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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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Family Traditions & Rituals

No joke...

Empty Plate Awards

It's been 6 years and running since we started the empty plate award at family gatherings. I have a fair sized family (lots of us who are in our twenties) and each year we all try to out-eat each other at the big dinners. This year I won hands down....i stomached 2 large plates loaded with potatoes, corn, stuffing, turkey, asparagus, ham and gravy. I lost in 99' to my brother and last year to my sisters bf. This year I changed my strategy. Slow paced and plenty of fluids.
This year we made a trophy to celebrate the occasion and it's resting in the dining room cabinet on full display with my name for 2001. Something about this event that keeps the entire family LOL at the dinner table...

Next eat off...

Christmas....Defending my title :D:
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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your so cute:)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Oct 07, 01
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we have a couple...

first person to spill something on their clothes gets kicked in the ass by the first person to notice...

anyone that doesn't eat their potatoes has to do the dishes... i seem to always win this one...

the first people to leave get less than everyone else on christmas. well, apparently that's the rule, but my grandparents never enforce it...

oh and me and my cousins (the one's who are about the same age as me at least) go out back and have a drinking contest... i usually call it quits before a couple of them, cuz i don't want my mom to see me drunk... and cuz i'm afraid i'll barf up some turkey n' stuffing...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 01
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hahah that's soo kewl ^_^
heheh eating contest... i had a jello eating contest b4...but i choked..hahah and then i came in last... [sadness]

anywho... gj lex!! hope u unbuckled ur belt..hahah ^_^ :msPiggy:
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Oct 08, 01
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*We are the Champions*, right Lex??? Teeheehee :Kimmie: The "potatoes"... the "POTATOES"!!!

Lots of laughs, lots of *crash, crash, and crash*, and lots of *Collette*

So stuffed... can't breathe :284:

You're so silly sometimes :D: Better be ready to defend that title at Christmas :105:

Commence training...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
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this is kinda weird
my family
my uncles fam
my cus fam

all spoile the youngest kid
its true me i get nothing now
my sister get everything she wants

my uncles family they have 2 boys one 10 and the other 5
the 5 year old gets everything from his dad where the 10 year old gets jack all???

its the same with my cusins family its weird kinda depressing too eh whatever fuck em :snyx:
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Oct 09, 01
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Getting really drunk....

It dint happen this year. The big family/extended family/friends thing at my house dint happen this year.....

Last year was good. Vince got FUCKED after one beer!!! He was still high from the party he went to the night before.

Good times.....

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Oct 16, 01
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My Family's Traditions (large family too)


1.) every 4 years (in the summer), my step-dad's aunt & uncle whom own a hunting resort in Northern Saskatchewan hold a family reunion for his side. Everyone comes up, camps, stays in the cabins, fishes, etc.

There is a hall on the resort, to hold functions etc., that is where the parents all keep the alcohol and end up partying in there. (My step-dad's family likes to party) And they drink & drink in there....

...anyways family ritual is, WHOMEVER is found passed out first, is "Painted." And whomever rushes there, can use whatever they chose, lipstick, permanent marker (yes it was used), makeup, and you can even dress the person up...then a picture is taken, and put up on the wall in the hall.

2.) every year at New Years, my step-dad's aunt & uncle whom own the hunting resort hold a family New Year's Party. Everyone gets a cabin, all with wood burning stoves, or crash in their house. We go skidooing, and always the day after a big drinking fest, my uncle attaches a HUGE (semi truck wheel sized) inner-tube to the skidoo and drive around on the frozen lake. The whole family tries to remain on it the longest, whilst the driver tries to whip people off.

...and of course if anyone passes out, they get painted like mentioned in #1

3.) ever since I was tiny, at Christmas time, we would always go to my step-dad's mom's for Christmas eve (Back in Regina). I would always get to open ONE present...and to this day I do.

4.) family rule, everyone gets a new pair of PJ's for Christmas.

5.) on Christmas day, (don't know about other people), but I was never allowed to touch any presents under the tree, till EVERYONE was up, had breakfast & coffee....

...so I was allowed to open the stuff in my stocking when I woke up.

6.) on both my mom & my step dad's side...the grandmother always made the grandchild their stocking for Christmas. I still have my Cabbage Patch Kids one from when I was tiny...and everyone still uses their stocking!

7.) at all family dinners, since my Mom's side is french, there's always wine before, during and after dinner. My cousins and I now see how much wine we can stomach...

8.) at Christmas, we always get a real Christmas tree, and we have only sentimental ornaments beared upon it, (pretty much nothing matches), they're all ones I've made as a child, gifts, etc., etc.

And I think that is all I can think of right now! Most traditions revolve around Christmas time.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Oct 18, 01
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Form: Ha Ha! Now that is what I call a family dinner.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Oct 21, 01
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dunno if these are traditions and whatnot but...

my broham always calls me when hes high/drunk or leaves me weird messages about his friends vomitting.. errr..
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Oct 27, 01
Funked up
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Yeh....wish I had some good family traditionz....unfortunately the only tradition I have is trying to figure out a way to get outta the family gathering, or how to leave early.....

I'm sure if I had cooler cousins, maybe not 7 yearz old and younger, family gatherings would be more fun.....*LOL*

Of course I do have one cool cousin and his brother....my cuz Chris is a party kid...fun guy...(if only he wasn't in TO right now....=( ) I remember one family gathering after Summer Love last year...I had to go to his house and go out with his family for dinner.....we were both EXHAUSTED and so sketchy and didn't wanna eat a thing.....and OF COURSE that rascal got out of it somehow (home court advantage) but I had to go out to some restaurant with his family and eat and talk while he slept. ERGH.....

Sorry....got kinda off topic.....*LOL*

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