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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
I <3 House
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Great Drunk People Stories

So a friend came up to me in a club and askes to borrow my phone. No worries and I lend it to her.

15 minutes later I run into her again, "oh can I have my phone back please?"

"huh" she takes time to explain some giberish.

"remmember I lent you my phone, can I get it back?"
(visualy makes phone symbol)

"oh I put it back"

"you put it back were?" a little confused.

"I put it in its spot"

"?" I start to worrie more.

*drunk girl walks over to front of stage and reaches her hand between bars and table*

"where is she going?"

*drunk girl pulls out phone, hands it back to me*

really really convused I have to ask "why did you put my phone there?"

"... bla.... bla...."

still very confused "Ok, but why did you put my phone there?"

*drunk girl smiles and walks away*


Moral of the story:
Never leanding my phone to someone in a club again!

Last edited by Ree Fresh; Apr 10, 05 at 12:36 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
White kids love hip hop
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hahaha thats funny
good thing you found her again
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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***Setting: this happened when I first began dating Inge and we were leaving Morrisey's Irish pub on Granville***

So it's our third date and she has no clue what this guy by her side is capable of. The conversation is going great. Connections are being made. Jokes are being thrown every which way. Political debates ensue. Everything is going fine (Suffice to say, I'm a bit tipsy but I always do that when I'm getting to know girls :)).

As we're heading to her car, she sort've playfully hop/slides across the hood to the driver's side like in that beastie boys video Sabotage.

"Hm. That was a nice little jump that Inge just made. I must show her that I, too, am capable of making the smooth hop."

So I see a parking meter about 20 meters away from us. I turn to Inge and give her that
"check this out" look and in my drunkeness i ran full speed and planned to take it on pommel horse style.

i guess i totally misjudged and my crotch made full contact with the meter but my legs stop me from totally flying so i hit the thing, and then just slowly flip over.

the pain was actually seering, and i hardly noticed when my body crumpled to the ground and i landed on my shoulders and back. a little crowd had formed around me and some of them actually groaned. probably out of embarrassment for me.

I got up and said "wasn't that fucking cool?" and Inge was crying/laughing and let me hold her Frappuccino against my crotch on the ride home.

when she asked me why i did that i said "i was just trying to show off for ya babe "

and then she said I was too damn cute and thus began our whirlwind romance :)

*Edit: spelling mistakes*

Last edited by wum; Apr 10, 05 at 01:09 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
help me satan-you owe me!
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I was gonna go lie down in the middle of the street, but I decided not to.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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Originally Posted by wum
***Setting: this happened when I first began dating Inge and we were leaving Morrisey's Irish pub on Granville***

So it's our third date and she has no clue what this guy by her side is capable of. The conversation is going great. Connections are being made. Jokes are being thrown every which way. Political debates ensue. Everything is going fine (Suffice to say, I'm a bit tipsy but I always do that when I'm getting to know girls :)).

As we're heading to her car, she sort've playfully hop/slides across the hood to the driver's side like in that beastie boys video Sabotage.

"Hm. That was a nice little jump that Inge just made. I must show her that I, too, am capable of making the smooth hop."

So I see a parking meter about 20 meters away from us. I turn to Inge and give her that
"check this out" look and in my drunkeness i ran full speed and planned to take it on pommel horse style.

i guess i totally misjudged and my crotch made full contact with the meter but my legs stop me from totally flying so i hit the thing, and then just slowly flip over.

the pain was actually seering, and i hardly noticed when my body crumpled to the ground and i landed on my shoulders and back. a little crowd had formed around me and some of them actually groaned. probably out of embarrassment for me.

