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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Dec 25, 04
Join Date: Dec 2004
lou_belle is an unknown quantity at this point
*frustrated with Zionism

COME ON PEOPLE! If you watch a speech that contains the saying

"Lets put an end to Zionism before it puts an end to the world"

can we please not believe anything that person has flying out of his mouth?

If you are some sheltered child that just doesn't understand the meaning of Zionism then allow me to define it for you. Zionism is Jewish occupancy of Israel. Now, to understand this clearly, you would need to know that this doesn't mean that arabs don't want to be under the rule of the jews, this means that they want them dead, they are disgusted by all jews.

Does that sound insane to you? Because if it does, then you should use your new found knowledge and put it to use by not believing any shit that a person saya from there on.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Dec 25, 04
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Originally Posted by lou_belle
COME ON PEOPLE! If you watch a speech that contains the saying

"Lets put an end to Zionism before it puts an end to the world"

can we please not believe anything that person has flying out of his mouth?

If you are some sheltered child that just doesn't understand the meaning of Zionism then allow me to define it for you. Zionism is Jewish occupancy of Israel. Now, to understand this clearly, you would need to know that this doesn't mean that arabs don't want to be under the rule of the jews, this means that they want them dead, they are disgusted by all jews.

Does that sound insane to you? Because if it does, then you should use your new found knowledge and put it to use by not believing any shit that a person saya from there on.
Zionism is not in the best interest of the Jewish people. Read this if you have the time.

The Zionists are some sick bastards who are fomenting anti-semitism all over the world to prompt Jews to leave their host countries to immigrate to Israel. They think they are hastening some Biblical prophesy.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Dec 26, 04
el jefe de automático
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good god you're both a bunch of simplistic idiots....there are no fucking black and whites in the world, and no ONE definition of any phenomenon which is made up of multiple people

for example: lou_belle....there ARE "Zionist" (militant, right-wing, orthodox, hardcore) jews who beleve that israel as it stands now and surrounding areas that are not part of the current israeli state are the mythical homeland of the jews and that all arabs need to be expelled from this homeland, by force if necessary....then there are less hardcore supporters who think the boundaries of israel should stand as they are now, it's not worth fighting a wart to expand, but that arabs should not be allowed. then there are even less hardcore "zionists" who believe that arabs should be allowed in israel as long as the state remains jewish and open to jewish emigration...then there are a whole bunch of jews living in israel who don't really give a fuck as long as they don't get blown up......It's a spectrum of opinion, and the exact same spectrum applies to the people on the arab side....most of the palestinians just want to be able to go back to work in israel and to stop having the army come round and shoot missles at them sometime some PLO fuckwad from "their" side blows up a bus.

and just because someone opposes the agenda of the right wing elements in israeli politics doen't make them an anti semite...

wum...if you're going to quote a link to a website purporting to debunk the "zionist" conspiracy don't you think the website would be more credible if their "zionist quote of the day" was from before nineteen-thirty-fucking-seven? that is all....
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Dec 26, 04
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by lou_belle
COME ON PEOPLE! If you watch a speech that contains the saying

"Lets put an end to Zionism before it puts an end to the world"

can we please not believe anything that person has flying out of his mouth?
Why? Any belief that gives the excuse of God being on your side, and then proceeds to kick people out of their own country because they feel that they better than you is utterly racist and people should not stand for it. Fundementalist jews are as bad as any jihaders out there, and one will never understand how it's like to deal with an occupying force until they face the situation themself. Arabs have a right for self determination just like any other racial group.

Originally Posted by lou_belle
If you are some sheltered child that just doesn't understand the meaning of Zionism then allow me to define it for you. Zionism is Jewish occupancy of Israel. Now, to understand this clearly, you would need to know that this doesn't mean that arabs don't want to be under the rule of the jews, this means that they want them dead, they are disgusted by all jews.

