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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
CNN Reported No Plane Hit Pentagon on 9/11!! +An indepth analysis of official version

Well folks here's a real smoking gun that just got leaked, please watch it before you type anything. I'd say this clearly opens up a more broad discussion on what really happened that day of September 11th, 2001. The 9/11 truth community has been waiting for something like this for a while.

click this link for the video evidence

transcript of what reporter Jamie McIntyre of CNN says:

From my close-up inspection, there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon.

The only site, is the actual side of the building that's crashed in. And as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you pick up in your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon and then caused the side to collapse.

Even though if you look at the pictures of the Pentagon you see that the floors have all collapsed, that didn't happenm immediately. It wasn't until almost about 45 minutes later that the structure was weakened enough that all of the floors collapsed.

With the evidence suggested of no wall falling until ~45 minutes from the prior video analysis (wouldn't a 757 destroy the wall immediately?) along with the insight THIS REPORT RETAINS (it's quite fishy how almost all of those links of the photographs have now been taken down, there are claims in this report that don't stack up, more on that later) leads one with a slightly open mind to seriously doubt the official version of a plane hitting the pentagon. Also, THIS SOMEWHAT CONVINCING SHOCKWAVE FLICK did lack the depth of a reasonably well sourced report on quite a few of the quotes. Yet the easily verifyable information accumilated with this flick and the other 2 portions of evidence leads the skeptical viewer for some revisionism here to be quite frank.

What do YOU think?

(I feel I am wasting my time 'cause most don't care, but this is just getting too obvious so I decided to give this community another go).


Now to counter some of the apparent debunking of this. One well known resource used of those that deny evidence which attempts to prove otherwise than the official version is the snopes.com report found here: http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pentagon.htm.

Let's list some of the details it correctly disproves.

The text cited in the example above comes from a Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions! web site, one of the English-language mirrors of Meyssan's claims, where readers are invited to ponder a series of questions about why photographs of the damaged Pentagon seemingly show no evidence of a crashed airplane. The answers to the questions are:

1) Can you explain how a Boeing 757-200, weighing nearly 100 tons and travelling at a minimum speed of 250 miles an hour only damaged the outside of the Pentagon?

Despite the appearances of exterior photographs, the Boeing 757-200 did not "only damage the outside of the Pentagon." It caused damage to all five rings (not just the outermost one) after penetrating a reinforced, 24-inch-thick outer wall. As 60 Minutes II reported in their "Miracle of the Pentagon" episode on 28 November 2001, the section of the Pentagon into which the hijacked airliner was flown had just been reinforced during a renovation project:

"We made several modifications to the building as part of that renovation that we think helped save people's lives," says Lee Evey, who runs a billion-dollar project to renovate the Pentagon. They’ve been working on it since 1993. The first section was five days from being finished when the terrorists hit it with the plane.

The renovation project built strength into the 60-year-old limestone exterior with a web of steel beams and columns.

The hunt the boeing claim of just damaging the outer wall is infact fradulent, there was infact damage to 3 rings. Yet this report falsely reports that there was 5 rings damaged, clearly to sensationalize and create a wide contrast in the reporting. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle. This report also fails to mention that the hole was ONLY about 14-16 feet across the OUTER WALL, and only about 8 feet for the third ring in, hardly enough room to accomodate for a passanger 757. The real question should have been:


This question deserves SERIOUS scrutiny, the snopes report fails to do so completely.

Also, after analyzing photos taken shortly after the impact on the pentagon (another one briefly shown on the flash video report, with a man wearing a light grey suit standing somewhere near the middle of the lawn), note you will see that on the outer wall hardly significant damage on the upper floors. This picture were taken before the outer wall collapsed. The pentagon roof line is clearly visible, and although it did sustain some damage, it was still standing up on the upper most floors.

Question: If the height of the boeing 757 was 44 feet 6 inches, why was there no point of impact on these upper floors, where the tail should have hit. Remember, there is no wing or tail left outside, so where did the plane go?

Here is one of the pictures before the collapse of the outer wall. Note that the front lawn in this picture is for some reason cut out from the picture (I have the original on a documentary or else I'd post it, there is no plane reminents really to be found). Note the roof line still intact.