I got up and said "wasn't that fucking cool?" and Inge was crying/laughing and let me hold her Frapaciunno against me crotch on the ride home.

when she asked me why i did that i said "i was just trying to show off for ya babe "

and then she said I was too dame cute and thus began our whirlwind romance :)
lol...hahahahaa..ooh my...
...best story ever...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
got drunk and rowdy in surrey drank at the cop shop for some reason im not really sure kicked in a bustop window thingie..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
Eveebody Like Big Bawlz~!
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I like this thread, good reads, good stories.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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Originally Posted by xxViceRoyxx
I like this thread, good reads, good stories.
where's your story
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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Got kicked out of Cheeky for trying to help a similarly drunk girl (who about 30 seconds previous had counted down to midnight cuz it signified her birthday) steal the disco ball by climbing on my back.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
lebanese blonde
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lithe is on a distinguished road
that first story was so me wasn't it. :( sorry!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
I <3 House
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Ree Fresh is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by lithe
that first story was so me wasn't it. :( sorry!
Not that I know of? Unless your changed yoru name :P
Its all good... I didnt think it was possible to be that drunk so early at sonar :high 5:
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
Straight Outta Mocash
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Originally Posted by wellbelove's
So a friend came up to me in a club and askes to borrow my phone. No worries and I lend it to her.
hahaa, this happened to me on new years. turns out she gave it to someone, who left the club with it. i ended up calling it for hours before someone answered and i was able to get it back.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
Eveebody Like Big Bawlz~!
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Originally Posted by wum
where's your story
I've got quite a few actually i'll throw one atcha:

This guy is a total idiot, he decides to prove something, which no one understood and claims that he would drink out of the toilet.......and yea so he does these pictures should give you an idea of what happened........

Yes, he beer bonged something close to 9 beers.....with some rice wine -_-

The cuts on his hand show how stupid he gets when he drinks
Yea we all saw this one coming....

Yea thats him drinking out of the fucking toilet

The victory pose
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File Type: jpg toilet.JPG (24.9 KB, 160 views)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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nice sausagefest
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
Eveebody Like Big Bawlz~!
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Originally Posted by wum
nice sausagefest
I dont think any girls would like to be around that thing drinking -_- unless you wanna hear about the time he locked himself up in the washroom with another girl and watched her taking a shit?

Originally Posted by wum
where's your story
You just cant stop being an annoying little shit can you? You wanna start something there sweetcheeks?

Last edited by xxViceRoyxx; Apr 10, 05 at 03:12 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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sweet sensi crew
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Hey wum, I think he likes you? ;) ;)

Drunk Story #2435
Beaver Dam... 1/4 Stick of Dynamite... SOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN! BOOOOOOM!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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she couldn't hold her liquor

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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Originally Posted by wum
she couldn't hold her liquor

she should so hook up with egor
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
Stinky Finger
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one of my good buddys, and no it was not me, got so drunk one night , when he went in his house to stumble to bed, he ended up slipping on something, but at the time he didnt know, or comprehend what hapened, so he ended up crawling into his bed, in the morning his mom came in his room and was like, "Tyler what the fuck hapened to you, youre covered in dog shit" it ended up that his dog was sick and had a bad case of diarhea,he slipped on it and began to roll all around trying to get up, after failing to stand up, he had wiped it all along the lenolium towars his room and had it all over his bed, thats pretty embarassing
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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mojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nicemojo is just really nice
theres a house in my neighbourhood that i just hate. no good reason, the people that live there are just too damn good. anyways, when me and my friends would get drunk as shit at my house when we were younger, we would always make what we called a brew(consisting of anything we could find in my kitchen, combined in a ziploc bag) and then go throw it at there house....with a few eggs, or whatever else we could find.
anyways, one night we were done the vandalizing, ran back to my house, and were chilling in the front yard. i started to feel lightheaded ,so i went over to the fence to support myself. i then proceeded to pass out about 4 times in a row, hitting my face on the fence each time...kinda waking myself up a bit, then doing it again. i then chuffed a few times, went back inside and had another beer.

not the best story, but its funny to me!
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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one time i broke a toilet at my friends cabin no clue how i did it but i did, but apparently i walked out of the bathroom with water gussing from behind me said"Guys I think I have started a problem I am going to bed". And I woke up in the morning asking what happen to the toilet.
yeah camping
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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Hmmmmm k. It was my 19th birthday. A buunch of us went to Plaza on Granville. I didn't have to pay for a single drink, but my friends kept giving me high balls, shots, etc. I was so drunk that when I had a shot of Jack, I thought it was minty and sweet (? Yeah I dunno).

