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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
I <3 House
Join Date: Jan 2002
Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
Myles Myles Myles...

Originally posted by snyx
See this is prime example of what I'm talking about, it never used to be like this. thanks werdyboy, but meh, I do have a big ego, but whatever. Start a forum at snyx.com? Sure I could, but it would be the same thing this place is, the only things I don't own here is the name, and the forum license. The server is mine, the work is mine, ect, ect. But that's irrelevant, and I can complain all I want, didn't we have some thing with this? You know so called "freedom of speech" you all "fought" to hard for. HA HA! Oh and I never called anyone a fucken cunt...

I understand what your saying, you use to like how there where the good old days. But you cant blame all the new changes on the ppl. But soon these days will be the good old times, lifes gonna keep changing hunny, so get use to it. Theres nothing you can realy do, except make your own forum, but even then it wont be the same. Sorry you feel that way, but to let you know because of F&K ive already met some cool ppl on this forum, and I hope you can too.

And kido its silly if your gonna go around biching how you hate most the ppl and things here, so either give up and leave and bitch at evryone or I reccamend adapting to what F&K is becoming. You make a big part of F&K and your imput of what you do will be part of setting the vibe. So instead of setting a mean bitter vibe, go out and set a more positive vibe. It will take time and dont expect evrything to go exactly how you want it, but there will be some improvment in your likeing. Im not saying go delete and move evrything, but rather start talking nicely to ppl ALL ppl.
Try to change with the ppl here and they will change with you. WHERE A TEAM!


Last edited by Ree Fresh; Jan 18, 02 at 01:25 PM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
Join Date: Dec 2001
wigglesworth is on a distinguished road
None of this really matters anyway. Lounge x is comming back. :c-tard:
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
I <3 House
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Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
nice one aaron!

Most important thing to remeamber myles:


"fighting on a messege board is like competing in the special oyimpics"
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
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Re: nice one aaron!

Originally posted by wellbelove's
Most important thing to remeamber myles:


"fighting on a messege board is like competing in the special oyimpics"
"hey kettle? you're black!"

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
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nigel is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by snyx
See this is prime example of what I'm talking about, it never used to be like this. thanks werdyboy, but meh, I do have a big ego, but whatever. Start a forum at snyx.com? Sure I could, but it would be the same thing this place is, the only things I don't own here is the name, and the forum license. The server is mine, the work is mine, ect, ect. But that's irrelevant, and I can complain all I want, didn't we have some thing with this? You know so called "freedom of speech" you all "fought" to hard for. HA HA! Oh and I never called anyone a fucken cunt...

Actually it wouldn't be the same I don't think. You may own and put most work into this site but not too many people know or care. The name "Form-Kaos" attracts ravers and scenesters and people who listen to F-K or go to parties and other things. People don't distinguish between you too. I run a few rooms too but am only there to keep things clean not tell everyone that I own it. If I feel I don't like it anymore I'll give it to someone else and start a new one of my own. Many realise that you've put alot of effort into this site and have even said so myself. but there is a differnce between www.form-kaos.com and www.synx.com. They both attract a differnt clientel. It would be like starting a site called ravers are Us and complaining that there are ravers there. But of course you have freedom of speach and more so them most people on here. When I told you that you could make a www.synx.com I wasn't trying to sound critical or insulting just trying to explain a point. But again good luck for anything you do.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
'latinum respect.
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Originally posted by Twiggy
wellbelove's, i think what you said goes both ways. perhaps if EVERYONE became a little more open minded and strayed away from their so-called "clicks", everyone would get to know each other a little more.

Why the hell would I really want to get to know any of you people? Be more open minded? ...Why would anyone on here want to?

I'd sooner just judge all of your online personnas and not even bother, it makes this whole experience all the more enjoyable. :356:

look! a dancing monkey!


Miss Myra
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
Join Date: Jan 2001
nigel is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by miss.myra

Why the hell would I really want to get to know any of you people? Be more open minded? ...Why would anyone on here want to?

I'd sooner just judge all of your online personnas and not even bother, it makes this whole experience all the more enjoyable. :356:

look! a dancing monkey!


Miss Myra

/me forgets about everything on F-K and watches the monkey for hours instead
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
blest w/ chest
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frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
Originally posted by high-dee

ok, join by responding in the common interest section, the post is there, OK?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
Extra Crispy Beats
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oliver is an unknown quantity at this point

Originally posted by snyx
Yeah, as blunt as it is, it's true. I mean, it's nothing against any individuals (no that's a lie, there is a few), but just I have put so much work into this place to see it turn out like [enter 100's of words here]... well not like I expected. Most of the current active members here are a bunch of wankers, posting crap I wouldn't even drop outta my ass. Guess I just enjoyed the place more when I knew... and LIKED, the members who used to be here, but now they are widdled down to a few. So yeah, donno, just thought I needed to post something (constructive), it's been while.


The only problem (and I wouldn't really call it a problem) with this board is that it mirrors real life, in that (big suprise!) there are some people you like, and some you don't. Some people that provide meaningful, interesting arguments and topics, and some that post useless drivel that you really couldn't care less about. It wouldn't be a public message board if it didn't have these elements.

Snyx, don't be pissed off that you have a community of people on your board that reflects the community in real life, thats just the way things are, and will continue to be unless you cut off membership to include only those that you personally know and like. If thats the case, why bother having a message board on the net at all?

Maybe it is a hard realization, but the board is not yours, just as the mayor of a city does not own the city and limit population to those he knows and likes. Ideally, yah, maybe it would be nice to have a forum for only intelligent discussion, in fact, that could be a section, (maybe there already is one, i don't think so, tho) but a public message board is going to be just that. Public. Life's like that, gotta suck it up, man!

