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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 04
Join Date: Feb 2004
MsAttitude is an unknown quantity at this point
The high price never stoped me from going... We go every 2nd week or so even at the price. Gotta love the change though more money to spend on the food.

I think they should keep the price at like $10 and all the food the same. They would have so much more business and they wouldnt need to worry about the loss because there wouldnt be any.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 04
dumb it down, would ya?
Join Date: Dec 2001
crookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud ofcrookedking has much to be proud of
this is probably one of the only Times that i've heard of prices going down.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 04
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough
and they wonder why we pirate movies.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Mar 20, 04
Formula - fu2clothing.com
Join Date: Oct 2001
dj4mula is on a distinguished road
Originally posted by MsAttitude
The high price never stoped me from going... We go every 2nd week or so even at the price. Gotta love the change though more money to spend on the food.

I think they should keep the price at like $10 and all the food the same. They would have so much more business and they wouldnt need to worry about the loss because there wouldnt be any.
I doubt the price of food will stay the same. Theartre's make there money from selling food at a markup of 300%. All ticket sales go to the movie companies as royalties to pay the over priced actors. A theatre will only make profit on ticket sales if the movie comes back for a 2nd run and that is rare.

Compared to other forms of entertainment going to a movie is cheap. Going to a movie is only expensive if you buy food after going on a date at a restaurant. :toasted:


PS - Famous Players is opening up a theatre 2 blocks from Robson St. Expect it to do some major business. The apartment builds that are supposed to be constructed above the theatre have been sold out. This theatre is planning to have a sushi bar in the theatre. :PartEkid: Perfect for the yuppie crowd just a few blocks away.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Mar 20, 04
Join Date: Apr 2001
M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
They've been working on that location for a while now. It's a Paramount theatre so you know it'll be super nice!
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Mar 20, 04
Join Date: Sep 2003
Mo... is an unknown quantity at this point
movies are just to damn expensive.. i goto the cheap theater....
4bucks everyday but tuesdays is 2.50... w00t.. the only down side is the seats are not the comfy
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Mar 20, 04
Join Date: Feb 2004
MsAttitude is an unknown quantity at this point
Yeah! we saw that there was a new place going in and the 1st thing I was told was that I had to apply. I hope they will anounce a job fair type thing for that place if they havent already.

Red Robbins and White Spot have movie deals where you buy 2 meals for like $34.95 and you get 2 admit one passes to Famous Players Silver City. We do that almost everytime we see a movie :c-tard:
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