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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
Using the force
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globe and mail meth article


Very good article. Worth the read.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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Meth is easy to buy and easy to make. Anyone with a stove can cook up a batch. Recipes can be can be found on the Internet, and the main ingredients -- ephedrine, red phosphorous and iodine -- can be purchased at a drug or hardware store, which raises a separate set of environmental concerns.

They didn't really need to post this. This is a great article and it truly scares me how long Meth has been in Vancouver. Only been a few years and its ripping apart the city. I'm sure everyone on this board has delt with a Jibber and its truly sad. :soak:

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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They shouldn't have posted the portion of the article that they did?


It's in every otherr article on meth and just about everyone who does (or has done) it knows what's in the shit and that it can be made easiely.

You can find everything on the net... recipies to make all sorts of shit... not just meth.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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intense stuff - maybe if they raised the price it wouldnt be so accessible in the first place
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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Or maybe they should lower the price of all the good drugs!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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I don't like this line:

"In short, it makes people crazy."

Yes it messes with you, makes you paranoid and such, but that's a stupid thing to say. Meh I just don't like newspaper journalists in general, they always state opinions rather than facts and make propoganda.

But not a bad article.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
just why?
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Originally posted by kandy kid
I don't like this line:

&quot;In short, it makes people crazy.&quot;

Yes it messes with you, makes you paranoid and such, but that's a stupid thing to say. Meh I just don't like newspaper journalists in general, they always state opinions rather than facts and make propoganda.

But not a bad article.
didn't bother reading the article but if that is a direct quote from it then you make an excellent point - simply trying to draw on peoples emotions rather than merely stating the facts and letting people make up their own minds (i.e. instead of being objective and being a good journalist) - which in the case of meth will always lead people to thinking it's a bad thing anyway, absolutely no need to play it up.

And that line about the ingredients is only a half truth as well - if you really want to get the ingredients it's not that hard but it's not like you can simply walk down to your pharmacy and get pure ephedrin and i can assure you buying pure phosphorus and espececially iodine crystals (a 'touch' explosive!) is not as simple as walking to your local hardware store.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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"And while cocaine is still the most widely used drug in Vancouver, police say meth use is climbing. A 2002 study conducted in the area showed 19 per cent of young people aged 12 to 24 had tried it."

well its good that they don't consider weed a drug....
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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We need some overpaid, overeducated person pointing out the completely obvious to us to really drill in the point that meth is bad for you? That drugs themselves can cause brain damage? That they can drive people crazy? Golly, thanks captain obvious.

And the shit about it being mostly on the West Coast? That's complete bollocks. Perhaps it's just more open and out there on the west coast, but to think it's not also huge in cities like toronto, etc is just silly.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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its very hard to find on the east coast ie tdot and ny i lived there my whole life believe me
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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Its not just in big cities. Its in edmonton with a vengance. (A year ago they found a 1million dollar a day lab. With enough Ether to level 4 city blocks) And all over small town alberta. One town of 30,000 had a rate of 73% rate of usage in 18-24 age group.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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Originally posted by kandy kid:
I don't like this line:

&quot;In short, it makes people crazy.&quot;

Yes it messes with you, makes you paranoid and such, but that's a stupid thing to say. Meh I just don't like newspaper journalists in general, they always state opinions rather than facts and make propoganda.

But not a bad article.
Prolonged use of meth does induce psychosis, so in short it does make you crazy.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
just why?
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Originally posted by Scarface
And all over small town alberta. One town of 30,000 had a rate of 73% rate of usage in 18-24 age group.
that's rough...

and yes it's absolutely everywhere, i don't know where the article gets it's stats from but as far as im aware meth has replaced cocaine as the second most used drug in North America (second only to weed of course)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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Originally posted by pbreak:

that's rough...

and yes it's absolutely everywhere, i don't know where the article gets it's stats from but as far as im aware meth has replaced cocaine as the second most used drug in North America (second only to weed of course)
That's my understanding as well, I'm at work right now and would rather not check but I'd bet the WHO (World Health Orginization) would have some stats on that.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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Originally posted by Senior

Prolonged use of meth does induce psychosis, so in short it does make you crazy.
That's the problem.
Everyone's so used to media drughype that the automatically assume everything they hear is exaggerated a bunch.

But it's not exaggerated with meth!!

Their crying of wolf backfired on them, and we get to pay the consequences.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jan 11, 04
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^ Exactly why I personally think harm reduction is ESSENTIAL to responsible drug use and essential to being able to handle drug problems.

Kids, If you're going to do drugs be fucking smart about it. Read up. Sure nothing's going to make you 100% safe and there's always risk. But I'd take shrooms with a .0001% risk factor over a .1% risk factor any day.

Unless you're a thrillseeker in which case enjoy your 8 pills this evening and say hi to the emergency ward interns for me.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jan 12, 04
Don't Believe The Hype
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Meth's definitely not just a west coast thing. Althought it's use is absolutely huge in California, there's currently a raging pandemic going on in the US Mid West.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jan 12, 04
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Originally posted by Rytalin

That's the problem.
Everyone's so used to media drughype that the automatically assume everything they hear is exaggerated a bunch.