(this is not a personal attack, and you do have my appreciation for creating and maintaing this site. :) )
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by snyx
See this is prime example of what I'm talking about, it never used to be like this.
Of course it wasn't always like this.

It was all fairly hunky dory at first. Everyone was friendly. Plur was abound. Huggles were rampant. You know the story.

(dramatic tone)

Then, the board started to grow.

People from different walks of life/viewpoints came on board.

They stated their ideas on certain issues.

Those ideas clashed with many of the ideas of the regulars. Things escalated. Tempers were flared. Insults were exchanged. Before you know it, fights were being arranged!

Soon afterwards, all evidence of the exchange were promptly deleted by the predicators of the fight and shuffled under the carpet, as with what most fronters would do. Also, oddly enough, the people who were responding to the threats, calling the other parties' bluff, had their accounts deleted.

Many other people had their accounts deleted as well. Even people that had become established members of the community had their accounts deleted, presumably just because they were not among the handful of original posters on the site and were seen as being "intruders" of sorts. (of couse, i could be way off base here, but i can't think of any other reason why they'd be deleted)

You might imagine that many thought this was unjust...

This incident, combined with many incindents following it, alienated a lot of people. They were not happy. Some left. Others stayed. Among those that stayed, some decided to declare a war, of sorts, on the board.

They did this by purposefully creating an environment that the regulars would not like.

Quirkily enough, the regulars fled... they didn't stay around to defend what they had once loved... they just .. left.

And now you have the form-kaos.com of today.

(/dramatic tone)


Sure I could, but it would be the same thing this place is, the only things I don't own here is the name, and the forum license. The server is mine, the work is mine, ect, ect. But that's irrelevant,

Of course it is. The only thing that matters here is the people. And as someone mentioned beforehand, you surely don't own them.


and I can complain all I want, didn't we have some thing with this? You know so called "freedom of speech" you all "fought" to hard for. HA HA!

Looks like they won.


Oh and I never called anyone a fucken cunt...
Oh, well, never mind then. This was obviously just a BIG FUCKING MISTAKE.

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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
O.G. Sammy
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miss myra...the only reason i threw out that comment is to show everyone how hipocritical they're being towards myles. tit for tat.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
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lildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of light
How dar you guys speak of our beloved xtcity that way! :211:
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
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Originally posted by lildonkey
How dar you guys speak of our beloved xtcity that way! :211:
*tear* I miss xtcity.....
welcome to f&k Mike!!! :D:
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
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lildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of lightlildonkey is a glorious beacon of light
hehe thanks jen! ... just when you think your out... it pulls your right back in!!!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
*FeMaLe JunGLisT*
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You made your own bed, now you have to sleep in it. Lex asked you to help him and Kevin make their website and took up the offer, you should have known that you would not get all the love and credit you were hoping for. People were attracted here by word of mouth and by the dj's, not by you, sorry to tell you the truth. When people got here, sure they had alot of respect for you, until you became really ignorant, prejudice and closed minded. Now most of the members here hate you =)

Therefore: You are now the weakest link! Goodbye! :225:
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
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what the fuck eh. this place started out being nothing and now it has a helluva lot of members. i have to agree, some post useless shit. well the others do post some funny shit sometimes. but oh well, this is just one of those bulletin board places where itll always have useless posts just like any other place u go on the net.

i think snyx is havin a mid teen crisis and should buy something out of the extraordinary to cheer himself up. yes?
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
Gravity Slave
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MC Hammered has a spectacular aura aboutMC Hammered has a spectacular aura about
It was nice when F&K was small and there were other boards up to help seperate everyone.

Old schoolers on LX.
Brain dead trolls on XTCity.

When their playgrounds shut down they have to get their fix somewhere else right?

You think it stinks now? Wait and see what happens when CV shuts down.

Last edited by MC Hammered; Jan 18, 02 at 08:09 PM.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
bob bob is offline
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and now the rave counter-culture develops it's own system of classes?

something seems wrong with that picture...
but i'm not surprised it's happening...
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Jan 18, 02
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by MC Hammered

You think it stinks now? Wait and see what happens when CV shuts down.

may that never happen...... *hopes*

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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Jan 19, 02
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Blah ... this topic is triedsome and has been drag on its' ass for miles and beat w/ a metal pole till there was nothing left but pulb, then someone took it and grinded it up in a blinder and drank it , then shitted it out and flushed it down the toilet where is it ended up in the toilet bowl section of F&K.

Yes i must agree that i enjoyed this place much more in the beginning, when it was much smaller (but that was a year ago) and no one knew about it (ohhh the good all days) ... but now that it has become the way it is now , i just choose not to come here as much ...
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
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i still keep coming back so hey let's just ignore the posts we don't agree with.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
Originally posted by Discord
i'm sorry

look at it this way
at least it's better then XTcity was

better than xtcity?!?!?!

Lyndzie, are you crazy!?!??!

yeah, xtcity was 'bitter' and what not.. But I still luv that site and I'm pretty sure some people will agree with me on that one!!!

And weren't you saying sometime last year how you missed xtcity and stuff??
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Jan 20, 02
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sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
you people type too much, I skimmed through some of your posts, but I don't have all day here! bottom line, everyone who posted negatively to my first post are wankers, the rest of you are not. simple. :160:

flame on!
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Jan 21, 02
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I'm not a wanker, sweet!
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Jan 21, 02
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Jovi is you! :) yay for people loyal to xtcity... if i can get someone to host the site i can get the domain from steve and put the site back up :)... but there are already like 30000 forums now anyways
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