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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Apr 14, 05
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
Daily Stuff: 04-14-05

Joke of the Day
An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and goes to see his doctor."Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night." "Have you tried counting sheep?" "That's the problem - I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it."

Fact of the Day
Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

Quote of the Day
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

- Aristotle

Word of the Day
oracular • \or-RAK-yuh-ler\ • adjective
*1 : resembling an oracle (as in solemnity of delivery)
2 : of, relating to, or being an oracle

Question of the Day
Archie Bunker's son in law: What was his character name, who played him, and what did Archie call him?


Be extra careful not to let yourself become tired or run down. You'll need all the physical and emotional strength and stick-to-itiveness you can muster to get through today -- and, more importantly, tonight. Of course, if anyone has mastered the concept of the twenty-minute power nap, followed by a cool shower and a strong cappuccino, it's you. Go ahead. Show us how it's done and make this day work for you.

Someone you love is thinking of you, because there's no one else who can soothe and comfort them quite like you. In fact, your knack for calming even the most troubled waters is famous among your dear ones. And don't even try to act like you don't enjoy the position. What could possible make you feel better about yourself than making someone else feel better about their own situation? It's a powerful gift.

The things that mean the most to you will be even more important now, and you'll be more than willing to let others see just how important. That goes double for folks you know have been wondering about you lately -- and maybe even thinking you've been rather fickle. It's time to show them what you're made of. And you'll undoubtedly do quite the job of it, too.

If you weren't already in the mood to let thing out when you woke up this morning, you will be very soon. You've been trying to keep something quiet, even after it obviously had to emerge, and it's been exhausting. Oh, just let it go. Once you release this burden, you'll be able to relax and enjoy yourself. And this is one of those things that really does need to see the light of day, anyway.

What a nice surprise. You've actually crossed paths with someone you believe may be among the last remaining intelligent, charming and interesting people on the planet. And speaking of interesting, if they're available and you are too, this could be truly interesting. If either of you isn't quite available, however, things could get tricky, especially during the coming weekend. Better think this over.

You woke up in the mood to take over a small country -- and you're feeling as if you could do it before lunch and still have some energy left over to set up a government by dinner. Well that's wonderful, but why not apply some of this magical energy to more mundane tasks -- like, say, organizing your home? Sure, you did it recently, but you've got company coming this weekend. Yes, you do.

Here we go. It's time for you to make connections -- and promises, too. The good news is that if someone tells you they mean it now, they really do. Today's astrological agenda calls for nothing but rock-solid intensity. But the best news is that you'll be able to get close to people without even trying. And with the weekend just a stone's throw away, you'll have plenty of time to see things happen.

You're not used to being around other people when they're acting like this -- like you do on a daily basis. They're thinking intense thoughts, not just considering surface stuff, and are actually wondering out loud about things they'd ordinarily take for granted. Nice, huh? Well, seeing as the weekend is almost here, why not celebrate? Invite one of your new best buds out for dinner and drinks and have a nice, long chat.

Bright and early this morning, you'll begin thinking about how it might be possible to get together with the one you love -- without any outside interference at all. Now that's usually not a problem at all, but this time out, you'll both have your work cut out for you. Don't worry about this alone. Spend some time on the phone and formulate a battle plan together.

If you've been trying to choose the perfect time to get family, friends and that certain someone all together, wonder no longer. This is it. As of tomorrow, they'll all be more than willing to cooperate, be nice to each other and do whatever it takes to please you. Use this advance notice to get cracking on your big plans for the weekend. This is a heavenly gift. Take full advantage of it.

You've been wondering exactly what's going on with you lately, haven't you? Well, don't poke at it too much. Just consider it the heavenly equivalent of winning the lottery and enjoy it. You can talk with literally anyone about literally anything now, and make it look easy. That goes double for your communication with coworkers -- especially the ones you're interested in for more than their memos.

Feeling better? You bet you are. And it's a good thing, too, because a wonderfully enticing offer is en route, just in time to make this a weekend you won't soon forget. Accept those invitations. Besides, now that Mercury has finally stopped moving retrograde, you might actually be able to keep the plans you've made. That's something to look forward to all by itself, isn't it?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Apr 14, 05
mapleleaf4ever's Avatar
sweet sensi crew
Join Date: Jan 2004
mapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Liqwid

Question of the Day
Archie Bunker's son in law: What was his character name, who played him, and what did Archie call him?
I can't remember his name but Archie called him "Meathead" all the time. :)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Apr 14, 05
feelsssss love
Join Date: Jul 2001
Liqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the roughLiqwid is a jewel in the rough
^^^^......1/2 right erik'zzzzzzzz

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Apr 14, 05
MissBehavior's Avatar
tee hee!
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Originally Posted by Liqwid
Question of the Day
Archie Bunker's son in law: What was his character name, who played him, and what did Archie call him?
Michael Stivic, Rob Reiner, Meathead.

My dad looked like him in the 70's. :)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Apr 14, 05
never EVER trust a Ford
Join Date: Oct 2004
ty_guy is an unknown quantity at this point
"you don't take naps .... naps take you"
"in Russia you don't drive car, car drives you"
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Apr 14, 05
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2004
LeeBrat is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by ty_guy
"you don't take naps .... naps take you"
so true. so true
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