But it's not exaggerated with meth!!

Their crying of wolf backfired on them, and we get to pay the consequences.

Its unforuntate that in a useless plight for the profit of liquor and paper companies that governments have tarnished their reputation so badly by predicting doom for those using commonly available and relatively benign marijuana that people beleive they are just as full of shit about something as dangerous as methamphetamine.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jan 12, 04
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Originally posted by Rytalin

That's the problem.
Everyone's so used to media drughype that the automatically assume everything they hear is exaggerated a bunch.

But it's not exaggerated with meth!!

Their crying of wolf backfired on them, and we get to pay the consequences.

baaah, it's not so much that it's completely exaggerated, but it is the fact that they're really doing nothing than stating the completely fucking obvious. I saw very few things in that article that were actual statistical and/or scientific fact...just a sob story "nice girl from the suburbs, gets bored, does drugs, goes crazy, she's better now!" using the scary drug du jour. baaaah!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jan 12, 04
just why?
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Originally posted by miss.myra

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jan 12, 04
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"I loved it," Caitlin said, recounting her first experience with meth. "I couldn't believe how fast I could talk."

lol, damn fast-talkers


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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jan 12, 04
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Asked what she'd tell other kids tempted to try it, she replied: "Don't . It's dirty and it will fuck you up."

well said
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jan 12, 04
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Originally posted by miss.myra

baaah, it's not so much that it's completely exaggerated, but it is the fact that they're really doing nothing than stating the completely fucking obvious. I saw very few things in that article that were actual statistical and/or scientific fact...just a sob story &quot;nice girl from the suburbs, gets bored, does drugs, goes crazy, she's better now!&quot; using the scary drug du jour. baaaah!
I don't recall it ever saying she was better now. I thought it stated the exact opposite. How she suffered from paranoia and minor schizophrenia (hearing voices in the halls at night)
I think they need more stories of peoples experiences out there because most people believe the media is over playing this shit. Stats "blah blah blah." These are the ingredients are in it "yah sure."
I find a lot of people blow that stuff off when they read articles. Just like some people blow off the possibility of some drugs that are said to be in ecstasy. But then again its always going to be hard because its so easy to blow it off and say "that will never happen to me I’m stronger than that." And I’ve heard those words too many times as I’ve watched people go down that road. People just need to realize that they will never know what they are getting themselves into until they walk that mile. They will never know what is in there drugs unless they made it themselves. You still don’t know shit. And to say that you know what you are doing is lying to yourself. But I think it’s good that they use peoples stories as examples. Shows how other people fucked up. I don’t think anyone wants to be lying on there mothers bedroom floor at night freaking out about guns and people that don’t exist in there hallway. So many people just don’t think. They just don’t know what it can do to them. I know that when I was younger I would be more scared hearing that it made you crazy and fucked you up for life than reading about all the shit they put in it because I didn’t know what it all was.
I find a younger crowd trying drugs is more about peer pressure. They don’t go out and read up on a drug first or even know what these in depth studies are talking about.
I don’t mean to generalize but knowing myself and the people around me when I was young. We didn’t know anything. But hearing about people that tried jib etc and what happened to them really made up my mind on most occasions not to go near dirty drugs.

Last edited by Kandyapple; Jan 12, 04 at 05:08 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jan 12, 04
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The globe and mail's target audience is far from impressionable youth that may fall victim to these drugs though.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Jan 13, 04
Using the force
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Originally posted by Kandyapple

I find a younger crowd trying drugs is more about peer pressure. They don’t go out and read up on a drug first or even know what these in depth studies are talking about.
Then they try it...and then they find a million reasons why its "good for you", or better than other drugs.

Depending on the drug, some reaons may be a little valid. But the other side is ignored completely.

Things like:

E is better for you than drinking (huh? doing a concoction of power CNS stimulants that raises your blood pressure, races your heart, and causes byproducts like hydrogen peroxide in your brain, plus whatever you DONT KNOW is in there is better for you than having a few drinks? Arent they BOTH bad for you?)

Pot is bad for you because it slows you down. Speed makes you smarter. (Huh? Last I checked pot was bad for you because users tend to inhale a lot of cancer-causing tars, far more than cigarette smokers. And while speed may make you quicker on the ball for a short time, what about all of those nasty side effects, like harsh physical addition, depression, and permanent brain damage?)

Mushrooms are OK because they are natural. (Mushrooms are relatively benign, but under the wrong circumstances can make you have schitzophrenic episodes, both while and after you are high depending on what happens to you externally and in your thoughts while you are on them.)

Coke is ok because it wears off quickly, not like meth. (Um... tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people who got addicted to coke and screwed up their lives. They are both bad)

That may be a weird motley crew mix of things, just trying to get the point across. We've all heard them from someone who is just starting to get into a drug a little too much.

Most of us who have tried a drug have fallen prey to it - finding all kinds of reasons why its a good thing, not a potentially dangerous risk we are taking with ourselves and our brains.
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