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If you want to destroy my sweater!!!
pull this thread as i walk away.
Anyone want to get juiced with me tonight :) this fucking song reminds of this insane house party I went to when I was 18, it was basically elbow to elbow style and I had just moved to the center of the room with my beer and 26 of tequila and bumped into this dude who just lit a huge joint, he's like get in on this joint for a shot of the tequila hahaha so i did, then everyone who was surrounding me realized i had this tequila and they stat trading joints and shots of other booze for it, the whole time the sweater song was rockin in the back ground :) good times. |
hey, hardstylin.. at that party was anybody's heini crowdin the ice box? ok, i know i'm lame. |
I think i've actually found the lake in that movie when hiking once, it was called lake beautiful and was probably the creepiest lake/pond i've ever seen, didn't even know it was possible. |
In the garage is the bessssssssssst! |