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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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I have family there too......

My cousin lives in the Bronx.

Thank God she is a nurse, as we all know they need them right now. 10 000 health care providers from around the US were sent to NY today in hopes of helping the cause.

She's probably working her ass off.

Makes me proud.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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mister-peenutt has a little shameless behaviour in the past
i seriously hope there isn't gonna be a HUGE war that becomes of this event.

kuz my two cousins are part of the USMC ((us marine core)) and they will most likely be put on duty there.

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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well first i was freaked about the whole war thing too, but my history teacher said that this will NOT be a world war III... becuz it's not a nation that's declaring "war" against america, but a GROUP of terrorists...

(or something like that that's what he said...)

ANYWAYS... DAMMIT FRIGGGGGGGGIT HOLY FREAKING HELL! I can't give blood cuz i'm under age... and... i've only been sober for 3 months anyways..
*argh* i usually wouldn't give blood cuz I'm a fraidy cat but after I heard bout this I was like.. ppl are sufferin and I'm too fraid to give blood?

yeah.. if ur of age ur lucky...

ha.. my mom is getting upset bout how they keep goin back to "pearl harbour"... but well, it's reality...
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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this is just fucked up.... u never think anything like this can actually happen "nah its all in the movies" .. i was listenin to Z in the mornin (i always do when i get ready for school).. and they have news on every now and then and they said a plane crashed into the WTC ... and i tjought it was just another plane crash (been so many lately).. and then my dad calls from work and told me to go watch CNN ... and i saw the second plane crash into the southern tower i was just stunned.... we were talkin about it in socials 2day and basically we came to the concusion that its all about retaliation on the US from the middle east people... and im scared with Bush's comment (cant remember the words exaclly ) but it was sumthin along the idea that whoever takes responsability for this is gonna pay.. and obviously this means war... and if US goes into war we go to. Altho i dont think whoever did this is lookin to start a war ... because c'mon if thats why they wanted they would've bombed some aircraft base and not the headquarters... and also the crash in Camp Davis.. thats more like a sign reminding US that they didnt forget about US helpin Jerusalim gain their independence. and i dont mean to sound mean or whatever by sayin this but what the hell was US expecting after "mistakenly" bombing some middle east countrys? .. andways.. whatever Bush decides to do i hope his got enuff brains to make the right decision... yeah ok im out of words still cant believe this is happening.....


my heart and prayers go out to all the people that have to go thru all this mess....
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
bob bob is offline
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if the US decides to go nuclear... we're all probably fucked... i say we start digging a hole somewhere in the middle of nowhere, inside a mountain range... like somewhere up in the northern rockies, right by the bc/alberta border... if we start digging now, i bet we could build a pretty damn good shelter, that mite survive us a nuclear holocaust / nuclear winter / fallout / whatever... i say we let everyone do what they gotta do, end up dead, then we come out of hiding 2 years later, take over the world, call it UFUCKINGTOPIA, raise the canadian flag, crack open a beer, and start this hellhole over again...
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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Originally posted by bob
if the US decides to go nuclear... we're all probably fucked... i say we start digging a hole somewhere in the middle of nowhere, inside a mountain range... like somewhere up in the northern rockies, right by the bc/alberta border... if we start digging now, i bet we could build a pretty damn good shelter, that mite survive us a nuclear holocaust / nuclear winter / fallout / whatever... i say we let everyone do what they gotta do, end up dead, then we come out of hiding 2 years later, take over the world, call it UFUCKINGTOPIA, raise the canadian flag, crack open a beer, and start this hellhole over again...
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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We're not there yet Bob......

I hope to God we never have to do that.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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bob, you're just saying that cuz it happened in the simpsons you freak. why would you want to hide from the bomb? facial mutations are sexy?

they said there are more dead than there are wounded... im a lil worried cuz i have relatives in potential places for the next attack if there were to be one.. since they underestimated the amount of ppl that would donate blood, some hospitals have run out of blood packs..

Honestly, I smell another WW3 coming ahead of us...
tuffy dear, there has never been a ww 3 (yet at least) so how can there be another one?

if US declared war, what would you do? what COULD you do?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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i have 2 COMPLETELY different things i would do...

1) i'd get myself into the military, and go apeshit... probably die, but at least i gave it my all.

2) drag some hippies out of retirement, and get them to help me set up a political revolution ... seeing as canada doesn't really have any direct involvement in this (yet)... as like the US didn't need to stick their nose into vietnam... well, they kinda did from a political perspective, hehe... stupid cold war...

WE COULD ALL TAKE THE GONDO...GONDO-LO-LA? up to grouse mountain and have our own little woodstock/weedstock or something like that... ehehe...

meh... i'd probably just sit at home on f&k and let the US fuck the world over... i mean really, WHO DIDN'T SEE THIS COMING!?! there's like 400 movies out there that are about this kind of situation... that one with denzel washington & gene hackman is almost EXACTLY the same situation, i forget what it's called...

seriously... this was bound to happen. i wasn't surprised when i heard the news of todays events.


