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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
In response to the Kandy Kid thread.

in response to the kandy kid thread.

someone give me 8 logical (ie: they're salty <-- does not count)
what's wrong with candy'd ravers? details, please.
now give me 8 for barstars.
what about junglists?
now give me 8 for every other genre.

without trying to attack anyone or any genre in particular: Why do people bitch and complain in general: Are they irritated? Did they have a bad day? G/f or b/f break up with them? Bad day at work - the list goes on.
Everyone hurts, everyone cries, everyone gets angry, and so forth, that's human. That's life.
What is it that makes a person lash out? - 9/10 times, the 'hurt', the 'anger' the emotion is too great to solve, or someone doesn't have the necessary tools to solve or cope with it.

you are not alone.

Remember back in elementary school when someone said you were 'fat'? or was it 'ugly'? 'stupid' perhaps? or maybe you just weren't 'cool' enough. Those feelings that rose from those simple little words, how they cut like a dull knife, tearing emotional security away, syllable by aching syllable. Remember back in school, how when you wore the wrong article of clothing, said the wrong words to the wrong person, or didn't listen to the people singing songs on the radio, how it was socially unnaceptable, how you were socially unnaceptable.

you are not alone.

It sucks, plain and simple, being hurt or the recieving end of a cruel joke. Would you wish that apon anyone of your friends or family, the torment and pain wich accosted you? what makes a stranger any different from a friend or family member?

you are not alone.

Is that person on the street not just a friend who-may-be? Who knows, maybe he'll be your friday drinking buddae, the girl who holds your hair back the next time you puke, the shoulder you cry on when it feels like you've been floored. Who knows? really, no one does.

you are not alone.

connect the dots to each of those paragraphs.
before you put down a genre, give me 8 reasons wich make them intolerable,please.


Last edited by Goat; Jan 06, 04 at 09:11 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
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matéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the roughmatéo is a jewel in the rough
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
MoonBeach coming soon...
Join Date: Oct 2003
Bevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the roughBevvy Swift is a jewel in the rough
you are (with the slight exception of me) probably the smartest and most sensible people on this website. and although we all (at least i hope) took the anti-candy humour lightly, im sure there were candy kids who read that and were really hurt, even though they know (maybe) we were joking around. you are right, the breaking down of genres with scenes and clothes etc. is stupid, (although at times it can be fucking hilarious. don't lie. you laughed at the kandykid thread) and we should all make an effort to accept people, EVEN if they like happy hardcore. PEACE LOVE UNITY RESPECT. fuck all that other bullshit.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
ebbomega's Avatar
1up motherfucker
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Originally posted by Goat
in response to the kandy kid thread.

someone give me 8 logical (ie: they're salty &lt;-- does not count)
what's wrong with candy'd ravers? details, please.
now give me 8 for barstars.
what about junglists?
now give me 8 for every other genre.
Settle for five apiece?

1) The attitude that you must absolutely go all out and do everything that a "candy raver" does in order to understand the concept of PLUR and what it means.
2) Happy Hardcore is like Gummi Bears. Please pace yourself.
3) Whistles are the bane of any rave's existence.
4) Glowsticks can be trippy, but not when they're being so consistently being shoved in your face.
5) The phrase "Ohmygod" should be used a lot more sparingly than it is.

1) The attitude that you must absolutely do nothing that a "cool person" wouldn't do and make no effort to understand the concept of raving and what it means.
2) Too much egotism going on. I'm sure your dick is large and mighty but that doesn't mean you have to scowl at me because I talked to yo woman.
3) I can only stand enough times that someone blurts out "This music really sucks". If you don't like the music, don't come.
4) Quite frankly, that time that they shoved me in my locker in the seventh grade didn't earn them likeability points.
5) General meatmarket mentality. Too much of a sexual push on their attitudes.

1) The attitude that you must absolutely go all out and do everything that a "junglist" does in order to understand the concept of jungle and what it means.
3) Jungle MC's have this strange fascination with absolutely ruining an otherwise decent set.
4) Inability to take a joke.
5) The abbhorence of any genre that isn't jungle.

