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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 16, 03
Join Date: Jan 2003
BatGirL is an unknown quantity at this point
Any one with A Good FATE story?

hey every one.. does anyone have a good story about fate like something that happend .. and you totaly believe it was fate like meeting a certin someone.. or something going wrong but turin out perfect and all that jazz.. cuz my teacher brought it up in class.. and i thought about it... and i heard some good stories.. and i thought if anyone is interested in sharing that would be cool:)

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 16, 03
Join Date: Nov 2000
sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
repost this in six months :)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 16, 03
Join Date: May 2003
thecolorsunset is an unknown quantity at this point
I moved to a ski town this last winter. I was really messed up, I was all over the map( thats what its there for right) my parents were nearly spliting up, my dad was drinking heavily, just as he had for years, my brother was still on crack ,and drinking. Things fall apart right. Well I hitched out of town and chased after a girl, it was a long shot but I only had a 160 bucks so I needed the trimming weed work she had offered on that drunk curb, when she had given me that bead that I carried in my pocket. So I never found her but I found a job at this ski hill.

I came back to van to work a few of the craziest jobs I've ever had. When I was leaving for the mtns 3 weeks later I decided to go see my bestest of buddies Mike the Imaginable. This guys magic life roaring fantastic pure heart. But when I was talking to him he was all wrapped up in white power race hate shit. I talked to him a bunch and then one night I sat in his back yeard and told him that off all the fucked up shit, of all the jab heads booze woozies and lost dreams I was worried about him the most. I told him that he was a true friend and that I was worried that his head was being fucked up by the whitw power propoganda machine. And it is a machine. its fallowing the same guidelines that hitler fallowed,and hitler learned his ways from the Engish ministry of Information. But shit I should just stop there and carry on with the good stuff.( interested? think I'm full of shit? read noam chomsky. cliche yup)

I just poured my heart to the guy, told him that My worst fear was coming back to van in 20 years and finding him hateful and sad. So off I go and off he goes. he gets a job at Sunshine.

Here is the fate part. Or something I wouldn't call it fate because focusing something so large into just one little word is a horrible thing to try and do.

a week after I start training at my job in a town 700km away from Mike the Imaginable the snow isn't falling so we get a 5 day break before the lifts start running. By this time I was sick of my room mates boy friend who is home 24-7, drinking smoking speaking and being really really lame. I walk up stairs one day around 11am and as I make my morning toast I hear him singing, no it couldn't be singing because he was using the most omotone stoner voice I have ever heard, " yeah let the goof times rol-i-oll yeah baby let the good times rol-i-oll"

thats it I think. I pack a super small pack no tent or sleeping bag, make some lunch, cash a cheque for 50 bucks and hit the road around 2pm(I got stoned somewhere in there)
I want to write out all the ride but I'm going to do it point form for times sake
-random good kid pulls over after seeing me freezing for a joiint and some hockey talk.
-the wife of a gangster con man who is in jail for muder.Sh'es writing a book, she tells me" your all right kid" and that" freebasing is the only thing that will have you willingly enter a bathroom with 5 people you hate and stay there talking for 12 hours." , she sadi I could use that.
-a guy in a jeep with a gun in the back seat who said that if we saw a deer that we were going to stop and he was gonna shoot it. and if we did get one I was going to come with him to his buddies house to skin it. He then started raving about the sasquach who apparently wanted to butt fuck me, then about butt fucking locals, then about how he was on his way to the Cranbrook whore house where he was gonna pay 100 clams for some clam. I was gripping my knife pretty tight by then.
When I got to cran-hole I hoped out of the car and wandered all over town looking for a place to stay. I found none and by the time I left town to hitch to kimberly wher there was a hotel I knew he would be way outta town.
- my next ride was a church going couple who were super rad,they didn't preach but they put me up for the night after hearing that I was on my way to see a friend. They fed me breakfast and packed me a lunch. We talked about life and shit, didn't agree on every thing but I have a life long invitation to stay at there place anytime I'm in town. I still have a little sticker with there adress and names on it in my sketch book.
-the next day I slowlu made it to banff it was incrediblt slow moving with even less traffic than the day before.\
When I got to Banff the only directions to my buddies place were from his mom who had forgot his phone # and address. She said he lived above the liquor store in town. SO Ioff I go. I end up sneaking into his building anf his roommate tells me that he moved the day before into a massive mansion with a guy named hurrican mike. Sure. An hour later a call come. As soon as we get it I know theres trouble. Miuke the imaginable bailed, he tore up his knee and busted up his ankle. I hitched for 2 days solid to be there when he was hurt. I played nurse for 2 days forcing ice and holding back from boozing with my ol buddy so he could heal.
it was the oddest time ever. When I was trying to decide if I should go or not back in my town, a thought just popped in to my head IKE NEEDS YOU.

