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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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c.tard is an unknown quantity at this point
But children of the night!! They're better then regular kids.

And at the same time you could mold them into money making machines to support you in your retirement.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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:kimmie: i just want my wedding day...white dresses are so pretty.. no girl can resist one. then the whole attached for life... :trippin: kinda scary.... ill get married when im ready to. =)...but definately something i dont mind in the far future.

kids... i dont mind adopting one.. i think im gonna either have 1 kid or 3... 2 is a mess, from personal experience. my kids are gonna be SO spoiled.. tehehehe
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
Get down, I do!
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Originally posted by rawb

that's too bad. i do the exact opposite for the same reason.
Couldn't agree more.... take in as much as you possibly can. Savour every last minute with that friend, knowing that one day you won't see him/her again.

You keep your distance all the time cinist83 and you'll regret it. One day you'll wake up and realize you've lived an empty life because you don't REALLY have anyone. Friends are meant to be cherished in every way.... you'd do good for yourself to think about that.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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PHUNK is an unknown quantity at this point
if i find someone i actually fall deeply in love with, then yes i would get married in a second.

and i want 2 kids, but only if i can take whatever time off from work whenever i want to see them. so yeah, i would guess i will have 2 kids.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
femme fatale
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Originally posted by rawb

that's too bad. i do the exact opposite for the same reason.
- yup that's for freakin sure - after dealing with the death of a lover, friend, boyfriend ( he was all in one) I am so thankful for every moment we had together - I can't imagine the horror of losing someone and knowing you could have had more time and memories together but you choose not to because of fear - Nope, that's not cool - cause once they are gone, all that is left is their memory and trust me you want as many as possible.
As for marriage, well I think it is somewhere in my own future - I definatley want a life partner, and i want kids at some point - I love to take in some less fortunate kiddies, or kitties as the case may be :)
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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I used to be a bit skeptical on the whole, married with children thing, but I suppose it can't be THAT bad... I might get married some day when I'm older, more mature and financially stable. As for kids, I just might get an army of pug dogs instead -- they're a lot cheaper to raise ;]
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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fuck, kids are a definate.
marrige, only if it is true, and i want to spend my whole life with her.hopefully that happens though.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
'latinum respect.
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I am still kind of undecided. Kids scare me, and marriage has never seemed particularly appealing.

It's so weird, I'm only 20 and I've been in a relationship for only two years and people are talking about us getting married and that just CREEPS the fuck out of me. I'M ONLY 20
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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sidewayz luv is an unknown quantity at this point
one day eventually I wanna get maried andj jhave kids but not for a while yet...gotta finish collge and get my career going...and besides I'm having way to much fun right now for any of that stuff!!
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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Yep... when I feel the time is right, and so many things contribute to that, then I will be getting married.

As far as kids, yes kids are definitely part of my life... obviously after I am married.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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beach*bum is an unknown quantity at this point
marriage. definately. some day. not any day soon. i want it to be with "the one"...who doesn't. but to find that person...that person you're made for. incredible.

kids. yes. i can wait for it. but i know i'll love being a mum. i want that mummy tummy. it's a beautiful thing.

out of the two though, i want marriage. i don't need kids. i want kids. but i think i need someone there. the one person that helps me be me. that leads and follows. the one that is always there whenever i need him. that person that will experience life with me.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
sooo fucken ugly
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my whole idea on marriage, is that, it's pointless.
Imo, it doesn't make you love anybody more.
If anything wouldn't it make you love someone less?

I just think the whole concept of marriage is pointless.
Also, now, marriage seems as if it's nothing sacred.
One of the most romantic things in the world has now become so bastardized.
Like, what is the divorce rate again?
All I know is that, it's really high.
Btw, what is the big difference between marriage and being in a relationship?

Not to say I wouldn't love someone. That's far from my opinion.
I would give my soul to someone, but I doubt I would marry them.
If I truly loved someone, I'd give them my word that I'd love them till the day I die. and I would stay faitful to the one I love.

They say you shouldn't look at marriage as if it was like caging a bird. I disagree.
I think it's exactly that.
blah, I'll rant more later.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Mar 31, 03
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I definately wanna marry & make babies. heh

Even if I don't get married I definately want a companion. Eventually he'll die, and I'll die but until we both die I want some one to share my life with.


I personally want kids. I guess I just want to experience the full cycle of life before I die. When my mom's yelling at me I find myself saying "If I had kids I wouldn't make my children do this and that" or summin like that. I don't like the idea of labour, or becoming a housewife (I refuse to), but to experience love as a parent would proably be kick-ass.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 03
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cerah is an unknown quantity at this point
I've always kinda wanted to get married and be a stay at home mom... guess that's probably because of my mom though.

I still want to get married eventually in like the next 5-10 years but I don't need a piece of paper to be happy and say I'm with said person forever. I'm realistic enough to know that relationships do end and marriage doesn't change that one way or the other. I'm still down with having a bid party and gettin all dressed up and having presents but it doesn't have to be called a wedding (I'm just all about the dress *grins*).