The Jaded Raver:
1) The attitude that you must absolutely go all out and be "too cool for this shit" and that only someone who partied prior to 1998 can understand the concept of partying and what it means.
2) Too much talk, not enough action. If it's so bad get off your ass and put on a show already.
3) How they fail to see past someone's general appearance of "candyraver", "junglist", "barstar" or whatever to actually understand a person.
4) Parties were better "back in the day" in 2000 now?
5) Complaining doesn't solve much. Once you've made it, move on and do something with your life already.

without trying to attack anyone or any genre in particular: Why do people bitch and complain in general: Are they irritated? Did they have a bad day? G/f or b/f break up with them? Bad day at work - the list goes on.
Everyone hurts, everyone cries, everyone gets angry, and so forth, that's human. That's life.
What is it that makes a person lash out? - 9/10 times, the 'hurt', the 'anger' the emotion is too great to solve, or someone doesn't have the necessary tools to solve or cope with it.
The problem being that you're dealing with a subculture here, not just a singular person. Everybody hurts in the main world as well, but just knowing and understanding that still doesn't stop all the wars that go on out there. Subcultures are in between there. My opinion is that the people who take the subculture too far and automatically claim to be the be-all-end-all of something like the "rave scene" are full of it. And yeah, I know not every Candy Raver and not every Junglist is like that. That's the problem with discrimination, is that it generalises.

connect the dots to each of those paragraphs.
before you put down a genre, give me 8 reasons wich make them intolerable,please.

The problem is this.

Imagine a bus with five people (save the driver). One is a quiet middle-aged man with black/gray hair reading a book. One is a young woman with long red hair playing a Gameboy Advance. One is you.

The last person is a 16-year-old homie-g from North Vancouver who is talking like he grew up in Compton and is barely coherent. He's all up in your face and starts blabbing about going home and smokin' lots of bud and if anybody has a problem with that he'll kick the shit out of them.

Now, I'm not describing any one particular event in my life here, but I'm sure that everybody on here has had a similar experience where someone has been on that level of obnoxiousness. Now the question is: Which person on the bus' face are you going to remember easiest? 9 times out of 10 it'll be the homie-g.

Now take a condensed group of people (say a rave) where a noticeable portion of those obnoxious types have conglomerated and are being their annoying selves, and they're all dressed in bright colours and wearing a shitload of plastic bead bracelets and necklaces. Are you going to notice them when they walk up to you and ask if you're high and hug you when all you're trying to do is fucking dance already, or are you going to notice the eleventy-billion other people wearing the same stuff but are happily leaving you alone and enjoying their own experience?

People notice car wrecks, right? Usually people will notice them and blame it on bad driving, regardless of whether or not that is the case. Same thing goes for say, someone that meets a lot of aggro kids that happen to be junglists... they're going to get that impression of junglists.

I've got nothing wrong with Candy ravers or junglists or barstars or whatever because I've met a bunch that have been really great people. I have a good number of friends on these boards that have at one time or another ascribed to any one of the "raver genres" that you've pointed out.

It doesn't mean that the candyravers who keep saying PLUR so goddamn much aren't going to piss me off.

*edited so I'm not always talking like this*
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
i really look like this!
Join Date: Apr 2001
yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
^great post/read

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
White kids love hip hop
Join Date: Dec 2003
Berta is an unknown quantity at this point
u both got sum very good points
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by ebbomega

Settle for five apiece?
Thank you for presenting yourself in a manner befitting a non threatening confrontation.

The 8 apeice bit was just an attempt to get people past all the non-rational garbage comments.

Which person on the bus' face are you going to remember easiest? 9 times out of 10 it'll be the homie-g.
Very well said. I concede on that point, Kandy Kids are generally the most noticed and memorable stereo-type.