and he did. and he told me so. He was so relieved to see me
the ride back was equally incredible. I met some teachers of the mtn kind along the road.
I grew 10 feet in those 5 days. thats 2 feet a day.

does that help? because theres a thousand tiny detail to that story that make it even more beautiful and threatening to reality in this life of moderinity.
but I'm tired. so here you go.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 03
Join Date: Mar 2003
KandyKid has a little shameless behaviour in the past
How about you tell us of one? you started the thread :)

Originally posted by BatGirL
hey every one.. does anyone have a good story about fate like something that happend .. and you totaly believe it was fate like meeting a certin someone.. or something going wrong but turin out perfect and all that jazz.. cuz my teacher brought it up in class.. and i thought about it... and i heard some good stories.. and i thought if anyone is interested in sharing that would be cool:)

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 03
Join Date: Dec 2001
Ray! is an unknown quantity at this point
finally a descent topic
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 03
where's the beach
Join Date: Apr 2003
mugsy is on a distinguished road
i dont know if i can believe in fate, id liek to think that i have control of my life.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 03
Customly Cronic
Join Date: May 2003
Cid_Popper is an unknown quantity at this point
fate..... well last night some friends and I were coming back from a party in different cars and we stopped by my dealers house to get some dope and i asked him what he wanted before i went i and he said he wanted hash and i said well u can wait 20min and get hash or get weed now he went with the weed and he left and i waited and got the hash and hoped in my car and i got a call from buddie saying he just took his car into a tree, talk about luck heh if he would of been goin faster then 130Klm he would have died, and i took a look at the car the rear end on it is completely gone and the tires are nowhere to be seen and 2 telephone poles were tooken out and then when i talked to buddie he said " i didnt even notice we took out the sign i was laugh at the car behind me cause he spun out lol " too close for confert for me
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 03
The dingo ate your baby!!
Join Date: Sep 2001
IvoryBaby is an unknown quantity at this point
It was fate that i got hit by a car after i had a dream about death stalking me and when i was coming home from my friend's wake.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 17, 03
Join Date: Nov 2000
sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
actually I gotta good one. three years ago someone named djform posted about a free cd on loungex. three years later we have fnk.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 18, 03
Join Date: Jan 2003
BatGirL is an unknown quantity at this point
you want a story about my fate ?

well... lets see.. i might have one or too...
hmmm well ....a while ago i was horrably .. depressed and suicidle...then i met this other guy who had the same problem i did... and we go to know each other and told each other about our problems and why we were depressed.. mean while we were slowly falling in love...then because we met...and "fell in love" he got off his anti-depressants..i stoped seeing my counsolor (cuz i didnt need it anymore) and even thought we didnt stay together forever we eventually broke up...but were both not depressed anymore...so i think it was fate for me to meet him and get away from my situation...

thats one..
heres my second one..