(Before collapse)

(After collapse)

Recall that when the first airliner was flown into a World Trade Center tower on September 11 — before it was known that the "accident" was really part of a deliberate terrorist attack — newscasters were speculating that a small plane had accidentally flown into the side of the tower, because the visible exterior damage didn't seem as extensive as what people thought a large airliner would cause. Even though the two airplanes flown into the World Trade Center towers were travelling faster at the time of impact than the Pentagon plane was (400 MPH vs. 350 MPH), hit aluminum-and-glass buildings rather than reinforced concrete walls, and didn't dissipate much of their energy striking the ground first (as the Pentagon plane did), they still barely penetrated all the way through the WTC towers.

This point just furthers the case for people speaking out against the official version. If the pentagon plane was indeed traveling slower, why didn't it have more plane fragments left in front of the outside wall? Also, with all the footage available (the pentagon has more cameras than your average building), why were we only shown a small side view from a parking lot? In that footage (shown in the shockwave flash film) is the explosion even half as large as the explosions of impact on the twin towers consider it had apparently almost a full tank of fuel?

Below is a recent (11 March 2002) photograph of the the rebuilding effort underway at the Pentagon, demonstrating that far more than just the "outside" of the building was damaged and needed to be repaired:

Here instead of showing the building as is after initial impact, it shows the rebuilding process, clearly with the wall taken down this is report attempts to exagerate the damage, comapre it to this photo soon after the collapse of the outer wall:

It should be obvious by now for the intellectual minded that the damage is being exagerated by the snopes report.

There are more inconsistencies in the boeing report, and the snopes report, but it is not going to be mentioned here and now. I don't want to convince anyone of anything, you are all free to think what you want. I just wanted to post this because I found it convincing along with the other evidence I have that you may or may not have seen. Note however that the snopes report tries to discredit the flash film on the end of their report, but makes no claim into misproving ANY of the facts stated within it. It just conviently pigeon holes it as a rehashing of earlier claims, even though the boeing and flash film have contradictory elements. I must say there are also some faults on the flash flick, but nothing that contradicts a no-757-scenario.

Now compare the footage you just seen with this tear jerking propaganda:


This is a prime example on just an ounce of the tripe that believers of the official version are putting out. Which one plays on your emotions more? Which are more informative? I would like to see your insights.

So then dear reader, still find the official version convincing? Inquiring minds want to know.

Edit: picture was down, relinked.

Last edited by djmarkpaul; Feb 28, 05 at 03:12 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Coles Notes? I'm tooo drunk to deal with long posts...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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im gon read this later//bookmark
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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I read about this in a site way back when it first happened.

I don't really know for sure because I don't know the whole story on either side, but I'm leaning more towards government/media cover up.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Skeptics to the government’s “official” version of 9/11 should click here for the documentary film In Plane Site that deals more indepth with what DJ Markpaul is saying. The true "conspiracy" is to believe that Muslim hijackers with box cutters were able to take control of these planes and stand down NORAD jet fighters.

According to the highly respectable Zogby poll, Half of New Yorkers believe the government had foreknowledge of what was going to happen. So be encouraged, you're not the only ones who think so.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT. someone made 3 out of 4 jets involved with 9/11 disappear, shooting down one, replacing 2 with windowless military drones equipped with missile pods, faking phonecalls from the jets to relatives and loved ones, firing a missile at the pentagon, and demolishing the towers. oh yea, and did i mention this someone apparently murdered thousands of americans.

so this someone is pretty powerful, you'd think with all these resources this someone could quell all rising of conspiracy talk. in fact with this type of god-like power, you'd think this someone would have killed whoever discovered this gem of a news story and all the internet geeks who are spreading this conspiracy theory right? i mean you're saying SOMEONE KILLED THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS. SO WHY WOULD THEY STOP WHEN THE "TRUTH" CAME OUT? you'd think all the geeks and conspiracy theorists would be dead.

btw: before you do the old "9/11 comission report is bs" try reading the report. your attitude of "they only had box cutters" is painfully obvious proof you have not read the report. the terrorists had other "tools" such as pepper spray and gas masks. that's not quite the same as "box cutter" and last time i checked, i don't see many people looking to fight the guy with a box cutter and pepper spray who's willing to die for his cause.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Hot Karl
LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT. someone made 3 out of 4 jets involved with 9/11 disappear, shooting down one, replacing 2 with windowless military drones equipped with missile pods, faking phonecalls from the jets to relatives and loved ones, firing a missile at the pentagon, and demolishing the towers. oh yea, and did i mention this someone apparently murdered thousands of americans.
Well, seeing how you are a believer of the official version, it's pretty customary for you to pin it all on one person, a PATSY if you will. This is the main mantra concerning not just this but ALL conspiracies, because by any intellectual standpoint, that would be impossible to achieve for one lone person. Yet we still hear "Lone Gunman" and "Lone Nutter" time after time and the same things keep happening, why is that Karl?

