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  #76 (permalink)  
Old Nov 10, 03
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
Originally posted by WPG
its karina! that sucks cuz i left at like 12. i must have just missed u! DAMN!
u see dave, ryan, mikee, mike and erin?
cuz when i left, they were all still there
it sucked cuz i wanted to stay harshly badly!
oh....WPG....white pants girl

thanks soo much for coming....that means lots to me...

sorry i missed u there though....cause we got there kinda late...

do u use msn? add me [email protected]

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  #77 (permalink)  
Old Nov 10, 03
WPG WPG is offline
essen sie mich!
Join Date: Sep 2003
WPG is an unknown quantity at this point

oh....WPG....white pants girl
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old Nov 10, 03
WPG WPG is offline
essen sie mich!
Join Date: Sep 2003
WPG is an unknown quantity at this point
well i usually only get super pissed at ppl like that when im either in a hurry or am having pms..........those to things make me have very little patience which makes me become super bitch and i just start pushing those slow muther fuking galivanters out of my way!
QUOTE]Originally posted by brokencrayon

ya haha i am a girl, i just dont like shopping for the following reasons:

to start off... theres those ppl that tend to walk incredibly slow and theres no way to get around them but they walk like turtles!which takes up shopping time and then u dont get all of ur shopping done in one day and hafta waste another day putting up with this crap. :finger: MOVE UR ASS! some ppl dont have all week to shop!. then theres those ppl at malls *cringes* oh how i hate malls. these ppl go to the mall not to shop but to just walk around doing nothing, or to walk around looking at guys/girls. ur not shopping like the rest of us and ur taking up space so go play in traffic or something... then theres the whole process once ur in a store . finding wat u need and if its clothes u have to go try everything on which i hate but of course u gotta do it or else at least one thing wont fit and then u gotta come back and exchange it the next day and try stuff on to make sure it fits this time. and then when ur finally done that and u think ur free to pay and get the hell outa there. UR NOT! u still gotta wayt in that long ass line up with those bastards who try to budge in front of u. and then when u say something politely they look all stunned as if they did nothing wrong. excuse me but im trying to be polite and not throw the next thing i see in ur face so get to the the back of the fukin line and wait ur goddam turn like everyone else! :moon: :D .and that is why i dont like shopping hehe i have a question for u sweetie .. how do u deal with this crap when ur shopping without going nuts?
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old Nov 11, 03
Join Date: Oct 2003
brokencrayon is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by WPG
well i usually only get super pissed at ppl like that when im either in a hurry or am having pms..........those to things make me have very little patience which makes me become super bitch and i just start pushing those slow muther fuking galivanters out of my way!
QUOTE]Originally posted by brokencrayon

ya haha i am a girl, i just dont like shopping for the following reasons:

to start off... theres those ppl that tend to walk incredibly slow and theres no way to get around them but they walk like turtles!which takes up shopping time and then u dont get all of ur shopping done in one day and hafta waste another day putting up with this crap. :finger: MOVE UR ASS! some ppl dont have all week to shop!. then theres those ppl at malls *cringes* oh how i hate malls. these ppl go to the mall not to shop but to just walk around doing nothing, or to walk around looking at guys/girls. ur not shopping like the rest of us and ur taking up space so go play in traffic or something... then theres the whole process once ur in a store . finding wat u need and if its clothes u have to go try everything on which i hate but of course u gotta do it or else at least one thing wont fit and then u gotta come back and exchange it the next day and try stuff on to make sure it fits this time. and then when ur finally done that and u think ur free to pay and get the hell outa there. UR NOT! u still gotta wayt in that long ass line up with those bastards who try to budge in front of u. and then when u say something politely they look all stunned as if they did nothing wrong. excuse me but im trying to be polite and not throw the next thing i see in ur face so get to the the back of the fukin line and wait ur goddam turn like everyone else! :moon: :D .and that is why i dont like shopping hehe i have a question for u sweetie .. how do u deal with this crap when ur shopping without going nuts?

yah heh .. i dunno why but when i go shopping im almost always in a hurry to get it over and done with. pushing eh? maybe i shall try this next time and see how it works. i usually try to be nice and say exsqueeze me but they never listen of course. maybe its time i result to a nice shove out of my way when necessary and see if my shopping experiences improve :kam:
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