ok ..well i was in a dead end relationship... with the biggest tool/idiot i dont know why i was soo in love with him.. i was crying almost every night..thinking why do i bother.. then i would see him and forget that he made me cry..and i hated this.. god i hated it..we finaly broke up.. and i was crushed.. i was confussed i didnt know what was going on i was lonly.. did know who i was where i was what was going on .. then i started hangin out with one of my old friends agian in a diff area then i usualy.. doo then i started hangin out with him and all his friends.. then there was one in particular.. i started to get to know more..he wass really nice.. a great drawer..and he would draw me.. in his scetch book.. and i was flatered and one day i had my off block and i was bored so he offerd for me to join him in his graffics class so i went along.. and i was helping him with this thing he had to do when his student teacher came up behind us and said "looks like you ow her a date sonny shes helping you with your work" and after he did that..when he wasnt lookin i wrote my ## next to the pic he drew of me in his scetch book and "p.s you owe me a date" then when i got back from victoria that weekend.. my friend came over and we were like lets call every one up and rent movies and have them all come over.. and without even picking up the phone he called and said "hey! what are you doin tonight" it was perfect soo he came over we all reneted movies.. and from then on to now. we have been getting to know each other and now were going out.. and i swear to god.. i have never been happier then i am now...:)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 18, 03
be gentle...I'm dainty
Join Date: Aug 2002
Prissypants will become famous soon enough
hmmm...I personally don't believe in fate but here is something that may be construed as such.

My family motto is Metuo Secun which means "I fear in prosperity"

My whole life I have been trying to succeed. It seems that I am always successful at the things that will not bring me any material wealth and never at the ones that do bring material well being.

example: I've had many jobs in many different fields, I always get glowing recommendations from my employers BUT the jobs are always temporary or term positions.

example: I've always made great grades but have never been able to utilize my degree in the real world.

example: I have been published as a writer and worked as a professional artist but I have never been able to make any substantial money at it. (The most being $1800 for one job)

example: The chair of the english dept. as well as 2 other english teachers were supporting and pushing for me to do my Masters at my old university. I worked hard for the previous two years prior to applying to have the necessary courses and GPA for my thesis. The graduate committee which consisted of Science people decided to deny my application for grad studies and the reason: "We don't feel you want it enough." That really crushed my spirit especially after working hard for two years before and revising my thesis proposal 5 times and having it well liked by every english prof in the department that I brought it too.
This hurt me even more when I knew other people who got into other MA fields and put in maybe a tenth of the effort and had relatively weak thesis proposals.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 18, 03
Join Date: Feb 2003
beach*bum is an unknown quantity at this point
i met this guy almost four years ago. we'll call him...lenny.
we met, we went to a "rave"...we had fun. we hung out. we talked. we watched and danced and laughed.
then i left. back to calgary i went.
then i came back to visit my friend liz again [she introduced lenny and i] a year and a half later. i saw lenny again. we talked, we partied, we laughed. we had fun again.
then two years later. i move back to vancity.
who's one of my best out here...?...lenny.
then the roommate at the time thing turns out badly.
some time goes by.
lenny and i are really close. really close. we chill. we dance. we have fun. again. and then one day...poof...we're together. it was meant to be. i'm convinced it was.

there's little details that are coincidental and shit that i won't go into because they won't make sense...but it all adds up.
fate. i believe in it.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old May 18, 03
Hot Rod Ho
Join Date: Jun 2002
MistressSpankME is an unknown quantity at this point
Hhmm fate. I think to a certain point I have control over things in my life, but others just happen. It's impossible to have control over EVERYTHING that happens in your life.

My fate story is a little similar to your first one batgirl. Me and my friends had met a group of guys when we were at the pool (this was years ago) We exchenged numbers and started hanging out together. Me and one of them got close, never officially went out but we were seeing eachother for almost a year. There was a month or two when we somehow drifted apart. I met someone & ended up going out with him. The other guy sudenly appeared back in my life and was pretty upset that I had gone out with another guy. But, things ended with guy #2, and I got back together with my original "flame". One night we were talking about our relationship (online, stupid move) and he misunderstood somethign i said and got angry, got drunk, and got a girlfriend. He didn't tell me this of course. I found out from somebody else, even after seeing them at the mall together and not knowing. Anyways, I waited a little for him because of his lies. Let's just say a relative of his (don't ask haha, hes not like 30 or something so don't worry) told me about the things he was saying behind myback and how I deserved better. I finally left the guy . I was fucked over nicely by this little episode,. i was badly depressed etc etc. Alot like You (batgirl) were by the sounds of it. I finally started hanging out with this other guy, and we quickly became good friends no one has ever done so much for me EVER. If it wasn't for him I don't think I ever would have made it out of my depression. And he continues to be one of the only people that keeps me out of it.
If me and my friens hadn't met that first fucker at the pool, I hadn't gotten involved with him, and this other guy sneak on the computer to essentially betray guy #1 in order to tell me how he acted behind my back and that I deserved better, I probably would be in a mental institution or not alive at all. To me, that is fate. GOOD fate :)

