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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 03
Join Date: Apr 2001
*baby*nat* is an unknown quantity at this point
Survey for class - help a gal out ;)


Just wondering if you could help me out with a project I have to survey these questions.

Could you also please include your age and race and sex

Thanks tons in advanced!

- Natasha <3


1) Name 3 non-profit health organizations

2) Have your ever heard of the Kidney Foundation?

3) If so, what do you know about them?

4) What would persuade you to donate money or volunteer time to the Kidney Foundation?

5) Do you currently support any non-profits?

6) If so, why do you support them? (Particular reasons?)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 03
Join Date: Jun 2001
krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
1) Name 3 non-profit health organizations
-bc cancer society
-bc cancer agency
-alheimers association

2) Have your ever heard of the Kidney Foundation?

3) If so, what do you know about them?
that they help people with kidney related problems such as kidney failure and disease. that they foundation is made up of volunteers and donars and survivors.

4) What would persuade you to donate money or volunteer time to the Kidney Foundation?
if i had more time or money.

5) Do you currently support any non-profits?
-the alzheimers association (by giving money)
-the canadian cancer society (by volunteering)
-and various other ones, 2 bucks comes off my paychecks to go towards tons of different organizations

6) If so, why do you support them? (Particular reasons?)
because alzheimers and cancer has effected my like greatly...i've had a friend pass away from cancer, two friends that currently have it, three relatives that have had it.
and hte alzheimers because my grandpa has the beginning stages of it, and because my grandma is in the final stage of it.

Last edited by krisamata; Nov 22, 03 at 07:56 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 03
Aki Aki is offline
Join Date: Apr 2001
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1) Name 3 non-profit health organizations
Canadian Diabetes Association
Diabetes Hope Foundation
World Vision

2) Have your ever heard of the Kidney Foundation?
3) If so, what do you know about them?
not much,
maybe set people up with livers if they need transplants
4) What would persuade you to donate money or volunteer time to the Kidney Foundation?
i would possibly donate time right away because a lady at my work has a week to live if she doesn't get a new kidney
5) Do you currently support any non-profits?
Canadian Diabetes Association
6) If so, why do you support them? (Particular reasons?)
i'm diabetic
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 03
Join Date: Apr 2001
*baby*nat* is an unknown quantity at this point

much appreciated!

i need ore tho - c'mon peeps
i'll give you candy .. okay, i won't. but still - help a gal out!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 03
Join Date: Oct 2001
Anjew is on a distinguished road

1) Name 3 non-profit health organizations
World Health Organization
Diabetes Hope foundation

2) Have your ever heard of the Kidney Foundation?

3) If so, what do you know about them?sorry

4) What would persuade you to donate money or volunteer time to the Kidney Foundation?
volunteer time.... nothing. just ask.
donate money... - i just got a ticket so.. sorry lol

5) Do you currently support any non-profits?

6) If so, why do you support them? (Particular reasons?)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Nov 20, 03
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1up motherfucker
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22 year old male caucasian.

Originally posted by *baby*nat*

1) Name 3 non-profit health organizations
- World Wildlife Fund
- Kid's Help Phone
- BC Lung Association.

2) Have your ever heard of the Kidney Foundation?

3) If so, what do you know about them?

4) What would persuade you to donate money or volunteer time to the Kidney Foundation?
Right now, being broke and busy with other stuff, not much chance of something like that happening. I think it would take a bit more steady income on my side and a good understanding of the Foundation itself and how it works.

5) Do you currently support any non-profits?
Not currently, though from time to time I do volunteer work at George Pringle Memorial Camp.

6) If so, why do you support them? (Particular reasons?)
Good personal experience from the camp itself. The volunteering itself has also proved exceptionally useful to me personally.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Join Date: Apr 2001
*baby*nat* is an unknown quantity at this point
Thanks guys!

Get your friends to do it too! I need more ;)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
1) Name 3 non-profit health organizations
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Blood Services (is that one?)

2) Have your ever heard of the Kidney Foundation?

3) If so, what do you know about them?

4) What would persuade you to donate money or volunteer time to the Kidney Foundation?
i would definitely need to know more about this foundation..but being a partime working fulltime student..doesn't leave me with much money or time~

5) Do you currently support any non-profits?
i usually donate to world vision, blood donor and the heart and stroke foundation

6) If so, why do you support them? (Particular reasons?)
cuz i have helped organized events to raise money for those three in the past~
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Nov 22, 03
where's the beach
Join Date: Apr 2003
mugsy is on a distinguished road
19 female white

1) Name 3 non-profit health organizations
bc cancer agency
kids help line
diabetes people that come pick up clothes

2) Have your ever heard of the Kidney Foundation?

3) If so, what do you know about them?

4) What would persuade you to donate money or volunteer time to the Kidney Foundation?
to be completely honest i have learned that i truely help when it affects me, i always say and do want to help, but at thsi point in my life my time is precious, and i know its terrible to say but its honest.

5) Do you currently support any non-profits?
bc cancer angency

6) If so, why do you support them? (Particular reasons?)
bc cancer agency - recently i have been deeply affected byt the reality of cancer, what it does and can do. it has become more than a statistic to me, and because of this iw ant to fight with all of me against it.
diabetes - i always give clothes away, which can be bad at some points cause it leaves me with shit clothing, but at least i have the shit clothing to wear.
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