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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
eff eff
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Originally Posted by Dead Mike
the amount of emoticons in that first post....simply amazing

"You must spread some Karma around before giving it to Dead Mike again."
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
You thought that was a twist ending? Seriously?

As someone who is probably a bigger alien and predator fan that you. (Own all the movies, all the comics, the techincal guide and worked for the company that produced the aliens vs predator card game). Don't try telling me that true fans would enjoy it. It was a horrible plot, the characters didn't develop at all, and probably the worse ending to a movie I've seen in recent memory.

This movie is even worse than Alien 3 and Alien 4...
YOU SHOULD REALLY READ MY FIRST POST CAREFULLY BLIND-EYES! Seriously, where the fuck did I say the movie had a good plot? Where did I say the characters should be developed? I could care less about those details. I was all in for the action, just like Kenji pointed out. I am a big fan of Predator and Alien, but I could not predict that something would blast out of the predator's stomache at the end scene, could you?:070: I am also a huge Mortal Kombat fan. When MK came out, sure the plot sucked and so did the acting, but damnit, I was in for Sub Zero(his, and Scorpion's outfits ruled!) and the fighting. That's it.

Since when is there the joy to go see a movie and care less about being a Roger Ebert or that other skinny guy and criticize the shit out of a movie? Ninja Boy:"...probably the worse ending to a movie I've seen in recent memory."
Probably because you took so much E you have no decent memory left so you can just shut up :)
E_Boy: Yeah, I will go see the movie again. But I am not going to look and pinpoint any cheesy spots because it is a waste of my time and lacks enjoyment.
If I were to compare this movie to Lara Croft Tombraider, I pick AVP. More action, more killing. Both plots suck. But WHO CARES?!? If you don't like it that's fine, but I am not gonna force anyone to see the movie because my opinion is what matters. :sh4n3:Hell no. :D
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
Go Canucks Go!!
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No way man Mortal Kombat the first movie had an pretty good plot for how the game is.

The way they based it on Liu Kang's brother dying, and him seeking revenge, and than johnny cage having to live up to hi s movie reputation.

And how they made repetile an actual lizard. and goro

oh man Mortal Kombat had an awesome plot at least for a movie based on a fighting game
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
Living In The Schisms
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Don't waste your money. Unless you're a die-hard fan of the series... otherwise you will be dissapointed.

And your eyes will bleed.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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^^^I overplayed the MK games, and I know enough about the game that I chose to say the plot sucked cuz I already knew what was gonna happen and there was nothing new for me to look forward too. Read what Dj Coastal wrote:"i saw the movie with bunch of my friends last friday when it just came out... the movie was good but so predictable..." For me, MK was predictable.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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that was for kenji^ :)
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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I see.

If you wanted a bad plot though how about Street Fighter the movie with Jean Claude Van damn.

not the anime one, that one was good
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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dude, ANY movie with Jead Claude Van Damn I-Suck is a bad movie. Street Fighter sucked the big twelve incher too :( I am thinking blood sport was ok. Only because the other fighters were better actors :D
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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Blood Sport was good, i didn't mind kick boxer either. You can't go wrong with TONG PO
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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Both movies had killer bad guys.

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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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Originally Posted by Antenna_Boy

E_Boy: Yeah, I will go see the movie again. But I am not going to look and pinpoint any cheesy spots because it is a waste of my time and lacks enjoyment.
If I were to compare this movie to Lara Croft Tombraider, I pick AVP. More action, more killing. Both plots suck. But WHO CARES?!? If you don't like it that's fine, but I am not gonna force anyone to see the movie because my opinion is what matters. :sh4n3:Hell no. :D
Oh no i totally know what ur saying. I can never disagree. When i watch movies i always have 2 sides of opinion. For AvP as a movie critic yes the movie blew. It sucked in everything. But as a person who went to watch it and not caring all the cheesy moments make for some really good laughs, the action lacked due to no rated R but it was still interesting and dope to see the alien and predator. i dont regret watching it at all i was entertained on a certain level.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
f.k.a. DetN8R
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Originally Posted by Antenna_Boy
I am a big fan of Predator and Alien, but I could not predict that something would blast out of the predator's stomache at the end scene, could you?:070:
Shhhh! Don't ruin it. Sorry to say, but you totally predict that's gonna happen cuz they show the face hugger jump on the predator's face after he takes his mask off about half way through the movie. All cheese aside, good movie, good effects. Not enough action, humans died too fast, and I didn't care either way, cuz none of the human characters had any depth. BTW, doesn't the predator at the end giving the chick an advanced predator weapon kind of negate the extreme measures they take (ie blowing themselves and half the jungle up), making sure humans don't find out about them? PLOT HOLE!
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
Vital Input
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frequency is an unknown quantity at this point
i still havent seen it yet but i want to

Last edited by frequency; Aug 20, 04 at 02:12 PM.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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Originally Posted by DetN8R
Shhhh! Don't ruin it. Sorry to say, but you totally predict that's gonna happen cuz they show the face hugger jump on the predator's face after he takes his mask off about half way through the movie. All cheese aside, good movie, good effects. Not enough action, humans died too fast, and I didn't care either way, cuz none of the human characters had any depth. BTW, doesn't the predator at the end giving the chick an advanced predator weapon kind of negate the extreme measures they take (ie blowing themselves and half the jungle up), making sure humans don't find out about them? PLOT HOLE!
wouldn't that be interesting to see a sequal to this movie...only this time the preds come back to get their gift weapon back from the chick :) hahah
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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Wait, are you sure we are talking about the SAME AVP movie here? Predator, strong but independent woman, Aliens, running away holding hands, probably had some sort of love chemistry inbetween them - same AVP?

