write something and form your own opinions rather then just post youtube videos and call everyone who doesn't believe it after researching the topic independently a sheep, it's going to be pretty difficult for anyone to take you seriously.

As another side note, Flu vaccines have been in circulation for decades now... and I haven't seen a mass death.

PS - Be leery of Doctors on TV. Most of them have almost no credentials, and are just put on because they are a doctor who will say something scary. Seriously, most stations have a roll-e-dex full of numbers to call as well as the tons of emails we get from idiots offering to come on and scream for a while.

Last edited by NinjaBoy; Oct 28, 09 at 12:45 PM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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fritz is a jewel in the roughfritz is a jewel in the roughfritz is a jewel in the roughfritz is a jewel in the rough
guys, dont use ambulances because you'll die in a car accident
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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Originally Posted by shogun rua View Post
believe it or not this isn't a rap battle, it's a discussion. Try to take your preoccupation off of me for five minutes and take in the information.
I'm trying to take in the information. So what you're saying is that if I believe a vaccine is in my best interests, I'm a racist? Again, I'm really trying to follow your logic but critical thinking keeps getting in my way.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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Anyone who tells anyone else to get or not get a vaccination who isn't educated and trained in the medical profession can go fuck themselves imo.

Seriously, people trying to shove DON'T GET VACCINES down my throat are just as bad if not worse than the ones saying to do it (who aren't medical professionals). Just because you can google shit does not give you a fucking phd.

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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and here's a way better video than any of the others posted in this thread

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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for fuck sakes.

its the flu.,

get the shot or dont.

alex jones is awful and just the worst.ever. only good material he has ever EVER outputted was his work on the Bohemian Grove which is completely fascinating!

shogun ruawatever bla bla you are awful for constantly posting cliche disinfo vids.

please stop and die.

Last edited by Revolver; Oct 28, 09 at 03:20 PM.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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shogun rua is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by NinjaBoy View Post
As for big Pharma being evil, yeah, they are. But the risk of developing and releasing a vaccine that is actively harmful wouldn't be worth it.
well selling aids filled medicine was certainly worth it
Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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shogun rua is an unknown quantity at this point
all quiet on the western front...
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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This chick got the flu shot and now she's pretty fucked up

Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!

And here's the "YOUR GOING TO HELL" version of it...

Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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Tabloid television news programs don't count as "research".
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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^ way to join the "discussion" bold... At any point in that segment did they actually consult a real doctor that confirmed that it was the flu shot that cause her illness?

I'm affraid for the world when people just start believing everything they see on tv.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Oct 28, 09
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b0ld is a jewel in the roughb0ld is a jewel in the roughb0ld is a jewel in the roughb0ld is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by C_squared View Post
^ way to join the "discussion" bold... At any point in that segment did they actually consult a real doctor that confirmed that it was the flu shot that cause her illness?

I'm affraid for the world when people just start believing everything they see on tv.

I don't know.. And quite frankly I don't care. I'm just the posting for the "entertainment" of all things on fnk. Cuz ya know... there's some serious fuckin business going around here.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Oct 29, 09
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Just so u know, you suck at the internet.

Vaccines here! Come get your vaccines!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Oct 29, 09
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Originally Posted by shogun rua View Post
well selling aids filled medicine was certainly worth it
Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!
So first off, when did I say pharma companies aren't terrible? I think I specifically said that. Also, the american government is to blame as well.

Pharma companies have a long history of doing some pretty terrible things for profit. But vaccines have saved millions of lives. And sadly, you can't argue that. It's a fact.

Links to autism? Non existent, the only link is the rise in both autism and vaccines over the last 30 years. But then you could link that to tons of products and lifestyle changes.

So you're only argument is that the pharma companies are purposely trying to poison people. It would be a little odd considering how high profile this vaccine is...

In the end, I think I'm going to take the opinion of people in the medical community, historical facts and common sense over an unemployed kid living in a basement suite in Surrey. You might have watched dozens of youtube videos proclaiming the evils of the vaccine and the vast conspiracy following it, but that doesn't make you an expert in this field at all.