- this could be a direct message to george w. bush... seeing as his daddy blew the fuck out of iraq...

- the planes could've been hijacked by americans. who are currently sitting at home, no reason to worry about being caught, not for a while at least. by time they do get figured out, the airports will be open again and they can fuck off...

- wesley snipes did it. he's been in the movies, he knows what to do and how to get away with it.

- the unabomber lives.

- 5 pilots are sitting in an airport lounge drinking, one says to the other "i really hate this job..." the others agree... push leads to shove, and so goes the story.....

- they let bob on an airplane.

- a secret anti-terrorist US military group, with private funding, pulled off the operation. they later blame the attacks on terrorists, so the president FINALLY decides to take some REAL action about the terrorist situation, and just kill them all... the anti-terrorist group is happy because there's no more terrorists, and they come out looking like they saved the world... they later kill the president, and stuff...
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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wow...thats all i have to say is wow....

this is one, if not the biggest news in american history not to mention world history. It really scarey to think about how much many people were killed in this. and the amount of destruction too! did you see the footage of the building collapsing?? wow....ash and soot past deeper than waist height, people jumping form the buildings to escape the fumes....how and why would someone do this to innocent civilians? imagine the hate they must feel to take their own lives for a cause like this? what does it accomplish?

the scariest thing is how well planned and organized this must have been. they highjacked not one, not two, but 4 (or 5...i'm not sure) planes!!! It's hard enough to steal one, but stealing 4...all at the same time!! Thats some fuckin coordination... It'd take a LOT of maney and some powerful people to pull this whole thing off.

i don't know if this will result in war though. It wasn't a country attacking the US, it was individual people. (for example) If a canadian is attacked by an american, does america get punished? no, the individual does. But if afganistan is sheltering this Bin Laden (if thats who did it) then thats one way trouble could get started. i dunno....it's all too crazy.

one thing is for sure....we're going to be feeling the effects of this for a long time. It may seem cold to think this right now but the financial loss this has caused is going to be HUGE. and the loss of the people in those buildings......

there's so many little things that'll be touched by this that we can't even think of.....

it's so crazy....
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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...... is pretty much inevitable.

What can we do???

Pray. That's it.

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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Thats funny cuz i was just wondering if nostradamus predicted anything like this! I've read a couple books about him and their really interesting...this is a pretty big day in history and was thinking maybe nostradamus made a prediction about it....hehe. saves me the trouble of trying to look it up.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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geez beez... if they ever declare world war 3, which wont happen or else my history teacher has to shave his whole head bald...

BUT IF that's even CONSIDERED how STUUUUUUUUUUPIDDDDDDDdd are they? first off it's frikkin monument for gawd sakes... okay and about the people..yeah that part is heart breaking for sure... how lots of people have died through this but how much more do they think are GOING to die if they start a war? I mean this goes waaaaaaaaay back to the whole "do you believe in taking a life-for-a-life, eye for an eye?" thread... i guess it's all personal opinion, but what can it actually SOLVE by killing more people? And not only that but everything goes on a downward spiral...

I'm learning WWI right now, forgive me if I have incorrect information but I've read that the first world war was started by an assanation of the Arch-duke in Austro-Hungaria by the Serbians? Austro-Hungarians wanted revenge for the assasination so they were gonna invade serbia or something but then RUSSIa would come rushing in to help Serbia against the Austro-Hungarians, BUUUUUUT Germany made a deal with austro-hungaria that IF RUSSIA was to attack them, they would help Austro-hungarians out..

everry oneeeee GOT INVOLVED! and same would be the case for the US and this "so-called WWIII"... after a LONG while of fighting they had spent so much money on the war economy went down n everything... And MANY MANY ppl were killed

and then Germany or summin tried to bribe Mexico by offering lotsa money and promising them land (texico... arizona.. etc.) if they attacked the us or something but the us found out about that, pissed off they decided they would intervene in the war, but wuz still iffy about it... or summin like that and when they asked the nations involved what their aims were in this war, this question caught-them off guard.. becuase they had been fighting for so long that basically their aim was just to "Defeat the other"... so i guess ina sense you get so involved that you ten to forget what the hell ur reason was for fighting in the first place.. you look around urself see how much you've lost, and think, all this......... for what???

I mean obviously us should do whatever the hell they have to do... but revenge by starting war? Isn't the reason WHY we study history so we don't repeat the same mistakes again?

lordy lordy.. : P (ps sorry bout the sketchy info i only no bits n pieces of ww1 stuff and it's all scrambled..)
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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mister-peenutt has a little shameless behaviour in the past
i was talking to colleen ((clink)) about this earlier today and she said something that is pretty CRAZY

she was saying that one of her co-workers friends was going around for the past 2months saying "oh FUCK something really bad is going to happen in september..something bad is gonna happen in september" he was saying this because he had a preminission(sp?) that something bad was gonna happen ((obviously))

but for the past 2months he's been saying that they all just laughed. but now look!! its pretty freakin crazy that something did happen. i wish he was wrong but he unfortunatly isn't.