Maybe I've been taking too much "E" and it's somehow malfunctioned my ability to remember correctly, but I do remember thinking the ending was pretty stupid. I'm a big fan of Alien and Predator movies, and I am now in denial that this film even exists. God, after watching this filth, I had to wash my eyes with gasoline.

I don't know about you, but PG-13 movies aren't generally known for their action or fighting... Why not watch something that's probably going to contain more "action" and "fighting"? Such films are usually rated R and will fulfill one's need to wack off into a jar after such stimulating material has been presented.

It's great that you thought this movie was DA BOMB, but I will never get over the fact that I'll never get my time back :(
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Aug 20, 04
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there is counselling available if you need it =)^
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Aug 21, 04
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phatisphat is an unknown quantity at this point
What do you really expect?

If you expected some deep character development don't go see this movie. What do people really expect, this is a slasher movie! There is gonna be some cheese, look at Freddy vs Jason, hella cheese!. As for the plot what do you expect? Again its a slasher movie, its all about the action and special fx. Just take it with a grain of salt and enjoy it for what it is.

As for the movie itself I thought it was okay, the fight scenes could of been longer and they shouldn't of killed the preds off so fast then again the preds were teenagers. Overall I would give the movie 6/10. One thing I really didn't like tho...is that they got some of the detail wrong. ie. when did it take an alien to fully mature in 20mins and how could they see the preds when they had their cloak on? Yes i'm a geek when comes to Aliens/Predator stuff and I'll probably see the movie again. :tounge1:

Last edited by phatisphat; Aug 21, 04 at 01:57 AM.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Aug 21, 04
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e_BoY is an unknown quantity at this point
they cant see the preds when they have their cloke on but dont they have some crazy sense of smell?
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Aug 21, 04
[RooЯ]pure glass
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hey everybody. let's face facts here. it's antenna boy. are we that surprised he's creamed his pants for a movie marketed to 13yr olds that probably don't even remember the original series?

save your breath. and antenna, i await your bad karma as usual.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Aug 21, 04
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I am not offended by your post...it's actually quite funny! :D I would give you good karma...but I am all out for the night :( sorry :(
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Aug 21, 04
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crackdragon will become famous soon enough
Just finished watching it.. hmmm it was definetly good for a laugh.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Aug 22, 04
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Originally Posted by Antenna_Boy
YOU SHOULD REALLY READ MY FIRST POST CAREFULLY BLIND-EYES! Seriously, where the fuck did I say the movie had a good plot? Where did I say the characters should be developed? I could care less about those details. I was all in for the action, just like Kenji pointed out. I am a big fan of Predator and Alien, but I could not predict that something would blast out of the predator's stomache at the end scene, could you?:070: I am also a huge Mortal Kombat fan. When MK came out, sure the plot sucked and so did the acting, but damnit, I was in for Sub Zero(his, and Scorpion's outfits ruled!) and the fighting. That's it.

Since when is there the joy to go see a movie and care less about being a Roger Ebert or that other skinny guy and criticize the shit out of a movie? Ninja Boy:"...probably the worse ending to a movie I've seen in recent memory."
Probably because you took so much E you have no decent memory left so you can just shut up :)
Nail on head.

If I were to compare this movie to Lara Croft Tombraider, I pick AVP. More action, more killing. Both plots suck. But WHO CARES?!?
I don't think that comparing two movies with horrible plots and saying that this one is better really proves anything.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Aug 22, 04
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omg i thought that movie was horrible. ive seen all the predator and alien movies b4 this and i think that this movie was an embarassment to both franchises.

there r some godd fight scenes ill give u that but as a whole the movie sucked in my opinion
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Aug 22, 04
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BTW the plot is taken almost directly from the comic "Aliens VS Predator: Prey". If anyone is interested.

Plot: Predators send Alien eggs down to a small farming colony so they can hunt them. The aliens were supposed to use a large cow like animal to breed, but since the Predators hunt there once every 100 years they didn't realize humans were there. Long story short aliens kill all predators and humans, except one Predator and one human. They fight together to defeat the queen. Predator is mortaly wounded uses alien finger to "blood" (Mark) the strong and independednt ethnic woman who survived with him and helped defeat the queen. Ship of Predators comes down and takes his body away and gives woman spear. The end.

The comic is about 8 years old and avaliable at most comic stores back issues section.

Every since HR Geiger left the alien series it went downhill...
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Aug 22, 04
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woh, cool, i didnt know that^ THANKS =)
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