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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Dec 18, 04
where's the beach
Join Date: Apr 2003
mugsy is on a distinguished road

i've been tossing and turning the past couple of nights worrying about my grades, and how i did on my finals. taking six courses has been rough, and i really did not think that i was working to my potential this semester. but i still rocked the report card like no other:

art history - B+ (every class was devoted to my sketchbook NOT the lesson)
english - B (i wrote my final research paper in one night!)
painting - B+ (this is also with missing a term project.....)
sculpture - B (this is with missing two projects)
drawing - A- (this im kinda dissapointed in myself for, but im working on a triptic of 6 foot x 5 foot drawings, i didnt finish them yet)
print making - B+ (this is my weakest subject, and i rocked it!)

hopefully next semester i can fuckin give'er harder, im doing six courses again and i have a grad show to put together. but im too fucking happy to be overwhelmed. plus i got into the english class i wanted - we get to study plays!!!! yeah!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Dec 21, 04
break dance, not hearts
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bebu*funfun will become famous soon enough
i just got my grades 10 mins ago. Bs are like my As.. been like that since kindergarten and this semester i got straight Bs.. ranging -s to +s. so im happy.. unfortuntely im competing with 2 other kids for one of 2 spots to get into the program. and its stupidly by gpa. i really hope i get in. yikes.. did my personal best, now its just luck.

megan dont u agree with me that art school is stupid for grades? grades are a ones perspective on your design/art and just because he/she thinks you deserve an A other may think its an F. grades are pointless, but for me SOOO important right now.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
veN veN is offline
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Originally Posted by bebu*funfun
i just got my grades 10 mins ago. Bs are like my As.. been like that since kindergarten and this semester i got straight Bs.. ranging -s to +s. so im happy.. unfortuntely im competing with 2 other kids for one of 2 spots to get into the program. and its stupidly by gpa. i really hope i get in. yikes.. did my personal best, now its just luck.

megan dont u agree with me that art school is stupid for grades? grades are a ones perspective on your design/art and just because he/she thinks you deserve an A other may think its an F. grades are pointless, but for me SOOO important right now.
I took all kinds of art all thru high school and never understood how u could grade someone on someting they produced. It's far too subjective, IMO. I never appreciated having to alter my projects to appease a teacher to get a good grade. That's not what its about. Argh. I didn't think I could make a post-secondary career of altering my emotional expression, so I opted to do something else. I have heaps of respect for anyone trying to do it tho. Jump thru those hoops, absorb all u can and get out there and do your own thing when you're done. Good luck Megan and Bev! Congrats on your grades ladies!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
Join Date: Mar 2003
robyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the rough
I got an A in Archaeology, an A- in Canadian Lit, and a B+ in Women's History. That B+ is like a little black mark on my souuuuuuuuul.

Last edited by robyn; Dec 22, 04 at 01:35 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
veN veN is offline
Basically, I win.
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Originally Posted by robyn
I got an A in Archaeology, an A- in Canadian Lit, and a B+ in Women's History. That B+ is like a little black mark on my souuuuuuuuul.
My C+ in Psych 200 summer 2004 sem is a black mark on MY soul. I have never gotten anything less than an A- in post seondary, with the exception of my B+ in Behaviour in Organzations bc my teacher was a prick who always changed his mind about what he wanted. I am an A student and "bombing" my Psych 200 is so sad, and was so avoidable. ARGH to circumstance. ARGH to not giving a fuck. ARGH to my perfectionism that kicked back in *after* I got the C+. Whatever... School is a hobby for me right now so I try not to sweat over my poor preformance that semester. All things considered, I think I did pretty good. But it still irks me sometimes. I could have obsorbed so much more from my teacher... she ws a welath of knowledge as she was a clinical psychologist and knew heaps about abnormal psych and child psych which are what I *really* want to get into... Oh well, I passed so atleast I can continue and take those courses if I still want to. Life is good :) I'm taking a much needed break and exploring other hobbies, like dance and so on... I may return to school, I may.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
eff eff
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I was pleasantly suprised with how I did- but I havent got them back from my worst 2 exams yet.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
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robyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Nev
My C+ in Psych 200 summer 2004 sem is a black mark on MY soul. I have never gotten anything less than an A- in post seondary, with the exception of my B+ in Behaviour in Organzations bc my teacher was a prick who always changed his mind about what he wanted. I am an A student and "bombing" my Psych 200 is so sad, and was so avoidable. ARGH to circumstance. ARGH to not giving a fuck. ARGH to my perfectionism that kicked back in *after* I got the C+. Whatever... School is a hobby for me right now so I try not to sweat over my poor preformance that semester. All things considered, I think I did pretty good. But it still irks me sometimes. I could have obsorbed so much more from my teacher... she ws a welath of knowledge as she was a clinical psychologist and knew heaps about abnormal psych and child psych which are what I *really* want to get into... Oh well, I passed so atleast I can continue and take those courses if I still want to. Life is good :) I'm taking a much needed break and exploring other hobbies, like dance and so on... I may return to school, I may.

