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  #26 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
Join Date: Apr 2003
Clayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by Bozga
pop 20 caps and see what happens...i heard you get a personal visit from God...
i also heard that you are invincible
also that you know everything...
pop the 20 caps and see what happens...

to be serious though, only stupid people od... its only the truth...knowing your limit, its simple to know your limit when you feel your high, why get higher with the risk of a seizure.
One of my friends did 23 caps over the night at utopia and he didn't od or talk to god. He was sketchin' for days though.

I've never really od'd but i think i k-holed once.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
Mexico April 21st!
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TipSy is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Wood
damn... just found out that a guy i used to chill with in Victoria OD'd.

and i don't mean he did too many pills at a rave and had to have his stomach pumped. buddy is no longer with us.

ahh fuck... wish i had some explanation for this but no dice. rip cb.

ohh gzz..

IM really sorry to hear that wood
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
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tested01 is an unknown quantity at this point
i k-holed once..that was a wild time.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
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stringbeans has a spectacular aura aboutstringbeans has a spectacular aura about
i think i almost did once.. i felt like i was going to pass out and die

it was new years 2001 and i was drinking straight vodka, smoking triple-a, and had a few grams of mush
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
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Originally Posted by cheebus420
I don't know if you love life as much as you do the "capslock" button ;)
Considering that there's a caps filter, at least you know it was intentionally in caps.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
Mexico April 21st!
Join Date: Mar 2004
TipSy is an unknown quantity at this point
well if u guys came close to O.D'ing
did you have ur friends or people helping u out..or did they just leave u?
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
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I've had a couple times where my friends were really concerned about me ODing on them at a party. It was really strange though because it would go up and down. One min I would have my eyes rolled into the back of my head and the next I would be up and dancing. So it was so hard to tell. I have a tendency to take naps at parties so i'm glad that nothing ever happned to me because I don't think people would realize that I was in trouble thinking I was just taking a nap.

One thing I can say is though I will never trust a white dove again. 3 times it has made me look like I could keel over. But it's not just the brand thats shitty which is unfortunate because its different every time. You can't just avoid certain pills because they are always changing.
I'm so small so it's hard to know how much to take for my body size. And also because you never know the dose in each pill. I found the best way was to just put it in a water bottle and sip it. When I felt I was as high as I wanted to be I would just stop that way I wouldnt get a big dose all at once that I couldnt handle.
But it took me a little while to smarten up and figure out what worked for me to avoid getting to the point where it could go either way.

I'm glad I quit doing drugs though. Now I don't even have to worry about it. Just maybe for my friends.

Last edited by Kandyapple; May 11, 04 at 01:01 PM.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
Join Date: Apr 2003
Clayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura about
My friend railed 6 green chenelle's and od'd on his front lawn. His parents weren't impressed.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
White kids love hip hop
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Berta is an unknown quantity at this point
nope i've never od'd but i know many many friends who have...
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
like a kick in your side
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sidekick will become famous soon enough
It's definitly important to know your limit. Before I do anything, I always read up as much as I can on it, make sure I'm well informed. Know how to handle it, what to do and what not to do.

When I was in Australia, I saw someone OD on GHB at a club. That was the scariest thing in my life. We were sitting on the floor and this guy started to convulse next to us, looking like he was going to puke. But he was just twitching like crazy, then the bouncer's took him away. Luckily they had a medical room in the club and i guess they did what they needed to do because I saw him at the same club a couple of weeks later.

Scary though. Once you begin doing drugs for awhile you get this crazy idea that they're okay, but seeing something like that is really a big wakeup call. I'll never forget that.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
White kids love hip hop
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Berta is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Sidekick
It's definitly important to know your limit. Before I do anything, I always read up as much as I can on it, make sure I'm well informed. Know how to handle it, what to do and what not to do.
i usually do so too
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
like a kick in your side
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sidekick will become famous soon enough
^^I really wish everyone did that.

I remember being at a party once and this girl was telling me about how she once did this crazy gel cap, and I asked her what was in it and she was like..i dunno..some white powder.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
Go Canucks Go!!
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^ y a but reading up on it, and actually sticking to what you read are two big differnt things.

I am sure lots of people have read up on the drugs they are doing and stuff like that too, but the bottomline is when they do the drugs they throw all that away. The smart ones are always in control of their brains. Regardless of if they are on drugs or not.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
like a kick in your side
Join Date: Feb 2004
sidekick will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by KenJi
^ y a but reading up on it, and actually sticking to what you read are two big differnt things.

I am sure lots of people have read up on the drugs they are doing and stuff like that too, but the bottomline is when they do the drugs they throw all that away. The smart ones are always in control of their brains. Regardless of if they are on drugs or not.
This is true. But I can't remember a time when I've been so messed up that I've lost control of my ability to think. That would just scare me.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
....fucking evol
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neoh will become famous soon enough
^^^ absolutely.
Always read up on your drugs before you take them.

