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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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The Dalai Lama

Whoever is going to this today consider yourself really fuckin lucky cuz i'm dying to hear what this guy has to say.

But yeah if you are going, please share what he had to say.

I'm mostly curious about what he has to say about the religious crisis in the world today... what his views on relgion as a whole are....

but yeah. i really wanna go
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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I for sure wanna see this guy.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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Yeah, I would have loved to see him too!

I know I will have a chance to hear him speak in person before I die, because it's on the list of things I gotta do...I'm sure the future will hold a lot of other opportunities.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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apparently the path to spiritual enlightenment is NOT THROUGH A BOTTLE OF TEQUILA.

that's all i have to say about that.

he's pretty hot though. i'd hit that.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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i go humble....

I'm unsure what to expect, I am going in with a clear mind, ready to listen, and think about what is said. I'll take notes and we can share them later on msn.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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The only thing I really regreded while in australia was missing out on the opertunity to see the dalai lama and for FREE too. Lucky friends of mine who were able to see him said the guy is qute funny and has a great sence of humer... quite the charactor.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
tomates seche a l'huile
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aw. that would have been fun to go.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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He thinks all religions should show compassion and mutual respect to other religions. I wish more spirtual leaders of organized religions would follow his holyness.


PS - You don't need a place of worship to believe in something of a great power. Organized religion will be the downfall the middle east.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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he's like the beatles man, he teaches that all you need is love.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
Yeah, I would have loved to see him too!

I know I will have a chance to hear him speak in person before I die, because it's on the list of things I gotta do...I'm sure the future will hold a lot of other opportunities.
This is totally on my "life list of things to do" as well, I'd love to have a conversation with him at some point in my life. It just blows me away that he can remain so kind and compassionate after all he and the Tibetans have been through.
Makes me have hope for mankind :)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
meat princess
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Originally Posted by cheebus420
he's like the beatles man, he teaches that all you need is love.

he is all about love, exept when it comes from same sex couples
he is strongly against gays
which seems kinda hypocritical, as he is sopposed to spread tolerance
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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^wow intresteing point... again dont all monks have to keep there virginity?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
meat princess
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they are supposed to abstain from sex
but if they have had sex before they might not have there virginity
the pope is preaching ot the italians to have more children and how contraceptives are bad
how messed is that

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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such an amazing speech. although, most of it is in all of his books. the greatest part was just seeing him with my own eyes.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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Originally Posted by PHUNK

such an amazing speech. although, most of it is in all of his books. the greatest part was just seeing him with my own eyes.

That is exactly why I want to see him, I've read and understood his books, but being able to see and hear him would just be amazing..
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
like a kick in your side
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Wow. I was going to write a post about this. Crazy that there's already one. I just got back a little while ago from going to see him speak with Erin and my stepmom and dad. I didn't really know what to expect, but he had some really incredible things to say.

I think my favourite thing that he said today was his point on how war is out-dated. He was talking about how back in the day when the world was still separated into different countries and everyone was pretty much self sufficient, war was different because when you won a war, you gained something more. He says that now, since the world is so inter-connected and every country depends on other countries and so forth, that war is a step backwards because essentially when we fight eachother we're fighting ourselves as well. Makes complete sense.

He also answered the question: If Tibet could be freed with violence, would it be worth it? He said 'NO' right away, which obviously makes sense seeing as what he stands for is peace and no violence. I think this question was almost a round-about way of getting him to talk about his opinion on the war in Iraq. If you replace 'Tibet' in the question with 'Iraq', it would be the exact same thing.

All in all he was a really cool guy. The Archbishop tu tu (i think his name was) was also very cool. They played off eachother and were really friendly and funny too. I was pleasantly surprised with his sense of humour and how down to earth he seemed about things.

Chet if what you say is true about his position on gay marriage and all that, then i'm disapointed. I was actually hoping that one of the questions he would get asked would be on that topic as i was interested to see what he had to say.