Everybody hurts in the main world as well, but just knowing and understanding that still doesn't stop all the wars that go on out there.
As the subculture still remains part of the rest of the world, the problems and issues exist in both places, you're right about that, the issues just don't vanish when dealing with the other.
99% of the times, wars are pissing contests.
"my dicks bigger"
"no mine is"
and when the other guy whips it out and has the bigger dick, the smaller dicked dood gets angry and kicks him in the nuts. Then the retalitory action by the other guy and so on.
Could the confrontation be diverted, in all likely hood, yes.
What needs to be changed is the way we attack those problems, how we face those dilemas wich confront us daily.

In the end, does it really matter that the other doods dick was bigger? probably not.

My opinion is that the people who take the subculture too far and automatically claim to be the be-all-end-all of something like the "rave scene" are full of it
completely agree with you on that one.
If there's one thing you've pointed out with listing off 5 negatives of each genre, the first one of each was (correct me if i'm wrong) - "People who stereotype themselves and live religiously by those stereotypes placed upon them" eg: candy, hardhouse, anti-jungle etc. This needs to stop. no one needs to act with relgious zealotry

And yeah, I know not every Candy Raver and not every Junglist is like that. That's the problem with discrimination, is that it generalises.
once again, you've hit the nail on the head.

The 1st post of this thread was intended to not attack any subculture or genre of raving in general. But to question the thinking and the way people go around things before they say them.

If a flaily sketchtard is in my way, fuck the flaily sketchtardedness, whatever clothes, colours, or paraphonelia he/she may be wearing.

I'm not justifying condemning anyone based upon what they look like or what music they like. If that individual reacts in ways according a tard, himself and his actions will be judged befittingly.

I was disgusted with the way people were so easily ready to slam a person, it wasn't that they were kandy'd or junglist, it how malicously and ready to commit they were. It disgusts me to see that, raver or not.

you are (with the slight exception of me) probably the smartest and most sensible people on this website
i'm a raver who's pumped untold amounts of poisonous chemicals (willingly) into his own body. enough said.
fuck all that other bullshit.
^THAT'S the attitude i'm talking about. 'fuck this, fuck that.'

Peace - bugger world peace - may you find it within yourself, so that you might live happy, content, and secure in the choices you lead in life.

Love - may you love yourself, and do so without regret, happily, before you love anyone else.

Unity - Not as ravers - As human beings, as people, the human race. We have one planet, we are one animal among many. Let's be united as brothers and sisters and improve are shortcomings.

Respect- i can't stress this enough - Respect for your body and what you put in it.
Respect for you fellow man for the decisions he will make, wich you will not always agree with.
Respect for the planet wich we live on, wich we only have one of.



well said Dave, when we meet i'll buy ya a beer.

Last edited by Goat; Jan 06, 04 at 12:23 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 06, 04
In illusion comfort lies
Join Date: Jul 2002
cyberdog is an unknown quantity at this point
Well, I was gonna post this under the original thread (maybe I still should...the length of everyone else's posts is starting to make me feel inferior...post-length envy anyone?). The only types of candy ravers that annoy me are the ones that are very in-your-face about it, almost like some people with strong religeous beliefs can be very in-your-face about their beliefs as well.

Overall, though, part of me is a little jealous, because I know that most of them are expencing their first tastes of new and wonderous things, and this is their expression of that. And I know that for myself, the magic that accopanied raving (yes, including the first times I took E, etc) when it was new for me is pretty well gone. I'm not saying this as a "bitter raver" (f*ck, I've got way better things to be bitter about)...I enjoy partying, otherwise I wouldn't do it. Life's too short for things you don't enjoy.

I'm saying this in the same way that you love spending time with your girlfriend/boyfriend of two years, even tho every moment isn't a magical new discovery of some aspect of them that you never knew existed before, and which opens you up to other sides of yourself which you never knew existed before.