No, what we are dealing with is not just one powerful person, but a MASS COVER UP lead by a shadow government and their interconnected networks. Think of organized religions, intelligence agencies and the mob. Then if you research enough you will see how far spread the control of such groups are and their connection to international franternal orders such as the freemasonry. I am all for freemasonry at it's roots as Arthur Edward Waite might be for instance, but you have to understand a simple concept before you will understand any of this stuff:

Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

Then and only then, will the rest of your questions start to come to light.

Originally Posted by Hot Karl
so this someone is pretty powerful, you'd think with all these resources this someone could quell all rising of conspiracy talk. in fact with this type of god-like power, you'd think this someone would have killed whoever discovered this gem of a news story and all the internet geeks who are spreading this conspiracy theory right? i mean you're saying SOMEONE KILLED THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS. SO WHY WOULD THEY STOP WHEN THE "TRUTH" CAME OUT? you'd think all the geeks and conspiracy theorists would be dead.
Quell conspiracy talk? Are you actually serious that this would work? Do you know how obvious that would be? (It sort of ruins the whole covert ops they've been crafting for many years now).

It is much easier to convince those with little or no interest which are (unfortunately the majority) sedated due to too much work, too much consumption, or by image of the status quo by allowing the labelled THEORISTS to slip up themselves. Then followed by harping at their EVERY flaw, claiming their evidence is just THEORETICAL, and attaching ad hominems that are clearly offensive, (like you have just presented when claiming they are "geeks and conspiracy theorists"). No to kill all those out there with an interest of finding out what really happened in such government sponsored terrorist attacks, would be a new civil war. It would be too obvious and the game would come down like a stack of cards.

Some people have been dealt with in this matter when they have known TOO MUCH and have gotten POPULAR enough. Like Mumia Abu-Jamal, Jordan Maxwell, or many at Guantanamo Bay. Many have been killed, but when you are just concerned with the corporate media, it's hard to get the whole picture.

Originally Posted by Hot Karl
btw: before you do the old "9/11 comission report is bs" try reading the report. your attitude of "they only had box cutters" is painfully obvious proof you have not read the report. the terrorists had other "tools" such as pepper spray and gas masks. that's not quite the same as "box cutter" and last time i checked, i don't see many people looking to fight the guy with a box cutter and pepper spray who's willing to die for his cause.
I've read the comission report, it's riddled with suggestion and more labelling without proper intellectual assertation. I can assume that this was directed to Wum, but lets see if you stand up to your own type of scrutiny.

btw: before you do the old "TINFOIL HAT. ROFLMAO!!!!1" try reading the report contained within. You fail to meet your own standards otherwise. Go ahead and watch the footage and realize how the story changed from the live reports.

What people uncovering this sort of discovery want is to end the unjust occupations, the deception in media, and the continued loss of privacy as biometrics and public surveillance come out of the wood works. We are trying to stop another WORLD WAR and a globalization which will mix all cultures into a slave camp melting pot.

Those for the corporate media or atleast pick up on the main mantra of its said reporting, are:
Wittingly or unwittingly for increased military spending (look how far it's gotten us, Canada has just announced a 13 billion dollar fund for defence, who cares if we said no to the missle program, that's alot of money eh!)! Wittingly or unwittingly for unjust occupations (no WMD is just the tip of the iceburg). Wittingly or unwittingly for the loss of privacy, the loss of free speach, and for the loss of careful intellectual debate.

I tell you anyone intellectually minded can not refute these claims when done under careful scrutiny. You have not displayed a thorough investigation on those who oppose the mainstream standpoint of the media, so your points are null and moot. Go back to the drawing board pal, there is alot you don't know. Now let's see how many question you fail to address this time.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
You bloody conspiracy nuts never shut up do you this has been brought up like 10 times on this fuckin msg board. Quit trying to prove somthing and let the dead just rest in mother fucking piece..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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I tell you anyone intellectually minded can not refute these claims when done under careful scrutiny. You have not displayed a thorough investigation on those who oppose the mainstream standpoint of the media, so your points are null and moot. Go back to the drawing board pal, there is alot you don't know. Now let's see how many question you fail to address this time.
so you're saying you have undeniable proof, that no one "intellectually minded" can refute your claims? then why the fuck are you posting here? go call a reporter, get your message out. don't argue with me, you can't convince me, and you know it. like the proof you had, in the "presentation" you wanted to show me? fuckin show it.