But yeah, very very very cool. I would like to read more of his stuff in the future now. So amazing to see him in person. Two thumbs up to Dally.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
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great show

i'll post about what i think later on i gotta study for a final tomorrow morning
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 19, 04
Join Date: Dec 2001
wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
He's staying one floor above where i work.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 04
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Moon is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by dj4mula
He thinks all religions should show compassion and mutual respect to other religions. I wish more spirtual leaders of organized religions would follow his holyness.


PS - You don't need a place of worship to believe in something of a great power. Organized religion will be the downfall the middle east.
hmm sidekick to be honest hahaha when he was talking about the violence part i really failed to capture a really deep meaning from it other than violence is just not the answer.

what i felt was really the main focus of his speech was the universal responsibility of everyone to think, act and approach things positively. what really made sense to me was being able to think in reality; if you approach a problem negatively, its more likely you will be unrealistic about it... but if you think about things on a positive angle, you will be more realistic about it.

like war. the violence and hate that starts war are all negative feelings and in the end, nobody wins. when the question about how he would go against terrorism if he were to do things differently, he said simply, i would taget the root problem of terrorism, not exterminate it. Right there, in a more peaceful and postive approach to dealing with such a complex problem like terrorism, things are just more realistic. how the fuck can you exterminate terrorism by force? it's impossible and unrealistic.

to further extend on this again, when you worry about something, if you constantly think and ponder about it, it will only make things worse. try to think about problems on a different more positive angle, and you will be able to tackle the problem more easily and effectively.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 04
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as for tims post which i quoted, haha

yeah organized religion is a serious problem in my opinion as well. the dalai lama didn't really go too deep on it but he did stress and encourage that if we have a faith, practice it and be dedicated to it.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 04
like a kick in your side
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sidekick will become famous soon enough
I agree with all of the above:

I think it was Desmon Tu-tu that was talking about the Terrorism thing, i don't know if the Dalai Lama actually said much on the subject. I remember he deffered one of his questions to the other dude. But yeah, getting to the root of terrorism was a good answer. All the states have done so far about terrorism is say: They are the enemy! We are good! We will vanquish the enemy by counter-acting their violence with some violence of our own!

I think the states needs to take a closer look at why this terrorism started in the first place. Why did they target the states out of all the european countries and canada. I think if they looked at that question things might become a little more clear on how to handle the problem.

I think another thing he talked about that really struck home with me was the power of the mental over the physical. He gave a really great example of how this works too: He was talking about how friendly fire and enemy fire are exactly the same thing. If you get shot by friendly fire it's going to cause just as much damage and pain as if you got shot by enemy fire. However, the difference is how you look at it. If you got shot by friendly fire then you're more likely to just grin and bear the pain and say 'oh it was an accident, i'll be okay, it's really not that bad'...whereas you wouldn't have that outlook if it was enemy fire. I thought that was a good example of mind over matter.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 04
Straight Outta Mocash
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I saw the second talk on Sunday... was interesting to see these guys with my own eyes. It makes the experience a whole lot more personal. It's good to see that people like the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu can keep a good sense of humor too.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 04
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Veni*C will become famous soon enoughVeni*C will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Sidekick

I think another thing he talked about that really struck home with me was the power of the mental over the physical. He gave a really great example of how this works too: He was talking about how friendly fire and enemy fire are exactly the same thing. If you get shot by friendly fire it's going to cause just as much damage and pain as if you got shot by enemy fire. However, the difference is how you look at it. If you got shot by friendly fire then you're more likely to just grin and bear the pain and say 'oh it was an accident, i'll be okay, it's really not that bad'...whereas you wouldn't have that outlook if it was enemy fire. I thought that was a good example of mind over matter.
i really like that example! :)
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 04
Straight Outta Mocash
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Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
Did anyone else notice the people outside protesting the event with signs about going to hell for attending, etc? I mean, an archbishop seemed to think it was okay. Fucking losers.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Apr 20, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
^^haha seriously?

well if we're going to listen to religious preachers, than apparently we're all going to hell. I don't think you can really do anything in life without angering them in some way. So let's all just accept we're going to be going to the big oven underground. I just hope someone brings a fan. ooh ooh and one of those fridges that dispense ice water.
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