What kinds of weird lingo do you have?
I made up two today. obsese phat=insanely cool to an extreme anorexic phat=not too cool at all I told my friend that he is obese phat, and he was like, 'Gee thanks. Well, I AM getting a beer belly.' Then I explained it to him and he was like, 'Well, in that case, you're FAT BASTARD phat.' haha... What are some lil' things that you say all the time? Erica :AZN: |
i say
Thats just not right. lol to anything i dissapprove of my friend says Get out! and does a little wave thingy. mad phat chillaxin some you already know... oh. i sometimes say no no no no no in a fading tone to dissaprove to the opint i think its dumb or the person is a dumbass |
"just shutup"
"the shitdip you dipshit in" "bwaoum" (don't ask) "d000d!" "use the buddha finger" "you think you're tough, well you're not. you're chicken! ohhhh is that so? you wanna prove it to me?" (hehe) "johnny?" "hey how's it going?" |
bitz this, bitz that. bitz means a finished art peice "check out my bitz". bitz means my posessions "let me pack up my bitz" bitz can mean an action " let me do my bitz" but most of all, bitz is used as a pronoun or an adjective... "you know, the bitzy bitz... with the thing..." fuckin' geeks eh? r. |
i'm such a retard... i posted my phrases...
my lingo is pretty simple seeing as I DON'T TALK!!! bob is everything. bob is emotional. i'm bobbed off. feeling bobbed out. etc. bob is a noun. i'll kick u in the bob. hi, i'm bob. hi, i'm A bob. bob is a verb. bobbing for apples. bob u in the balls. etc... bob can be onomatopoeia (fuckin' sp?). bob. bob! etc. etc. |
Here try this out.
Hey man, u c the hoops on that c'est un fille? pg eh? they were like vg man. pg cabbage too man. did u get a do-ing? nah man, but i'm h-e. yeah man. pgpg.wouldn't mind k-ing the cabbage man. pgpg. that would be something i would say to my friends. u try to see what it means. I'm out. Kx. :GrassHopp |
me and my friends have so much i dunno if i can even say it all? haha..
*finger movements* aqui aqui.. HWAH! fat worm! pee pee.. makes ppl.. go to washrooms.. TONGUE SPASM! the flood gates are open! finger spasm... ANH..UAL! hehe periodic table of elements.. headless chickens tip toeing thru the tulips! hip hop...hip hop... i like little boys!! [and little girls!] um.. ya.. hehe i think that's enuff for now.. hehe i wo'nt tell u waht they all mean tho..cuz.. ur not speshul enuff to know..hehe.. |
that's fucking hilarious man... i've got a mental picture of some hardcore FOB stoner saying that shit... |
Hhahah BOB!
hahaha that was awsome man!!
well me and a friend came up with the basis of that lingo back in grade 8. then in gr 12 we added some more new ones to keep up with the times. good shit no 1 can ever know if we're making fun of them or if we're praising them!! hahah awsome shit! Dats all i gotta say. I'm outs. Kx. :GrassHopp |
"twattwat"...sounds like what what when said fast but not.... "wurd!" k these ones are my personal lingo things...if i ever hear someone say these imma freak!! "foonani!" "foolio!" lil catch phrase.... "im chillin like a villain sippin on da pennicilin!" ... cant think of anything else right now.... corrie |