So anywho, the night was ending, the club was closing. It was just my best friend, her boyfriend, and I that was left. I couldn't find them, so I was just drunkenly wandering off on my own. I texted her saying that we had to leave. I was waiting for her by the entrance. I have a habit of calling people when I'm intoxicated so I called my friend's cell who was in Montreal at the time, and my other friend who was asleep.

After a few minutes, my best friend never replied, so I decided I'll just drunkenly walk to the skytrain station. For some reason I was getting really scared. So I call up another one of my friends, Sapna, and I left her a message.

The skytrain had already stopped running, and I was walking along Granville by myself, until I eventually ran into my friends at London Drugs. We ended up taking a cab, where they made out beside me. Then moving to her truck which she parked near Nanaimo station, where they--thinking that I had passed out--were doing shit and I could hear the moans *shudder*. While she was driving!!!

We stopped at McDonald's and I ended up puking in a bag in her truck, then I ran out of the truck and puked at the bushes at the side (this is the McD's at Victoria and Kingsway).

Eventually we made it to her house, where I passed out on her couch and they had sex on the floor :|.

The next morning Sapna makes me listen to her message. I was crying! I couldn't even understand what I was saying, I was mumbling and crying!

Haha k it's not that funny. But if you heard my voice message, you'd be laughing! I guess you had to be there.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
'latinum respect.
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Originally Posted by lithe
that first story was so me wasn't it. :( sorry!

Oh, there's more stories from that night involving you! You're a very bad girl.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
el jefe de automático
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i give you...

-a Jay and Ed production-

a couple of months ago after the relick one sunday night me and special ed & condition red from victoria and angst and soda and a few others went back to the soda and angst compound for a little afterparty styles. by the time we got there everyone else was done like dinner, so ed and i decided to hit the town (in the vicinity of the cop shop @ 6th and cambie), beers in hand, to see what was to be seen and to do what needed to be done. we wandered through the alleys for a while heading roughly east until we spotted an unsecured white high-density plastic rowboat.

instantly agreeing that it needed to be in soda's living room when he woke up in the morning we grabbed it and turned around to walk back. the bitch probably weighed about 150 lbs, and wih ed on the prow and me on the tiller we stumbled and got plowed under by it a few times. the key problem with walking down the street holding a rowboat over your head is that your head is inside the boat so you can't see where you are, or where you're going. despite intermittent rest/orientation stops we overshot soda's and were nearing cambie. it was at one of these stops that while dropping the rowboat in the middle of the road the cops pull up and ask us just what we are doing. me being the quicker of the two turned around and ran off laughing hysterically while ed tried to explain that we'd found the boat in the middle of the road, amazingly the cops basically told ed to carry on, so he did.

we turned around and were nearing soda's when the crept alongside us and busted us for good. again the cops asked us just what we were doing (it could have been the same cops from before, no way of knowing). ed starts to spin a story about finding a rowboat, blah, blah blah, but i silence him with an arm across the chest and exclaim "we're drunk, stupid, and have no clue". this gets a good laugh out of the cops. asking us where we were going to take it we told them that we were "going to leave it in our friend's living room for when he woke up". asking us where that was we told them "that if we knew where it was we wouldn't be talking to them right now". after running our names and finding we're basically good guys, they tell us that they're going to watch us carry it back to where we got it. i can tell you by this point we were both at the end of our ropes physically, like i said, this thing was heavy. after carrying it back to "where we got it". they let us go.

no fine, no charges, no drunk tank.

we got back to the compound to pass out and to also get a good talking to from ed's girl naomi, who we'd apparently told we were going "for a smoke" several hours ago.

i'm blessed sometimes.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Apr 10, 05
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I read all that and the fucking boat didn't even end up in the fucking living room???
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