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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jun 10, 03
Join Date: Jun 2002
[edit_out] is an unknown quantity at this point

A fine white dust lies over everything, the harsh sunlight filtering the world into a stark caricature of itself. Serenity fills the void that people have left, and for a moment the empty pavement is a thing of rough beauty, pounded and cracked over years into a spiraling pattern of light and darkness. The empty buildings beckon at the light, every face a testament to the change that man had wrought upon the world. A broken window throws a myriad of lights into the shade, reflecting in the glare. Silent, and glorious, are these monoliths that mark a time now past, although they too, in time will crumble, like the bones of their creators. The wind stirs up a chalky dust that blows through a stairwell, and it settles upon each step like snow, lightly drawing a veil over the worn walkway. For a moment, pure emptiness dominates the scene, making a mockery of the once frenetic city.

Vines have crept up, pulling and pushing apart crumbling stonework in their slow effort to stretch out to the sun, each falling sliver of concrete punctuating the silence with it’s cacophonous return to the ground. A lazy trail of ivy dominates the city centre, masking the pallid architecture with a brilliant flourish of green and silver. There are too many years for the structure to stand up against, and it will soon fall, not designed to withstand the ravages of time without man. This time is real time, only now recovering and reasserting it’s natural flow, pulling the behemoths of stone down with hands that stretch to each end of the universe, inescapable. Those hands will take the whole planet, someday, but for now they are content to work leisurely, and allow the leaves to spend their brief moments in the sun.

[edited_out : foolishness]

Last edited by [edit_out]; Jun 10, 03 at 04:51 AM.
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