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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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Eerie ghost?

I'm currently working in a long term care facility right now that we're shutting down by March. The facility is quite old with a 70's structure. There's about 100 rooms or so, but there's 9 residents remaining. Therefore, working nights gets a little lonely and creepy at times.

It reminds me of the movie, "The Shining" :soak:

I don't believe in ghosts or anything, but every time I'm at work there's always this one room that calls (meaning that the call bell for that room is being pulled). Unfortunately, there is no one that resides in that room, and hasn't been for quite some time now. The last resident that occupied that room died quite some time ago.

If you're thinking that another resident is pulling the cord and skipping back to their room, that would be impossible as the remaining few need supervision with their care, and the closest resident lives at least a dozen doors down.

We thought it was a technical problem, and it was checked out, and it appears that everything is running well...

Another issue is that there's an intercom system that runs throughout the building. It's not in use any more and the power for the whole system has been in cobwebs for a while now. But there is this one speaker right infront of that same room that makes these eerie noises. It sounds like static with background noises - like from that movie, "Signs", if anyone has watched it. It's constantly on... but the main power for this whole system is turned off.

So, for anyone who believes in this parameter thingy or 4th dimension, or whatever you call it... explain this one to me? :047:
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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thats creepy

it creeped me out reading it!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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Oh yeah, there's this lady that wakes up at 4:30am every morning, dressed or sometimes not, with her duffle bag and jacket on that says "she's going now".

She's apparently coherent throughout the day/evening.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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that sounds like a creepy job

especially at night
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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Didn't know that nursing would be this spooky...

Last week I had a weird guy come up to the double doors and ring the doorbell. When I asked him what he wanted, he mumbled "I need coffee" over and over, and then walked away
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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i think as the years go on, you'll get used to it.

my mom tells me about weird things like this quite often, some still weird her out, but most she's used to by now.

the call bell could very well be a ghost. maybe that person was trying to use the call bell before they died? or something along those lines, who knows. i believe in ghosts though, so it seems likely enough to me.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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Originally posted by kiMMie
Oh yeah, there's this lady that wakes up at 4:30am every morning, dressed or sometimes not, with her duffle bag and jacket on that says "she's going now".

She's apparently coherent throughout the day/evening.
seen kpax???

Originally posted by Dean
thats creepy

it creeped me out reading it!
haha me too

hey kimmie ya should setup a camera and record where the room alarm would get triggered, maybe get some supernatural footage
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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i volunteer to stay in the creepy room!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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I've got a friend who could tell you ghost stories that would scare the shit out of you. He's had a ton of experiences...

Here's just one story he related to me. He was at his sister's wedding.. just chilling out, having a good time.. his sister was a bit sloshed.. well, really sloshed. She comes up to him and says "I have to tell you something".

He figures she probably wouldn't have told him if she hadn't been so drunk.. she says to him "I have to tell you about this one night, back when we were kids.. I heard noises in the middle of the night.. they sounded like they were coming from your room.. so I got up to see what was going on.. something about the noises.. they sounded strange. When I looked in your room, you were asleep... but you were levitating above your bed."

That's like.. one of the LESS scary ghost stories he's related to me.

He hates ghosts and such. Fully believes in them, fears them, and says they've followed him around all his life. And he doesn't like it.

I think I can understand why.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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Creepy... was reading in the dark and now the lights on :eyes:
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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I've caught myself standing under the speaker listening to the fuzzy static sounds, staring into the room and whispering "hello? did someone call? is somebody in there?"

I was gripping the flashlight so hard that my knuckles hurt... :014:

I felt I was in some horrible thriller and the killer or something entity was gonna jump out from the back of the door as soon as I start to turn away. You know the feeling like something is there, and all the hairs on your arms sit up, or you get instant goose bumps??

We don't go to that side anymore... when we have to, we run past it :284:

"I see dead people"
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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Wow , thats weird, very weird... I dont know what to say...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jan 16, 04
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I want to see a ghost!!!!!!!! That's super creepy, but interesting also. It would be super freaky though! I believe in ghosts 100%, just have yet to see one :(
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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my mom's friend used to work at a mental hospital in the 50s somwhere around here, it was in new west i think. called the Number Nine. they shut it down tho. anywhoo, her friend was really low on the employee ladder and was in charge of sending food down to the basement. in the basement is where they kept all the kids with water on the brain. so they had these timy bodies and huge huge malformed heads, and were'nt cared for at all, the kids were completely socially inept and unable to show emotion, and didn't know how to speak properly and scream and yell when she came down there and threw their shit (like, shit shit, they didn't even have proper bathroom facilities for these kids or anything) at her and stuff. so yah. scary stuff.
you know what is just sooo much creepy-assed fun?!? going to the east lawn building at riverview in the middle of the nite. the one that's all condemned and burnt and boarded up. it's scary as fuck! drive behind the building and turn off the car and sit there, too much. there's no way i'd ever fuckin get out of the car tho. eeeeeewe! freaky.

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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creepy story. *shudder* wouldn't want to work there.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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I doubt you have anything to be scared about.

As you said it has housed alot of sick people, and I'm sure alot of people have died there. Now I DO believe in in this stuff, but in a place like that it seem perfectly reasonable to me that things like that are happening. There are probably alot of sad, lonely souls lingering around. They may just want company or some attention, of course it's creepy when things like that happen. Even I get scared, but I highly doubt anything there is out to hurt anyone.

