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View Poll Results: who wants this war?
i do... fire is cool! 4 22.22%
i dont.... fighting is bad 12 66.67%
who cares 2 11.11%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
little miss muffet
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whos really all for war?

i really want to know ...if you had a choice and you were the one with your finger on the button...who would really go though with it?
i know for a fact that i want nothing to do with war...

but are there really canadians out there who agree with whats going on.
i know were not getting the whole story!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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i agree that something needs to be done..
but i HATE war.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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While I voted for "i dont.... fighting is bad" I would more accurately say that the war on Iraq is unjust and that in the long run will make people there no safer and people here less safe. In some cases war is justified but not in this one.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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^Agreed with Nolan... on top of that the US made a statement recently stating that they ARE going to be the governing body of Iraq once the Saddam regime is toppled. Better situation? A govt that has no understanding of their culture telling them what to do?

I could go on for hours on why I don't believe in this war and why we'll feel the after effects for a long time to come but I've done it already in another thread.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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This is a stupid and tired question.


I mean, let's face it, who fucking likes war? Like it or not, through times in history it has been somewhat necessary. It has shaped the civilization that we have become.


p.s.- I hate hitler!!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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^Myra you're just giving the same tired answer you've given to every war post.

So basic and so vague! You're intelligent remember!

So tell us... what do you REALLY think?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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Originally posted by Cdn_Brdr
^Myra you're just giving the same tired answer you've given to every war post.

So basic and so vague! You're intelligent remember!

So tell us... what do you REALLY think?

The same tired answer most often fits the same tired question....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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Originally posted by Cdn_Brdr
I always win :kimmie:
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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Originally posted by miss.myra

I always win :kimmie:
Bold statement my dear..... we'll have to see about that.

Muah ha ha ha ha

MUAH HA HA HA HA!!!! :kam:
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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lil_thong is an unknown quantity at this point
war is the last thing needed on this earth but i think canada should support this war because i know that the united states would support us if we were under attack.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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Originally posted by lil_thong:
war is the last thing needed on this earth but i think canada should support this war because i know that the united states would support us if we were under attack.
The U.S. wasn't under attack or even being immediately threatened by Iraq... that comment reminds me of how 40% of Americans responded in a recent survey that they thought Iraq was responsible for the 9/11 attacks despite the fact there in no connection.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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^^^Actualy... its a good thing where not suporting them and expecting them to suport us if in the efent we where ever atacked?

Australia is in that boat. They have an agreement with the states to suport each other. Australia reckon's it was a good deal because their pretty much all alone in the south pacific with greater comonwelth countries far away. So now they have an aliance with one of the most powerfull contries in the world. The Australian's realy didnt want to go to war and the goverment had a very tough disition to make.

Thing is they never thought about how easy the americans are up for war and battle? Also because Australia is clearly on the American side, they belive their much more at target especialy looking at what happend at Bali. I wont even get into to the part where the states have more so "used" the australians in Vietnam.

What has Canada ever done to the rest of the world? Were making a clear staement not going into this battle and sticking with the UN's disition. We help with peace keeping, feed comunis countries in need ect. Maybe the states will get bomed... thats all we need to worrie about.

Realy Canada should be agianst the states for STARTING a war!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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Bottom line...

no one wins in war and...


ppl r to civilized to be doing things like war these days neways, grow up and sort your selfs out like grown ups!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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Originally posted by lil_thong
war is the last thing needed on this earth but i think canada should support this war because i know that the united states would support us if we were under attack.
weren't more canadian troops sent to afghanistan so the american troops there could go to iraq?...so in a way...we aren't completely neutral~

i think i'll sit on the fence for whether i'm for the war or not~
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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I was really impressed with the footage of Jean Chretien in the House of Commons.

I believe it was Stephen Harper who was giving Chretien crap saying "We should stand beside our American brothers. We owe them our allegiance. You sir are making us look like fools"

Chretien stood up and he was furious. He only said a few words but the way he spoke them with such force and anger really was powerful "We do NOT need to support this war. We are an independent nation and will stand up for what WE believe in!" The support he got from other MP's was great..... clapping and yelling. We didn't follow like little puppy dogs and I'm proud as hell of oour govt for taking a stand against Big Brother.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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Originally posted by lil_thong
war is the last thing needed on this earth but i think canada should support this war because i know that the united states would support us if we were under attack.
Just in case you've forgotten, let me refresh your memory.


Canadian soldiers are still in Afghanistan. We still have our navy ships out there.

Peacekeeping is important too. You don't go blow a country to shit, remove its government and then whistle and walk away. Afghanistan is still a place of conflict, taliban or not, and Canadians did do a signifigant amount of assistance to the Americans. We're not under any kind of obligation to help these people, remember, they haven't done very many kind things to us.

