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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jul 24, 03
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9/11 2 Years Later?

So what if anything are you going to do to commemerate the 2 year anniversary of the tragadies of that day? I will be attending a screening of the movie AfterMath: Unanswered Questions From 9/11. This will then be followed up by a discusion pannel and questions from the floor. It's an event that will be taking place in cities around the world to help better understand the impacts of 9/11 on people in their own communities. It will also be based around the concept of a citizens inquiry into the events of 9/11 and trying to shed some light on the facts that are known at this time.


Does giving up our rights make us safer? What are bills C35 and C36?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jul 24, 03
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It will most likely be the same as it was last year, just a solemn day.

Although it was tragic, I do agree that in its aftermath things have been grossly glorified, personal freedom has been sacrificed in the hope that some will feel safer...however, I think on my part (and maybe this is slightly naive, but I think a lot of people feel this way) that exact day made me realize just how vulnerable I am, my country is, and western society is on a whole. Nothing that has happened in the world during my 21 years of existence has affected me like this has. You grow up celebrating rememberance day, the americans have their vetran's day, and we all learn the importance of the sacrifices made so that this would never happen again, and for some time I honestly believed that I would never see such things in my life. How silly of me.

This day always makes me feel a little sad, to think of the people who died on both sides, unsuspecting travellers and office workers...and young men angry enough and devoted enough to a cause that they would want to sacrifice their own lives, and the lives of others on an almost epic scale so that someone may finally understand the plight that has been occuring on the other side of the world for years.

I don't know how much I agree with the political ping-pong that has seemed to occur in all of its aftermath. There ought to be a time just to remember and to grieve for all the victims of this tragedy, no matter how they were involved, or what their nationality was. We know the USA is bad, we know the Taliban is too, so is Israel, so is Palestine- but there should be just one single day where we show respect to all of those who have passed away on 9/11, and also as a result of the aftermath (war, etc.)

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jul 24, 03
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I think everyone is going to make a big deal out of it like last year...Really I feel bad for the Americans but fuck get over it already...It is 2 years ago and they still bring it to our attention on tv and shit...Like they don't need to do it this year again...Last year was enough...The most I will do is go to church for them...Even though I don't like going to church!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jul 24, 03
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If you're not interested in policitcs history has shown that politics will take an interest in you.

Last edited by Senior; Jul 24, 03 at 06:00 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jul 24, 03
jap jap is offline
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Originally posted by craz_e_blossom
I think everyone is going to make a big deal out of it like last year...Really I feel bad for the Americans but fuck get over it already...It is 2 years ago and they still bring it to our attention on tv and shit...Like they don't need to do it this year again...Last year was enough...The most I will do is go to church for them...Even though I don't like going to church!
SHUT THE FUCK UP LIL CUNT, you dont even know what you're talking about.......

i have a friend that lost somebody important in that incident......

you feel bad for the americans??? wow, they must feel really happy now.....

what if that shit happened in VANCOUVER? (example)

would you still be saying the same shit?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jul 24, 03
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Originally posted by jap

SHUT THE FUCK UP LIL CUNT, you dont even know what you're talking about.......

i have a friend that lost somebody important in that incident......

you feel bad for the americans??? wow, they must feel really happy now.....

what if that shit happened in VANCOUVER? (example)

would you still be saying the same shit?
yeah... i agree.... except for the lil cunt thing...it is a big deal....so many people died....how do u expected people to get over the something like that in 2 years.....innocent people died for no reason....you wouldn't be saying the same thing if u knew someone who died in the 9/11 tragedy.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jul 24, 03
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Me I got over it in a year...I get over things faster...Jap shut the fuck up you talk fuckin tough... :finger: I don't care what you guys think my oppinion I think it shouldn't be a big deal anymore...Shit happens...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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Yeah Bill C-36 is scary, anti-terrorist legislation, and it could only be passed with such a crisis as 911 to lead up to it, people wouldn't agree with it before hand. Speaking of Canadian laws, go and look into "Lawful Access" while you're at it, this allows government agencies to access your ISP without consent to view emails, aswell as wire tapping, not only that but they also are allowed to spread the info to overseas authorities and the police. It's simply an invasion of privacy, period.

Wake up people, many can already smell this stinking rat of a cover up, how many times do you have to hear the goverment say "give up your liberty for security"?

What insentive does that give them to stop?

It doesn't at all, it gives them the insentive to engineer the terrorism, and that's exactly what happened on 911. The us has since tripled military spending and are going massively in debt, the Carlyle Group (which George Bush senior is a part of) went from 5th leading weapons contractor in the world a few months b4 sept 11th to 1st! That's right 1st! in 1 month after the incident.

And that is just the very surface of the conspiracy, remember folks this is all a part of the public record, this is documented, the truth is out there so google it up and see for yourself. And go d/l "Alex Jones 911: The Road to Tyranny" off Kazza if you're to lazy to read.

Mark Paul


Nolan I am commemerating 911 by throwing protest/party, I will post info in the next 2 weeks about it in the promo section but I have a feeling you may want to be involved, if that's the case give me a PM in the next few days and I'll let you know the scoop.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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I feel awful for what happend 2 years ago. Too many innocent lives taken to swiftly. It's crazy to think that people would think that this would be the right thing to do.
But I have to say, overall in my life it didnt make any difference whatsoever. It's a real tradgedy but I'm really sick of the americans making a huge deal about it so far down the road. Think about it: if something like this happened to Canada, would we make the whole world mourn over something that happened years ago? and would anyone care?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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if rambo was sent in it'd be all over
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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this is just another pointless oppinion of the already abundant masses...but here it goes anyway.

people. let the fucking topic die.