btw: regarding the big "someone" who's in charge, ok, it can easily be more than one person. but now you're telling me that you have literally hundres of people, if not thousands in on this massive conspiracy, that's got the blood of over 3k dead americans on their hands. so this conspiracy has the power to make sure NO ONE TALKS? gimme a break, that's pretty damn naive from someone who's clearly got all the answers.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Fucking conspiracy hero! Who are you trying to save?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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oh btw, burden of proof is on you. i'm not the fucking nutball making crazy claims.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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apparently next its going to be the mall of america,and they have changed the canadian"war measures act" to the" emergency measures act"

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Hot Karl
oh btw, burden of proof is on you. i'm not the fucking nutball making crazy claims.
hes polish...take it easy kidd-o ;)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Originally Posted by Hot Karl
btw: regarding the big "someone" who's in charge, ok, it can easily be more than one person. but now you're telling me that you have literally hundres of people, if not thousands in on this massive conspiracy, that's got the blood of over 3k dead americans on their hands. so this conspiracy has the power to make sure NO ONE TALKS? gimme a break, that's pretty damn naive from someone who's clearly got all the answers.
A conspiracy this big could never function smoothly without lots of people getting suspicious to what's happening... and that's exactly what's happened.

As the link I gave you before, half of New York believes the government had foreknowledge of what was going down. Has any major media outlet ever shone a light on this? Of course not.

The fact is, the lies, inconsistencies, fabrications, ommissions, etc. from the government could fill entire books. And I guess you're somehow expecting the whorish coporate media to be your watchdog when this happens huh?

Do you really buy the story that out of the burning inferno of the World Trade Center which had the ability to melt structural steel (highly debatable) that the perfectly preserved passport of Mohammed Ata floated down to the streets and thus implicating him and his crew for the disaster?

Oh wait, let's not forget the conflicting report that he's still alive.

No matter, CNN will never bring that up so don't you worry about it :)

Do some independent research, and watch the video link I gave you.

Last edited by wum; Feb 26, 05 at 03:41 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Goodfellow will become famous soon enoughGoodfellow will become famous soon enough
go do some research of your own and you'll find out who is actually running the US government. you'll also find out all this "conspiracy" talk is simply trying to bring some TRUTH to the population.

anyone who is unsure, or is siding more towards the innocence of the US gov. should seriously do some research and pull up some facts

www.conspiracyarchive.com will shed some light on the connections/networking of governments and religious groups/ intelligence agencies etc etc that are doing business with eachother. Personally I can't be bothered to argue with a bunch of people on a message board like this who still can't wrap their heads around the truth and what is actually happening in our world today.

hot karl, HOLY COW, you know nothing.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Goodfellow will become famous soon enoughGoodfellow will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Hot Karl
so you're saying you have undeniable proof, that no one "intellectually minded" can refute your claims? then why the fuck are you posting here? go call a reporter, get your message out. don't argue with me, you can't convince me, and you know it. like the proof you had, in the "presentation" you wanted to show me? fuckin show it.

btw: regarding the big "someone" who's in charge, ok, it can easily be more than one person. but now you're telling me that you have literally hundres of people, if not thousands in on this massive conspiracy, that's got the blood of over 3k dead americans on their hands. so this conspiracy has the power to make sure NO ONE TALKS? gimme a break, that's pretty damn naive from someone who's clearly got all the answers.
when you make a post like that you are just blatantly stating that you haven't done any research. your opinion has probably been based on what you see reported in the news.

"go call a reporter" yeah markpaul! how could you be so stupid, you should have called up CNN a long time ago.. lol
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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I actually have to agree with Wum on this one :O
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Originally Posted by djmarkpaul
Well, seeing how you are a believer of the official version, it's pretty customary for you to pin it all on one person, a PATSY if you will. This is the main mantra concerning not just this but ALL conspiracies, because by any intellectual standpoint, that would be impossible to achieve for one lone person. Yet we still hear "Lone Gunman" and "Lone Nutter" time after time and the same things keep happening, why is that Karl?
It's not that far fetched, who woulda thought that series of web pages would be made by a bunch of conspricacy nutters, then memed throught the internet...

No, what we are dealing with is not just one powerful person, but a MASS COVER UP lead by a shadow government and their interconnected networks. Think of organized religions, intelligence agencies and the mob. Then if you research enough you will see how far spread the control of such groups are and their connection to international franternal orders such as the freemasonry.
Or you could actually research history through news resources, and referance texts. And see where the religious and organized crime connections died.