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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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Originally posted by bob

- 5 pilots are sitting in an airport lounge drinking, one says to the other "i really hate this job..." the others agree... push leads to shove, and so goes the story.....

crude....but that didn't stop me from laughing my ass off.

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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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if the american's don't retaliate with violence, their global image of being "hardcore" will be destryoed...

american's live off their own pride. it's almost disgusting. that's why i hate them. they let their pride get in their way, and they get cocky about it. i have no respect for people like that.

the US will probably not back down. if they do, that'll be a global signal to everyone "the US isn't so tough now"

actually, i think 1 positive thing that did come out of this attack, is that it proved to the world that the US isn't invincible. and i personally think alot of people around the world needed to realize that.

another positive thing, is that there's actually an intelligent discussion on f&k for once AHAHAHAHA
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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haha..yoko..later on in the year..u get to learn about the middle east shit with the US..stuff back then is still pretty much the same now with that situation~..

if a war does start...we all know that canada will do/help the US no matter wut so...yeah...lets just hope it doesn't go there..and that it never ever gets to nuclear war....

i was discussing this with tinkerbell(glenda)...she says that its humorous in an ironic way...cuz the americans are so BIG on themselves about how great they are and how great their army and stuff is...well..i dunno..she also said that this won't solve nuthin cuz the US will just wanna fight back...forever it will be a back and forth battle...if only people could forgive..or even just drop their pride or wutever...maybe sumthing could work out..

i dunno..it is devastating..i was just watching about how sum people called their loved ones from the hi-jacked planes..saying their last goodbye..

yeah..they got to the big political/business/govt stuff....wut next?..i think if they really wanted to piss off the states..they would go for the children next..the *future*..like go bombing big ass universities and stuff....but yeah..not that i'm hoping for them to do that or hoping there will be another attack-ish thing...just thinking is all..

**my prayers go to all who suffered from this in any way~
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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don't u ever sit at work and say shit like that? and wanna blow up your office or something!?! at my old work, we plotted to burn the place down everyday! we even go the boss on our side cuz we convinced him that his insurance would cover more than his company was worth... ahahaha...
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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Originally posted by yoko*

I mean obviously US should do whatever the hell they have to do... but revenge by starting war? Isn't the reason WHY we study history so we don't repeat the same mistakes again?

TRUE THAT!!! thats one of the most intelligent things i've read in this thread.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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I find it hard to believe that some people find humor out of this situation.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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yah I was watching the news and a witness (well y'cant really trust witnesses but y'know)

a witness said that when the buildings were falling down a person behind him was laughing...

But I dunno, i guess I can't completely blame some one who was laughing as their first reaction.. I mean you see a building falling down, one of the most important buildings in us and ur thinking.. wtf is going on? you don't even know *how* to react...

misterpeenutt. that's pretty scary.. bout that preminition... betcha his friends aren't laughing NOW.. :)
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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my sis just told me that they suspect that people have been calling their families and stuff from the basement of the wto buildings....its sad to think that they are alive and trapped down there..and know think that they are gonna die...lets hope more people get rescued...and more peopel get found within the nite~
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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i'm sorry if i've been a little insensitive...

blame hollywood, they make so many movies about this, how can they expect a stunning reaction from me when i see this stuff on tv everyday?

and honestly, things would get kinda annoying in this thread if everyone said the same thing over and over... "i'm so scared, boohoo, yadeeyadadada"...

once again, i'm sorry if i offend u. i know u have family in NY. my best (female) friend's dad is on business in NY right now, she just saw him last week for the first time in 2 years, and now she's not sure if she'll ever see him again...
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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sometimes people react to sensitive/bad situations with humor in an attempt to make it seem better. you know, like, it's a natural defence mechanism to sheild oneself from actually truly thinking about the effects, or maybe to lighten the situation, because some people find serious situations uncomfortable

i admit, i've cracked a few jokes... most probably because i didn't know what to say, and because i was too scared to -really- think about what was happening.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 01
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Don't worry about it... Thank you for apologizing. :Kimmie:
I guess it just upsets me to think my sister is down there you know? I just got off the phone with her, it was such a relief. It's true about how people are still trapped under there, and are calling their relatives to let them know they are alive, and also in hopes of getting help. Imagine getting that call? It's horrible.

She also said that the New York Fire Chief and Deputee were both killed in attempts to save the people in the building. Their like the 2 top guys in the fire department...

Think off all the civilians who died:
those in the WTO buildings
those on the planes
Ambulance workers

I hope they find the fuckers who did this..
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