Now what's scary is the abandoned parts of the riverside. There are alot of tortured, abandoned and probably angry souls there, and blood in bathrooms where there shouldn't be :(

I worked on set there once, and was told about a small girl that will wander the halls while the crew is working. She's about 9 years old and just wanders, they even have a name for her..

Last edited by MistressSpankME; Jan 17, 04 at 01:45 AM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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that is pretty creepy cece. if they really freaked ya out, you would have quit by now, no? this reminds me of that movie that I can't remember, where the thing was like something else. regardless, I liked kpax but this isnt anything like it. plus signs was terrible.

cece why dont you unplug (or hell cut!!) the power line, and see what happens?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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If you guys wanna see a really good movie.... check out "Ju-on". This japanese horror flick. It's not so much "jump out of your seat scary", but more like "creepy stay with you for a while scary".

My work is haunted. It was even on the news during this past halloween. I think like CityTV did a section on in. So much stuff has happened there. A lot of managers and staff have said that when you leave like really late at night after closing... if you look up at the small windows in the top part of the building you can see a women staring back. Only sometimes she's there.

Some info before the next story.
*The building of The Keg i work at is REALLY old. It used to be a trainstation back when they first started using trains in that area, like 1890 i believe. There has been reported to be 2 or 3 fires inwhich both times people have dies tragic deaths*

So this one time a little while back when the bartender was closing down, by the way this guy doesn't believe in ghosts and is a way too serious person. Anyways he was cosing down the bar and there was only him and the managers left, whos office is a floor down. Then something happened in the office and a fire broke loose. I guess what they think happened was that the fire stirred up the spirits and i they got scared or angry. It was an electrical fire so they had to shut off the power in the whole place. So the bartender as closing under a flash light when all of a sudden he heard his name called. He looked up and saw no one, so he continued to work. It happened again from the other side of the room now and he didn't hear anyone come up or move. So he ran down stairs as soon as he heard it and went to the office to bitch at them for scaring him. They were both there the whole time trying doing cashout and said they never left the office. He went back upstiars to finish.. now you have to realize that this place upstiars is really creepy. It's totally silent and pitch black. So he as finally almost done when it happened again, but now it happened more then once at the same time and from different places. His name was being wispered sometimes from accross the room and then a split second like right beside him. It would totally jump accross the room and it was little whispers.... nothing else but his name. The ghosts were calling to him or something. Ever since he has never closed alone and people are always freaked to go upstairs at night when there is no one on the resturaunt.

He my buddy was telling me this we were alone upstiars.....
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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Cece... don't ever watch the hospital hallway scene in Exorcist III.

You'll never want to work in a hospital again after that.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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damn it no shit like this ever happens to me :(
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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Originally posted by Akeel
damn it no shit like this ever happens to me :(
Your BO is so bad it scares the ghosts away.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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this post gives me the shivers... :soak:

kimmie..ur a brave nurse!!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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crackdragon will become famous soon enough
Optics - is that the Keg in New West?? If so I have heard that before... they actually have a book out of haunted places in BC, and they have a similar story to that in it. I think it said it was downstairs though.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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Optics - that all reminds me alot of stories my dad tells me from work.

He works at Global (the TV station) and the building isn't old, but it's not that new either. Anyways, quite a few people have died while employed there, most not in the building though. My dad's worked there since the 70's and he knew a few of them. Anyways, he does the night security/maintenance shift so he's usually there by himself all night, until the morning news people come in. He does rounds, checking the alarms [since they suck] and what not. There have been many times where he's gone through the building, shutting off all the lights and everything, locking things up, only to come back around and find the lights on again. Sometimes it'll be one light and it'll happen repeatedly. Sometimes he'll hear a door shut, or hear other noises. Most often they come from the back shop, where a friend of his used to work. Died a few years ago from a heart attack, but he's still around. My dad knows it's him, sometimes he'll say somethingto him.. ask him to stop messing around or something and he does.

It's a weird feeling, but he's not scared i guess since he did know the people, they were friends and they wouldn't try to hurt him..

I know my house has had a ghost or two visit in it's time as well. There are times where I'll hear weird noises from the other room, like a book moving on a shelf and my dog will start to go crazy. Doesn't bother me though, i always just think it's my neighbour. My mom has heard voices too..

There was a time she was sitting at her comp, and heard someone go "Mom.." as if they were walking down the stairs. She was like "Yes??" and no reply.. there was no one downstairs so she came to my room and asked what I had called for. Well, I never called. I was in my room [on the other side of the house] the entire time..
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 04
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Originally posted by MistressSpankME
Now what's scary is the abandoned parts of the riverside. There are alot of tortured, abandoned and probably angry souls there, and blood in bathrooms where there shouldn't be :(
Um... did half of my mental health rotation there. I stood in for some electroshock therapies. Trust me, just the screams alone almost made me puke

Originally posted by MC Hammered
Cece... don't ever watch the hospital hallway scene in Exorcist III.
Unfortunately you're warning is a tad late. I've already watched it twice. I'm a huge horror flick fan :y: However, watching the whole section of Rogers Video and actually being in one is two totally separate feelings
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