I'd like to have a couple kids and for the longest time I was hooked on having "my own" children. Lately though when I've thought about it I've come to realize that I don't want to bring another kid into this world when there's already so many to be adopted. That and the world just doesn't seem to be going all that great (no this isn't based purely on recent events) and do I want to raise a kid... die... and leave them this shit world?

I'm still undecided on the kids thing... I'd love it but... well honestly have you seen kids these days? The vast majority are spoiled little brats. Just look at the pre-teens/early teens they're all dressing like whores when they're 12 and having sex at 13-14 (I'm not saying that didn't happen before but it IS getting worse). Worst of all they aren't even talking about pregnancy/STIs/etc. because it's "too hard" and "just easier to sleep with someone" and sex is treated essentially like making-out to a lot of kids these days. IMO you shouldn't be having sex if you can't talk about it.

Lil bit of a tangent there but ya...
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 03
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Regarding what Steve said, I agree. Getting married is expensive and such a stressful waste of time, I mean who really needs some priest to officialize my love for someone else? I think weddings and whatnot are too stressful and time consuming. Besides, I look awful in white :| I would have to really, really be confident in the other person, myself, and the relationship to EVER, even CONSIDER something like marriage and children.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 03
i really look like this!
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I think that the idea of marriage isn't as fit for today's time as it used to be.. Historically, most marriages were business arrangements, political ties, a status symbol, a social norm etc...Marriages weren't as glamorously glorified as they are now. Some women even joined monasteries and commited themselves to a life of chastity, just to escape having to marry...MARRIAGES SUCKED

Keeping in mind what marriages used to be and how much society has changed since then (patriarchies), it seems that marriages today, have less of an importance and urgency as it once used to. Men *AND* women are able to be financially independent., and women no longer require marriage for survival.

Along with the changing ideologies of "society" the shape of marriage has changed too. The idea of "marrying for love" seems to be prominent in popular culture, which is an idea that would have been inconceivable in the past. This new way of percieving marraiges brings about the question of WHY one should require a relationship to be approved by the law, when a couple could live happily together as unmarried companions.

Last edited by yoko*; Apr 01, 03 at 05:25 PM.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 03
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--Joanne :P
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 03
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cerah is an unknown quantity at this point

You get the same tax breaks if you're married or common-law. Common-law is living together for 2 years or more or if you have a child while you're living together (the length of the time spent living together doesn't matter at that point).

Having kids gets you CTB but that's about it and that's all dependant on how much you family net income is.


No more taxes dammit!
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 03
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Originally posted by miss.myra
IIt's so weird, I'm only 20 and I've been in a relationship for only two years and people are talking about us getting married and that just CREEPS the fuck out of me. I'M ONLY 20
Same situation g/f...except my hun & i are going on 4 yrs. I know how ya feel...yikes. We still aren't planning to marry for a few years yet.
Let's wait & see...shall we?

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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Apr 01, 03
toasts to tangerine
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walkin is an unknown quantity at this point
let's see...
i'll have my nice house in the burbs with the white picket fence, the 2 kids and a dog (jack russell perhaps??), tree house, tire swing...yup that's the plan

yeah i don't know how all this will happen, since i'm gay and all
but i'm sure by the time this does happen, people/laws will be more accepting (i should be 33 :P )
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Apr 02, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
haha dont worry andrew, you will be happy i promise you
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Apr 02, 03
no clouds in my stones
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I'm the same as Andrew, except not gay ;0) Oh and I want a Doberman not a Jack Russell.

Ideally, I'd like to be married by 26/27 and have my first kid (hopefully a boy) at 28/29. After that, I'd like a girl three to four years later, so she has a big brother. No one messes with you if you've got a big bro! I have it all worked out, and I have since I was young.

I'm pretty much married as it is...and I like it just fine =) I honestly don't mind doing cleaning and laundry and all that crap for myself plus one...it just seems 'right' in a way I guess?
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Apr 02, 03
Funked up
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^^^ Ditto....?!

Although I see all that happening in the nearer future for me....at least I hope to see that happening before I see 26/27....maybe in a year or two?....And the sex of my children doesn't really matter....

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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 03
sooo fucken ugly
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sungoo is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by galaxie
I'm the same as Andrew, except not gay ;0) Oh and I want a Doberman not a Jack Russell.

Ideally, I'd like to be married by 26/27 and have my first kid (hopefully a boy) at 28/29. After that, I'd like a girl three to four years later, so she has a big brother. No one messes with you if you've got a big bro! I have it all worked out, and I have since I was young.

I'm pretty much married as it is...and I like it just fine =) I honestly don't mind doing cleaning and laundry and all that crap for myself plus one...it just seems 'right' in a way I guess?
natalie, that is so cute :>
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Apr 03, 03
~6'iLL sEnS@tIoNz'9~
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tru_azn_69 is an unknown quantity at this point
can't think dat far ahead...got too much stress hitt'n me right now
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