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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 23, 03
Join Date: May 2003
Magi is on a distinguished road
The War has begun (well, 2 days ago)


Are we right in opposing the RIAA?

Discuss. hrhr.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 23, 03
semblence within chaos.
Join Date: May 2003
decypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the rough
sure the idea of stealing music as people say is a complicated one, and it no doubt has very good points on each side.... sure people are downloading music and making CDs instead of buying them, but the hardcore music fans still buy cd's because they want to support there artists they feel have put alot of work into there music.... all my friends who are hardcore into metal, or punk or electronic music, or hip hop well go out and by a mix or a albulm to show there support, other people i know who just listen to whatever is on the radio, or whatever there friends are listening too, are the ones who just make a mix cd of all there favourite tracks....i dont see how sueing people is gonna solve the "problem", the music industry is still cashing in, u dont see rock stars cashing in there porsches or starving on the streets... i mean they still make money, instead of rock/pop stars being fucking stinking rich, they are now just pretty stinking rich, maybe if they weren't supporting there drug habits/wasting money,maybe it wouldn't seem like they weren't making as much money as before.... all this sueing is just taking money and giving it to the rich, which seems to happen alot... so what if the big mainstream rock/pop stars have to start putting more effort into there CD, or maybe throw in some extra cd-rom crap to make the albulm more appealing... better for us... the internet is out of our hands, they can't just simply stamp out p2p, its here to stay... its not like the RIAA doesen't have a shit load of money already, i heard a story about how much they make off licensing music to these internet music streaming companys around the world, and pretty much allowing them to make no profit... now those companys are gonna sue the RIAA, its big companys like the RIAA that have all the people under them forking over cash, making it impossible for small business to thrive.... (monopoly!), whats next? kicking down some kids door and taking his fuckin piggy bank? oh wait, whats what there trying to do now...

Last edited by decypher; Jul 23, 03 at 01:19 AM.
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