Heeeeey I got the same mark in psych 200! It's not bombing, it's "adequate competence"! Totally different! But I'd say getting all A's when school is 'just a hobby' is pretty good. Imagine if you took it seriously!

ps - become a bellydancer ok?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
veN veN is offline
Basically, I win.
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Originally Posted by robyn
Heeeeey I got the same mark in psych 200! It's not bombing, it's "adequate competence"! Totally different! But I'd say getting all A's when school is 'just a hobby' is pretty good. Imagine if you took it seriously!

ps - become a bellydancer ok?
I was prolly top in my program @ Kwantlen, which was the first post-seconary I did, so that got the ball rolling and set up my personal standard. Then I started taking courses just out of interest. I got a A+ in psych 100 so a C+ in 200 was devistating. But I was lucky to get even that. I bombed (no exaggeration) my final and didn't hand in one of my assignments, which is so unlike me. Oh well. Belly dancing hey? Sounds fun! School as a hobby worked for a while, but taking one course over summer was not such a hot idea. SO hard to get down to work for one class with so much other (mostly fun) stuff going on like my new relationship that was starting, and my trip to Australia was just around the corner. Hehe. M'eh, live and learn. It was only ever about finding out if stuff interested me or not, so I try to remember that and not beat myself up.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Dec 22, 04
eff eff
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Your grades from your first 2 years dont really matter anyway.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Dec 23, 04
i really look like this!
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yoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the roughyoko* is a jewel in the rough
2 A's
2 B+'s..

me=content: not bad, and I know I can do better next semester.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Dec 23, 04
Living in the NOW
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A+ A A- A- B+ SFU Business admin.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Dec 23, 04
where's the beach
Join Date: Apr 2003
mugsy is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by bebu*funfun

megan dont u agree with me that art school is stupid for grades? grades are a ones perspective on your design/art and just because he/she thinks you deserve an A other may think its an F. grades are pointless, but for me SOOO important right now.

yes, its completely stupid. espcailly if your doing something completely origional from what everyone else is doing, and then people copy your steeze and you get a not so great mark where as others get better marks. its completely personal judgment, and i think its one of the things that makes art school so challenging. last year i found myself trying to please the teachers, and produce what they wanted to see, where as this year, im too freakin bogged down with work to please them, i have to please myself.
im .07 away in my gpa to qualify for in school scholarships = STUPID. it sucks, but theres not much i can really do about it, because im prodcuing as much as i mentally and physically can.
i totally agree.
p.s. congrats on getting into your program!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Dec 23, 04
lebanese blonde
Join Date: Jul 2002
lithe is on a distinguished road
my "participation/attendance" mark dropped my grade 7% in GERM301. brutal. it was my only class on tues/thurs, how could i be expected to make it more than half the time?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Dec 23, 04
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stringbeans has a spectacular aura aboutstringbeans has a spectacular aura about
ugh, grades were horrible this semester. smartening up for next sem
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Dec 24, 04
eff eff
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-ff- is an unknown quantity at this point
I've had a couple of pleasant surprises this semester. Still wating for my most disorganized (laziest?) prof to put up his class' grade though.
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