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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 01
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NinjaBoy VS Oprah!

Oh that crazy talk show host.
What oprah says, everyone does.

Yee-haw! She did a special on XTC. I went to the web page to see what she had done.

They had a quiz and everything!!!

Ecstasy is a manmade drug.


Ecstasy is a legal substance.


Um... I can imagine somewhere in middle america some mid aged house wife said what? IT's ILLEGAL????

There are kits you can buy over the Internet to test the purity of an ecstasy pill.


Reputable pharmaceutical companies manufacture ecstasy.


I can also imagine somebody being supprised that this is indeed a flase answer....

The only way to treat an overdose is to sleep it off.


Drinking a lot of water while on ecstasy is very important.


The correct answer is false!
You heard her kids, DO NOT DRINK ANY WATER ON E! EVER!

It is safe to go in a hot tub 6 hours after you take a dose of ecstasy.


WTF? What kinda question is this?

One pill can kill you.


Ecstasy is only found at all-night parties called raves.


fuck... not even going to comment on that.

It is safe to take ecstasy with friends.



Questions I got wrong:

There are kits you can buy over the Internet to test the purity of an ecstasy pill.

Your answer: True

You answered incorrectly.
Learn more: Although there are testing kits on the Web, Detective Todd Raybuck cautions that these kits indicate the presence of MDMA in a pill by changing color; they do not tell you what other harmful or unexpected substances may be in the pill.

Isn't finding the purity exactly that?

other facts

Is it addictive?
Ecstasy causes the user's body to increase its production of serotonin, a natural chemical that effects moods. The increase in serotonin gives the user an euphoric high which last 6 to 24 hours. The body does not become physically addicted to the drug; the user forms an emotional attachment and becomes psychologically addicted

So basically it's not addicting....

But here's the best

More than 50% of high school seniors say it's very easy to score ecstasy... this drug has taken hold of our children and our schools."
— Detective Todd Raybuck

I can score harder drugs the E at most schools a lot easier....

Signs that your child could be using ecstasy
If your child is using ecstasy, you may notice changes in their behavior, in their mood swings, even in the clothes they wear.

-Grades drop off


-Loss of goals and motivation

Or they could be suffering from depression and acusing them of drug use would not help.

-Memory-loss, or inability to remember details, similar to Alzheimer's disease

Kids, don't forget anything your mom asks you ever otherwise you won't hear the end.

-Peer group changes, new friends

New, evil friends.

-Buys child-like costumes: angel wings, glowing jewelry, child's backpacks

Huh? wha? that, but... I mean... uh.

-Possesses paraphernalia: glow sticks, pacifiers, lollipops and mentholated vapor rub

Who-boy, you nailed there oprah!

-Sleeping patterns change
Or it could mean they go to a rave, don't do drugs and sleep the next day.

I think this is a side effect of your parents asking you to many god damn stupid questions cause they saw a stupid oprah show on this.

-Asks for money when going out with friends and stresses they won't be drinking

Or they could be going out with there friends not drinking.

After seeing Lynn's 3-D brain scan, 23-year-old Jennifer said, "To be honest, seeing her brain picture really scared me. Up until this point I felt I was doing it very responsibly at home, with friends."

You saw a squibly blob whithout a legend, graph or anything that could be any part of your brain...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 01
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Re: NinjaBoy VS Oprah!

ninjaboy - 1 \ oprah - 0.

Memory-loss, or inability to remember details, similar to Alzheimer's disease

- yes.. seeing as how e is the only drug that does this of course.. right... i would hardly classify e to such a disease.

Buys child-like costumes: angel wings, glowing jewelry, child's backpacks

-i can see the accusations just come rolling in as its around halloween and children need to get costumes... and i have always been into child like things.. does that mean ive been doing e all my life? course. and im sorry sometimes im too small to shop in the big girls section and i have to buy kids clothes. thanks opera, you just made me feel so much better about myself.

Possesses paraphernalia: glow sticks, pacifiers, lollipops and mentholated vapor rub

-babies have pacifiers.. MY GOD THEY ARE STARTING YOUNG!!


-we're teenagers when are we NOT snappy...

Asks for money when going out with friends and stresses they won't be drinking

-yes cuz us dirty teenagers only spend money on alcohol and drugs.. course! maybe they need money for their friggin' birth control or what not! maybe they are buying guns! oh dear -- cuz we all know teenagers are up to no good!

After seeing Lynn's 3-D brain scan, 23-year-old Jennifer said, "To be honest, seeing her brain picture really scared me. Up until this point I felt I was doing it very responsibly at home, with friends."

-wow im pretty sure its not the drugs that made you that stupid..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 01
Gravity Slave
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But did she say whether or not it is safer that herion, cocaine, crack, pcp, acid, shrooms, jib, glue, gasoline fumes, etc?

The fucking media just loves to hype it up because it is the drung in the spotlight right now.

I betcha there are more kids hooked on crack cocaine right now than there are on E.

I'd like to buy a vowel myself.
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