(hello, softwood lumber? )
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 03
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Originally posted by wellbelove's

no one wins in war and...


ppl r to civilized to be doing things like war these days neways, grow up and sort your selfs out like grown ups!
and what happens when one of the sides doesn't want to make peace? do you yell some tired slogan at them again?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mar 26, 03
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I really dont like the war but i look at it this way less population and if there was never a war then by now we all would be dead cause the planet would be overpopulated
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Mar 26, 03
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OMFG jesus PEOPLE! go spend a DAY in IRAQ its not exactly a godamn paradise. The people of Iraq live in poverty because of the Regime in charge and not to mention you can die for expressing yourself in Iraq. Now what really gets me pissed is watching tv and these kids and homeless bums protesting the war. HELLO Canada isnt even in the war or backing the states WTF are they protesting for. GO BACK TO SCHOOL OR GET A JOB. I swear to god the same bums that lived outside of the Woodwards building just moved location and changes causes.

Now dont get me wrong im not a war monger and I think Canada shouldnt send troops to Iraq BUT I think that Jean Creatien should have atleast said that we are behind the USA but wont send troops. The Soldiers in Iraq DONT have a choice thats the career they picked and I think we should support them and pray they come home alive unlike Vietnam where soldiers were spat on when they came home.

Its easy to sit here in the safety America provides us and bitch about what they do.

Of course everybody is entitled to there own opinion but it just makes me so mad when I see students and bums holding up traffic on bridges so they can miss a day of school and "prostest" a war their country isnt even involved in.

Come back soon and safe US, UK and Coalition Troops!
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Mar 26, 03
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^Gimme a break

Don't you think that I hope all those men and women come home safe? Don't you think I'm educated enough to know that it's their job to do what they're doing? I'm smart enough to know that their govt is the ones sending them in.

Does that mean I support the war? No, it doesn't. I'm a human being, I have compassion and I pray these people all come home safe whether they be Americans, Australians, Brits, Iraqis, Turks, whoever.....

Don't mistake compassion for support though...very different.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Mar 26, 03
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Originally posted by Voytek:
OMFG jesus PEOPLE! go spend a DAY in IRAQ its not exactly a godamn paradise. The people of Iraq live in poverty because of the Regime in charge and not to mention you can die for expressing yourself in Iraq. Now what really gets me pissed is watching tv and these kids and homeless bums protesting the war. HELLO Canada isnt even in the war or backing the states WTF are they protesting for. GO BACK TO SCHOOL OR GET A JOB. I swear to god the same bums that lived outside of the Woodwards building just moved location and changes causes.

Now dont get me wrong im not a war monger and I think Canada shouldnt send troops to Iraq BUT I think that Jean Creatien should have atleast said that we are behind the USA but wont send troops. The Soldiers in Iraq DONT have a choice thats the career they picked and I think we should support them and pray they come home alive unlike Vietnam where soldiers were spat on when they came home.

Its easy to sit here in the safety America provides us and bitch about what they do.

Of course everybody is entitled to there own opinion but it just makes me so mad when I see students and bums holding up traffic on bridges so they can miss a day of school and &quot;prostest&quot; a war their country isnt even involved in.

Come back soon and safe US, UK and Coalition Troops!
Good points Voytek, just to correct a couple things though. Iraq was a poor country because of U.S. enforced economic sanctions. Also the fact that Iraq's regeme was represive is not grounds to invade (hello China, North Korea, Iran, Indonesia, Suddan, Nigeria...). What it has done and will continue to do is bring more instability to a region that was unstable to start with. As far as the safety of U.S. and British troops I couldn't agree more but unfortunately it's the one's that stay behind to occupy a country in one of the most hostile parts of the world that will be most at risk.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Mar 26, 03
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Originally posted by Cdn_Brdr:
Don't mistake compassion for support though...very different.
Or dissent for disloyalty.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Mar 26, 03
Go Canucks Go!!
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Assasinate Bush!!

I swear this was all planned out awhile ago by the states. Americans are getting corupted and brain washed by a fucking goverment thats almost fascist in away.

Then again this is just an assumption and I know dick all abot politics anyhow, plus I am talking about way later on.

but if what you see on tv is a war then I say there should be a war. I just don't like the way things are being handled and how people are percieving what they see.

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Mar 27, 03
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There's a lot more happening than what most ppl are seeing in the papers. There's a lot of suffering happening at the hands of the Iraqi government upon it's ppl. I'm not saying war is the best answer, or that Bush is acting upon the best interests of the Iraqi's alone, but hopefully they will become liberated from their dictatorship government. If all the peace protestors knew what was going on in that country, they wouldn't be so eager to prevent the intervention of the US. I read an article about someone who went to Iraq as a human shield against the war but ended up learning the truth about what's going on there and completely changed views on the subject.
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