So far you haven't been able to state your stance at all. You simply respond with one line, and a youtube video. Anyone who is willing to stand up and shout something like this better be willing to actually respond with their own words. Learn to express your opinions and ideas yourself, or don't bother because I can do a youtube search if I need to, I don't need a bunch of links.

After all, extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence, and sadly a youtube video of a five year old "inside edition" episode just doesn't cut it.

Even on fnk.ca.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Oct 29, 09
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shogun rua is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by NinjaBoy View Post
So first off, when did I say pharma companies aren't terrible? I think I specifically said that. Also, the american government is to blame as well.

Pharma companies have a long history of doing some pretty terrible things for profit. But vaccines have saved millions of lives. And sadly, you can't argue that. It's a fact.

Links to autism? Non existent, the only link is the rise in both autism and vaccines over the last 30 years. But then you could link that to tons of products and lifestyle changes.

So you're only argument is that the pharma companies are purposely trying to poison people. It would be a little odd considering how high profile this vaccine is...

In the end, I think I'm going to take the opinion of people in the medical community, historical facts and common sense over an unemployed kid living in a basement suite in Surrey. You might have watched dozens of youtube videos proclaiming the evils of the vaccine and the vast conspiracy following it, but that doesn't make you an expert in this field at all.

So far you haven't been able to state your stance at all. You simply respond with one line, and a youtube video. Anyone who is willing to stand up and shout something like this better be willing to actually respond with their own words. Learn to express your opinions and ideas yourself, or don't bother because I can do a youtube search if I need to, I don't need a bunch of links.

After all, extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence, and sadly a youtube video of a five year old "inside edition" episode just doesn't cut it.

Even on fnk.ca.
ladyboy, I like how you just glossed over the fact that Bayer knowingly sold aids filled medicine or how Pharma companies also write their own medical journals and buy off doctors. THIS IS PUBLIC RECORD. If this isn't the definition of denial, I don't know what is.

Now you say they wouldn't do the same with vaccines because somehow that's too sacred and outrageous? Why would they worry about that when people like you are immediately dismissing their previous record? They thrive because of intellectual morons like you, who can rationalize away all threats and reasons do anything proactive against organized evil. Out of sight, out of mind. lalalalalala

I'm not going to write a novel like you've done, because frankly it appears you've created a nice little world for yourself and you seem contented to stay there.

For people who are not babies and don't think that the world disappears when you play peekaboo, I leave you with this:

"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it."

Dr. Joseph Mengele
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Oct 29, 09
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-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light-evil-duerr- is a glorious beacon of light
"i'm right"
"no i'm right"
"i'm righter"
"but i'm the rightest"
"noooo i am"
"are not"
"am too"

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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Oct 30, 09
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Originally Posted by shogun rua View Post
ladyboy, I like how you just glossed over the fact that Bayer knowingly sold aids filled medicine or how Pharma companies also write their own medical journals and buy off doctors. THIS IS PUBLIC RECORD. If this isn't the definition of denial, I don't know what is.

Now you say they wouldn't do the same with vaccines because somehow that's too sacred and outrageous? Why would they worry about that when people like you are immediately dismissing their previous record? They thrive because of intellectual morons like you, who can rationalize away all threats and reasons do anything proactive against organized evil. Out of sight, out of mind. lalalalalala
I'm pretty sure I acknowledged it, and in fact said it was evil. But I would be shocked if that happened with a vaccine like this. Simply because this is possibly the most publicly debated medicine in the last twenty years.

And you keep on ignoring the long history that vaccines have in helping save millions of life.

I'm not going to write a novel like you've done, because frankly it appears you've created a nice little world for yourself and you seem contented to stay there.
Sigh... the person spouting conspiracy's is claiming I've created a world.

Unlike your rambling, I have actual facts, statistics and backing my claim that vaccines save millions of lives.

But I guess we can't agree. Which is fine, you don't have to get it. I'm probably not going to bother myself.
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