Does that sound insane to you? Because if it does, then you should use your new found knowledge and put it to use by not believing any shit that a person saya from there on.
Yes Zionism is about the occupancy of Israel, but please don't get me started on mainstream media, revisionism, or Palestine because I could be here for a while. The spread of Zionism here in Canada is quite a scary subject to deal with, mainly because we live in a world of domineering political correctness, that shuns any civil debate on the matter. If there is no loopholes in the story, what is the harm in revisionism? If you don't know who Ernst Zundel is, you don't know the struggle that people against Zionism face here in Canada. Phrases like "pro-Nazi" and "Holocaust-denial" are commonly thrown out to stir the ire of those with skepticism towards propagandist literature in regards to the holocaust. First take a look at this article by the ADL:


Btw, ever wonder why any other ethnic group doesn't have an official defimation league that practically acts as a governmental entity?

Make your own mind up on the matter, but the more I look into it the more that the answer is painfully obvious. Now after reading this article, Zundel is clearly painted out to be a racist quack, and the article doesn't give you any elbow room in regards to veiwing this fellow as sane in any regard. It's black and white, and after you read it you clearly know who the bad guy is, it is clearly an article meant to dumb down debate on revisionism and attack Zundel's credibility.


Now take a look at some of the man's literature yourself perhaps. Truth has no need of coercion. You have a mind. You have a brain. You don't need to be told what to believe. I think you would agree that educations is key however, and we should be able to be civil debating these issues as the implications if we don't are clearly the loss of freedom of speach and thought.

Just a few victims of Zionism

Recent news on the Canadian Zionist struggle



Wum: That is a great link, it's those kind of people that give me hope to civilized Judaism, as I am quite fond of some of the Kabbalistic mysticism. Maybe this coming monday will prove fruitful in efforts of restoring civil debate on these matters. Cheers.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Dec 26, 04
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Jay I agree with what you say for the most part here but I have a problem with this:

Originally Posted by automatic
wum...if you're going to quote a link to a website purporting to debunk the "zionist" conspiracy don't you think the website would be more credible if their "zionist quote of the day" was from before nineteen-thirty-fucking-seven? that is all....
You imply that there is a lack of credibility because of the date of the quote. Maybe you're right, but it seems that you have a biased when dealing with information that isn't of modern literature. If this is correct, I pity you dearly, as there is clearly plenty of evidence of advanced civilizations in the ancient world, and I feel very fortunate to be a scholar of some of these great works. To each their own I suppose.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Dec 26, 04
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Originally Posted by automatic
good god you're both a bunch of simplistic idiots....there are no fucking black and whites in the world, and no ONE definition of any phenomenon which is made up of multiple people

for example: lou_belle....there ARE "Zionist" (militant, right-wing, orthodox, hardcore) jews who beleve that israel as it stands now and surrounding areas that are not part of the current israeli state are the mythical homeland of the jews and that all arabs need to be expelled from this homeland, by force if necessary....then there are less hardcore supporters who think the boundaries of israel should stand as they are now, it's not worth fighting a wart to expand, but that arabs should not be allowed. then there are even less hardcore "zionists" who believe that arabs should be allowed in israel as long as the state remains jewish and open to jewish emigration...then there are a whole bunch of jews living in israel who don't really give a fuck as long as they don't get blown up......It's a spectrum of opinion, and the exact same spectrum applies to the people on the arab side....most of the palestinians just want to be able to go back to work in israel and to stop having the army come round and shoot missles at them sometime some PLO fuckwad from "their" side blows up a bus.

and just because someone opposes the agenda of the right wing elements in israeli politics doen't make them an anti semite...

wum...if you're going to quote a link to a website purporting to debunk the "zionist" conspiracy don't you think the website would be more credible if their "zionist quote of the day" was from before nineteen-thirty-fucking-seven? that is all....
^ less spittle and more reason next time please :)

There's much more than meets the eye. There is probably scarce criticism of Zionism before 1937 because there was nothing so audacious planned before then.

Besides, do you actually think people would be receptive if they actually came out and said, "we are hastening the coming of the Messiah and we need all you people to move back to Palestine"? No.
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