New experiances are, sadly, fewer and farther between the more you have of them...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 04
Sonic Nacartic
Join Date: Aug 2002
Sykonee will become famous soon enough
Remember back in elementary school when someone said you were 'fat'? or was it 'ugly'? 'stupid' perhaps? or maybe you just weren't 'cool' enough. Those feelings that rose from those simple little words, how they cut like a dull knife, tearing emotional security away, syllable by aching syllable. Remember back in school, how when you wore the wrong article of clothing, said the wrong words to the wrong person, or didn't listen to the people singing songs on the radio, how it was socially unnaceptable, how you were socially unnaceptable.
This never really happened to me. The most socially unacceptable thing I ever did back in school was enjoy 'techno' music when grunge was all the rage (yes, even before hip hop managed to fully invade suburbia). I'd get bugged about it but I also had a select group of associates who enjoyed it as well, so it balanced itself out. The irony of it all was when electronic music became socially acceptable in '97, we were suddenly catapulted to socially accepted, then socially elite. It was quite bizzare.

Really, I have no gripes against the music or the people once it became popular. I'd been enjoying it for quite a while and 'twas nice to see individuals enjoying it as well. However, the segregation that quickly seemed to follow did begin to irritate me. Why? Seeing as how I enjoyed all forms of electronic (although I may swing to certain styles more than others, I still give it all equal respect), I was saddened by the lack of exploration of electronic music's vast library.

In a nutshell, I was given a crash course in all forms of electronic music out of lack of choice. I'd walk into A&B of Seymour and search their electronic music section (lumped in with the industrial, no less, and shoved way in the corner) as it had some of the best selection in the Lower Mainland that I was aware of in those days. You mainly had one of four choices for record labels then: Warp, Harthouse, Hypnotic (Cleopatra), and Moonshine, with a few smaller, unknown labels thrown in. If I wanted something new, I'd have to pick from a very small selection, and would often end up discovering a whole new style of music in the process.

Also, living in Rupert at the time exposed me to a vast variety as well. We had a bumpin' little scene up there in the mid-90's but with halls only large enough to hold one headliner, we'd have every sort of style of music thrown at us during the course of the night. As a result, we all enjoyed everything. Sure, some followed house a little more closer, some trance, some breaks, but we all respected and had fun listening to whatever form of electronic music was playing.

This segregation that's occured seems to stem from the fact that having solid beats and broken beats in different rooms for the course of the night forces too many of us to go to the rooms that we may have more of an inkling towards while ignoring the other ones. In the process, you end up having all these different sub-cultures forming. It's quite disconcerting.

If I go to a party that's got more than one room, I'll usually float between rooms during the course of the night not because I get bored with the music that's being played in one room, but because I want to give my ears a sampling of everything around.

I try not to bitch much and if I do it's normally tongue-in-cheek. But whenever I do go off on something, it tends to stem towards the fact that ravers these days, for the most part, seem to pick a style and stick with it until they grow out of raving. But again, this is just because I was exposed to everything at once during my raving honeymoon, so I gained an appreciation for it all quite quickly. Perhaps I'm just impatient in my hopes that all ravers will gain this same appreciation as well.

Cheers. :smoke1:
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 04
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Goat has a spectacular aura aboutGoat has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by Sykonee

This never really happened to me.
generally speaking. i was trying to get accross that everyone hurts and is hurt at some point and time in life; what gets someone off to the point where they forget what that hurt felt like, to go and inflict it upon someone else.

as for the rest of your post, well said, nice story.

With the amount of veiws/posts in this thread, the lack of response from people speaks more loudly than anything that's been said.

i am disgusted and appalled.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 04
aka "Cyrus"
Join Date: Jul 2001
Candy-Kid is an unknown quantity at this point
:finger: weak
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 04
Sonic Nacartic
Join Date: Aug 2002
Sykonee will become famous soon enough
Heh... I just felt it was a good starting point to tell the tale. 'Twasn't pointing out a flaw in the arguement.

And don't worry about the lack of responses. Big posts scare a lot of people. :kam:
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jan 07, 04
Join Date: Apr 2003
kAyB is an unknown quantity at this point
velamints are gross esp chocolatey mints
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