I try to do as much research as possible before even touching anything, and always try to do it in an isolated environment, or with close friends.

I've never OD'd, not even close. Anyone who OD's obviously dont know their limit, are trying to show off, or are just plain too stupid to know what they are doing. It's a shame to see.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
like a kick in your side
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sidekick will become famous soon enough
Just this last Saturday a guy in my frat was doing G, and then he went off and i found him later drinking straight vodka out of a bottle in his room. Apparently he passed out for an hour and a half and doesn't remember a thing about what happened. He didn't even know that drinking while on G can kill you. Freaked me out.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
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BenGiovanni is an unknown quantity at this point
knowing your drugs is one thing (wether it be the effect...or the cuts in the pills your holding in your hand)...handling amounts is another...
i kno what a good high is...compared to a cracked out one... and a mellow one...and a speedy one.... and a fucked up one...
knowing the high of the pill before hand is good before doing them in excess...i can honestly say someone doing 10 caps of pure mdma to someone doing 10 caps of white dove will turn out diff........way diff. Some people just arent satisfied with the high... or the amount of the cut in the pill that they wanna enchance it....popping another one...but soon you pop those 2...then they both fully digest...then your soo retarded that your high tells you being high is good and another pill will elongae/make you HIGHER!!! leading to tards doing 4-10 in a night... props for them for getting through their sketchy phase tho...wowie
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
Mexico April 21st!
Join Date: Mar 2004
TipSy is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Kandyapple
I've had a couple times where my friends were really concerned about me ODing on them at a party. It was really strange though because it would go up and down. One min I would have my eyes rolled into the back of my head and the next I would be up and dancing. So it was so hard to tell. I have a tendency to take naps at parties so i'm glad that nothing ever happned to me because I don't think people would realize that I was in trouble thinking I was just taking a nap.

One thing I can say is though I will never trust a white dove again. 3 times it has made me look like I could keel over. But it's not just the brand thats shitty which is unfortunate because its different every time. You can't just avoid certain pills because they are always changing.
I'm so small so it's hard to know how much to take for my body size. And also because you never know the dose in each pill. I found the best way was to just put it in a water bottle and sip it. When I felt I was as high as I wanted to be I would just stop that way I wouldnt get a big dose all at once that I couldnt handle.
But it took me a little while to smarten up and figure out what worked for me to avoid getting to the point where it could go either way.

I'm glad I quit doing drugs though. Now I don't even have to worry about it. Just maybe for my friends.

This is the same thing with me..im very light weight, and sometimes its hard to know how much is right, but i havent been doing E for a while now..i kinda jus started...
what made me start to think about this topic of even doing drugs was when i was at history of breaks..the pill i took was seriuosly horrible..the worst feeling ever!!! ..not even realizing what it was..this was a huge mistake on my behalf..i should of never took something i wasnt aware of or looked at very closely...but thats my fault...

I guess with any pill ppl take..u never really know whats in it, unless your there when the person makes it..

Doing E always makes me think...is it worth feeling this gross afterwards..

Anways Thanx guys for sharing your stories i really appreciate it..
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old May 11, 04
prangin' out
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zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
probably, but i've never gone to the hospital for it

so i supose... technically... "no"
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old May 12, 04
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messejesse is an unknown quantity at this point
its sad

I was at that point too clair~~~when ur body collapses on u..."fawkin peice of junk body!~I look like I belong in a jewish hollacaust" n being to scared to sleep because u dont know if ur gonna wake up its scary I know....not like hospitals would do anything anyways...fawkin no government funding hospital bullshit. aa good times............ I will never think like that/ be like that/ act like that again~and it all started when I stopped caring

I'm sorry ppl if some one does that many drugs maybe theres a reason behind it all..........so to make a retarded decision, it was backed up by a valid reason. Fuck u all
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old May 12, 04
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kAyB is an unknown quantity at this point
nope never o'd before..
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 04
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theCookee is an unknown quantity at this point
Once on GHB.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 04
benz and a backpack
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axion is an unknown quantity at this point
i never have o'd and im positive that i never will.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 04
Mexico April 21st!
Join Date: Mar 2004
TipSy is an unknown quantity at this point
wow most of you guys have come close...
but do u guys still see urself going back to that drug...
or have you stopped completely?

if you guys havent stopped why not? Arent u scared that something like that mite happen again..or are you in control now?
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old May 13, 04
what a small world...
Join Date: Mar 2004
N888 is an unknown quantity at this point
I'm currently listening to DJ Tomcraft - Overdose
She DoeSN'T!
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