Last edited by MistressSpankME; May 18, 03 at 12:54 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old May 18, 03
Join Date: Feb 2002
Chi Chi is an unknown quantity at this point
You know when u got something good. I dunno if I believe in fate but when u find someone that you can totally relate to and you totally dig, DONT fuck around. Headgames, and unnessisary bullshit are the things that make good things that some consider fate come to an end! Right now, if I believed in fate I would have to say its workin my way! I got a slam ass gurl and were on the same page and IT FUCKEN ROCKS! Shes moving from TO to here soon and holy sheeeeeat I hope the best!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 19, 03
Join Date: Jan 2001
stringbeans has a spectacular aura aboutstringbeans has a spectacular aura about
fate only exists if you believe in it.

if you believe in fate, then every single decision you make in life can be an example of "fate"

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 19, 03
Join Date: Jun 2001
Rytalin is an unknown quantity at this point
last fall

I was in the middle of an open relationship

which I THOUGHT I could handle
but everytime I was told about the "openness" of it, it triggered a low level negative emotion responce. it just made me feel liek shit everytime I head about it, even though I kep telling myself its was okay. Even to this day, I know she loves (and loved) me and wouldn't leave... she still hasnt. But the low level emotional programming was still there. "PLAYING WITH OTHER BOYS = BAAAADDDD .... YOU HURT NOWWW!!!" or something to that effect.

It got to a point where I came to the realization.

I NEED to change.

I need to either get out of this relationship, or shed this autononomous emotional responce, which actually, Ive had with me all my life.

then, for some reason (possibly, the subject of the post) I decided to go eat a bunch of mushrooms with a particularily psychadellic friend of mine, instead of go hang out wth this girl which was causing me this emotional pain.

we ate a fuck of alot of mushooms (plus syrian rue... my first experience with the combonation of the 2)... and eventuall I went completely insane.

I felt liek I completely lost my mind, was totally insane... babbleing nonsense... bwwagowachiiglabochiwaachogwabloobeechaw ojiwachochoooowaaaa.. and stuff to that effect... pretty ,uch felt like I was having evil spirits exorcized from me.

once I came down, my jealousy issues were gone.

like, completely gone.

I haven't had any jealousy issues since.

It couldn't have been anything other than fate.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old May 20, 03
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
Last august, I met a backpacker on the skytrain.. Seon Crockford from Aus. We started talking and I showed him my artwork, which he complimented ina way that really was flattering to me (i am not easily flattered with my art). Over coffee (that I bought for the two of us) we talked about life and the way we perceived it. He had some really interesting shit to say and I remember him telling me to live my life for myself and not for any one else. etc.. he was generally a really optimistic and easy going guy, which really brightened my day because during that period of time I was kind of going through blue moods. just shitty times..

he made me smoke some weed and taught me how to skateboard. Something I've always wanted to try since I was young but never had the guts or the skateboard to do. It was hella fun, and it was just amazing to bump into such an interesting random stranger and become engaged in such an interesting conversation.

He left me with his e-mail address, which I hadn't touched until now. Last night I e-mailed his address assuming that he prob didn't use it anymore. Today, I got a response from him, and he actually still remembers me, as well as the design I drew for him on his leather bound journal. He's in Florida right now, heading to new york and then hopefully to england. It's so nice to get acquainted with a stranger. I remember thinking that it was more than just chance to run into some one like that.
Fate story numero deux... well, it could be an unecessarily long story, but to cut it short. Something about liking some one for a very long time, even before I really knew him and then eventually ending up with him in a cemetary, on our first "date", approx two years later. it's just that now that I think of it, i believe that many events had to fall into place for us to have been able to end up together.. It's hard to explain it without sounding psycho.. so I stop here, and I'll keep my fate story to myself.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old May 20, 03
sooo fucken ugly
Join Date: May 2001
sungoo is an unknown quantity at this point
Everything that I've ever really wanted, has come true...
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