What happened was NOT COOL :N: Neither is Genital Herpes or siphilis, but ya know what, it happens.

This is prolly one of those topics for most of you that hasn't hit home until recently.

Yes it happened in our backyard.

No, no has the right to take a life, let alone more than one.

but neither does that justify bombing a country back to the stone age nor taking a life (or more) in retaliation is in order.

This is like the sheltered suburban boy being introduced to metal and cheeba. Sheltered, naive, black and white beliefs were shattered, and not-QUITE-but-STILL suburban boy liked it (<--symbolizing oppurtinity, greed and war) when the grey started seeping in.

Grow the fuck up, look in a foreign news paper one day (preferably middle eastern), and most importantly...

drop the fucking subject please.

Last edited by Goat; Jul 25, 03 at 09:04 AM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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i wont morn the day of september 11, ill morn the day that Bush decided to go to war or iraq. Why doesnt anyone care about the tens of thousands of innocent people who were killed there?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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Originally posted by Senior:
If you're not interested in policitcs history has shown that politics will take an interest in you.
I find it quite concerning that a lot of you people don't think that these events have had an impact on your lives. If you exam what's being said right now we are looking at the start of a world war.

If you look back to a historical context you'll see that events like 9/11 have been the flash points for the start of some of the worst conflicts in history. The Japanese attack of Pearl Harbour was at the time seen as a similar incident. The American people were told that it was a surprise attack with out any warning and as we all know the U.S. used that as the pretext to join the second world war. What we know now is that the attack on Pearl was NOT a surprise attack and that the U.S. had received a declaration of war announcing the attack prior to it happening.

Hitler did the same thing to start the second world war. He burned down his own parliment buildings and claimed it was done bye terrorists who were from Poland. He then invaded Poland to protect Germany from the said terrorists. That was the start of WW2.

Now with 9/11 there were several clear warnings that the attack was coming. When the White House and FAA said that they never thought this kind of thing could ever happen it was a flat out lie. It is well documented that over the last 30+ years terrorists have high jacked comercial air lines and blown them up to make political statements. As an example due to the concern that terrorists would attack the G8 Summit in Genoa Italy by flying airliners into the conference building the summit was ringed with anti aircraft guns.

I believe that what we are about to see is the decline of the American Empire.

Last edited by Senior; Jul 25, 03 at 02:54 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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Originally posted by Goat
this is just another pointless oppinion of the already abundant masses...but here it goes anyway.

people. let the fucking topic die.

What happened was NOT COOL :N: Neither is Genital Herpes or siphilis, but ya know what, it happens.

This is prolly one of those topics for most of you that hasn't hit home until recently.

Yes it happened in our backyard.

No, no has the right to take a life, let alone more than one.

but neither does that justify bombing a country back to the stone age nor taking a life (or more) in retaliation is in order.

This is like the sheltered suburban boy being introduced to metal and cheeba. Sheltered, naive, black and white beliefs were shattered, and not-QUITE-but-STILL suburban boy liked it (&lt;--symbolizing oppurtinity, greed and war) when the grey started seeping in.

Grow the fuck up, look in a foreign news paper one day (preferably middle eastern), and most importantly...

drop the fucking subject please.
max....i don't think you comprehend the implications of just "letting it go."

9/11 bred the Iraq War, which in turn bred strained international relations and the loss of certain civil liberties.

If we can't trace the root cause of Bush's new policies, then we cannot justifiably oppose them; for example, if we simply forgot the original Gulf War, then we could not argue it as the cause of the debilitating Gulf War syndrome. Similarly, by commemorating 9/11, we can remember it as the smoke and mirrors justification of the current scandelous war. Thus, we will not become helpless victims of Bush's haphazard policy-making, as we can remember the true root cause- not the cause he would like us to believe.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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Originally posted by Goat:
drop the fucking subject please.
If you're not interested in policitcs history has shown that politics will take an interest in you.

Not only is this an escalating problem on the level that the U.S. is likely to start more wars in the near future but also in the sense that Iraq is going to get a lot worse. CANADIAN peace keepers are going to be sent into these places after the fact and people we care about will be coming home dead.

I really don't see how you can ignore a problem like this.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jul 25, 03
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It's easy to want to drop it, when you're young and life is ruled by drugs, raves, living in the now...when you live somewhere that you feel is unaffected by things happening elsewhere.

Telling people to get over 9/11 is just as fucking ridiculous as telling people to stop dwelling on the holocaust, the bombing of hiroshima, or charles fucking manson. Shit happens every day, but that is just pointing out the obvious, things that happen on a massive scale don't happen every fucking day, and have more of an affect on people's lives than you'd care to notice.

You just don't let atrocities fucking die, that is so stupid to think that they can. You're supposed to learn from these things so that they don't happen again, they are supposed to affect us so we can learn. Being affected by an event and talking about it is not always as extreme and patriotic as the American media would paint it, and I think it is unbelievable that some people would paint everyone who remembers that day in the same colour.

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