Or by research do you mean, visiting web pages forwarded to your email by, conspiracyguy.com?

I am all for freemasonry at it's roots as Arthur Edward Waite might be for instance, but you have to understand a simple concept before you will understand any of this stuff:

Absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
I understand that quote, but I challange you to understand this:

Incredible claims, require incrediable evidence.

Then and only then, will the rest of your questions start to come to light.

I've read the comission report, it's riddled with suggestion and more labelling without proper intellectual assertation. I can assume that this was directed to Wum, but lets see if you stand up to your own type of scrutiny.
Not nearly as much as any of your reports. The only differance is that these have actual first hand knowlage.

btw: before you do the old "TINFOIL HAT. ROFLMAO!!!!1" try reading the report contained within. You fail to meet your own standards otherwise. Go ahead and watch the footage and realize how the story changed from the live reports.
As anyone involved with journalism will tell you, live reports, especially during times of crisis, are hardly 100% accurate. They are open to suggestion, and speculation.

Those for the corporate media or atleast pick up on the main mantra of its said reporting, are:
Wittingly or unwittingly for unjust occupations (no WMD is just the tip of the iceburg). Wittingly or unwittingly for the loss of privacy, the loss of free speach, and for the loss of careful intellectual debate.
I believe that most corprate media groups have aired several specials questioning the validity of the iraq war, hell, even the comedy network does.

I tell you anyone intellectually minded can not refute these claims when done under careful scrutiny. You have not displayed a thorough investigation on those who oppose the mainstream standpoint of the media, so your points are null and moot. Go back to the drawing board pal, there is alot you don't know. Now let's see how many question you fail to address this time.
Take your own advice for once.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Originally Posted by GoodFlow
when you make a post like that you are just blatantly stating that you haven't done any research. your opinion has probably been based on what you see reported in the news.

"go call a reporter" yeah markpaul! how could you be so stupid, you should have called up CNN a long time ago.. lol

If it's true that the evidence is undeniable by anyone, then I don't see a problem.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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good thread mark.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
I believe that most corprate media groups have aired several specials questioning the validity of the iraq war, hell, even the comedy network does.
This is what's called a controlled opposition, or "paradigm management." Essentially, the ruling elite pits people in opposing camps leading them to believe that through this farcical dialectic that something is actually being accomplished.

From beginning to end they foment the artificial problem, and institute their "solution" by framing the discussion. For example, the vast majority of Americans are against illegal immigration but politicians seem to react by wanting to give them blanket Amnesty, offering them right to vote and get a driver's license, making it illegal to ask a student if he's alien, etc., and yet what's on the table?

Do you support a National ID plan that will keep us safe from the "terrorists" who can come through the ultra pourous borders where tens of thousands of aliens come through every day?

As usual, the real issue is swept aside and we get one step closer to Tyranny.

In the same the media is more pre-occupied about Clinton getting a BJ versus him selling military secrets to China, they are offer this so-called "9/11 Commission" who want to chalk it up to intelligence ineptitude and Muslims and point you in the wrong direction. Nevermind that entering the US illegally is easier than pulling your pants up, the answer is never to seal the borders or repatriate fifth columnist, but rather that all Americans are now suspect and so a National database is needed.

Last edited by wum; Feb 26, 05 at 10:33 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Originally Posted by wum
This is what's called a controlled opposition, or "paradigm management." Essentially, the ruling elite pits people in opposing camps leading them to believe that through this farcical dialectic that something is actually being accomplished.
So your saying that when an opinion that is oposite to what the government says is on TV, it becomes paradigm managment?
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy
So your saying that when an opinion that is oposite to what the government says is on TV, it becomes paradigm managment?
I'm saying shut off that idiot box you call your TV.

All the major news networks/media conglomerates are in bed with the NWO. The only reason they might be critical of the government is because a perfect facade would be impossible to sustain, and so they satisfy the critics by calling George Bush an idiot, or saying the War on Terrorism is about oil.

Dig deeper.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Feb 26, 05
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Originally Posted by wum
I'm saying shut off that idiot box you call your TV.

All the major news networks/media conglomerates are in bed with the NWO. The only reason they might be critical of the government is because a perfect facade would be impossible to sustain, and so they satisfy the critics by calling George Bush an idiot, or saying the War on Terrorism is about oil.

Dig deeper.
Where do you get your info from then, the infallible resources of the internet?
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