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Old May 25, 05
Tea Tea is offline
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Love Horoscopes

If you hate astrology dont bother reading this, i think it is fun and am posting because it gives me a chance to astrologize. I'm not god..the stars aren't either, it not something to take too seriously, maybe just keep in mind and have fun with.

Aries: You know you need to be okay with yourself before anything starts to get going, and sometimes its the impulsive nature in you that got that thing going in the first place. You may come off fearless and full of courage but deep down you have a longing to protect yourself from getting hurt. Generally you are not one to show emotions on the surface; but keep in mind that emotions are not just tears, excitment, happiness, intensity ...etc. You are emotional in your own special way, and there is nothing wrong with being non-mundane and a lot of fun. You know you like to be in control of the way things are going in your life, and sometimes you tend to make negatives before going through with a potential suitor. Just try to give things a chance and enjoy what comes your way, people are attracted you, you are an attractive sign...but give a little and let something into your space..being hurt is a part of life and its better to try then to turn your shoulder at the risk of everything falling down.

Taurus: A lot of you are at the point where you just can't settle for shit. You are not desperate and if you were, you'd likely be seeing a number of different people who strike interest in you. You are the sign of dependability and for you, you'd like to know that you can in turn depend on the people you love in your life; but the trust is not about to come easy, your not stupid, not even close, and it will take time for that person to get in. This sign does enjoy sex but feels better being with someone who is not going to flail on them and can meet their needs. A taurus, esp taurus male can be a addicted to the one night stand; but again this can play as a defense mechanism, where you get what you what in an immediate sense but you contiune to not let people in and this behavoir may catch up with you. You need order in your life and having beautiful things is important to you, you'd rather have a few close friends then a strings of aquiantaces because you hold fast to those you care about. A secret that some may not know about you or never know is that beneath the hard shell of the bull lies a very sensitive and loving person who can never really be won. They make up their own mind. A taurus is not easily fooled so save the tricks for the kids.

Gemini: Man are you ever fun these days. People are so taken by your natural charm and essence that they don't get the chance to look beneath the surface. Good luck trying to get in there, a Gemmini is actually very private, dont let their chatty or witty nature fool you, their inner emotions and thoughts are not something they feel disclosing with just anyone esp. those they first meet. Gem males, you know the lady's love you, you know you make the best date. It's like a moth to the flame. And good at that, a gemmini male likes the idea of more than one woman being in lust or amour of him, he is a lady's man, and gets along with the girls quite well, he may even have a femminie feel to him or a sensitve loving nature. It is usual for a gemmini male to have something on the go, be it a relationship, a few relationships or the like. Gemmini females can cast a spell on any young lad, they are very much hunted after, but they are also hard to figure out. A part of her does need love but the other have desire stimulation and novelty. She needs someone to catch her attention with his interesting sense of character and lack of dullness. Un-committed gem females are on the search of the one who is worth it. "Is he worth it?" She can't help but size people up and be turned off by something trivial.
Needless to say, this is the sign of the most contrevery, there is no certaintly in a gemmini, be split two ways can be hard to keep up with, a bi-polar inate nature is one to leave each gem as their own.

Cancer: Latley your walls have come down a little bit and you may also notice yourself smiling a lot more, maybe someone has got you, or your heart; and this scares you is some way. There may be a sense of comfort in your life, and you may think to yourself i should not get comfortable but it is hard to deny what is true. You have a tendancy to be protected of yourself, and the people you care about; you have a certain loyality to your friends, they are like your family, and mean a great deal to you. You try to mask your moods, but it is in your nature to go through times when you want to do nothing and be lazy, or other times when you feel great and want to go out. You are affected by your life circumstances, if an argument occurs or you are upset it is harder for you pick up and get on; which can leave people finding you hard to understand at times. No matter what, you are the 'den mother' the one who put their neck out to fix the problems, and make sure everyone is happy. You care and you have a big heart, and laughing is so important to you. It is important that you be with someone who makes you feel good, but one who also makes you laugh. Girls: You are of gentle, deptth and richness, you dont come on to hard but just right, with just enough flirty zest. You know you are caution about giving your heart away, use your intellect and go with your inutitions, you know you are never wrong. Boys: You can be the romantic daydreamer who falls easily,full of affection and imagination.You are the true feeler...you want to protect the woman you love.

Leo: It feels good to feel loved. Others are drawn to you, and this is something you have grown acustom to, you like attention and who doesnt really? Right now you feel comfortable knowing where your love is, you responde well to being in love or having someone to practice the act of love with. Sometimes you can be too focused on yourself and your needs and this can lead to problems, you know you tend to enjoy the drama at times, in your nature to make your problems other peoples; but lucky for you, you are adored so much that the people in your life do not mind. You are the sign of excuberance, and other people love you because you are not afraid to tell them what you think about them, you are not afraid to exspress the positive qualities you see in people and this upbeat atitude is enjoyed. Girls: You need a man who is not afraid to praise you. And is not intimated by your worth. You have the ability to wear men like other woman wear jewlery, and to some this is a heaven on earth; but to other leo woman they adore being adored by one love. If in love, her heart will be given in a large degree, she wont hold anything back, this is me, all of it, love it , embrace it, want it. Leo boys: For you, falling out of love is as simple as falling out of bed. Sometimes you dont know if you understand it but you know you love woman, all of them, they to you are just lovely. Regardless of your stand point, love affairs are not taken lightly. It is never minor or mild or murky. It is high drama. It is grand passion. He can make you feel like you are the world, that you are everything of great importance and then suddenly the light are just out. He won't explain, but it could be consider that he was in love with a mythical creature of his imagination.

Virgo: Aren't you getting a little sick of yourself? I mean yah you like the opposite sex, but you know you have the ability to criticize anything and make it seem unworth your efforts. You also like being alone so you can take sex with a grain of salt. It suites you to be free of too much attachment, it not something you do well right now. You are of a moral nature, you can see black and white and you can see good and bad. And you can see how something won't work, instead of harping on how it can. Virgo boys: You have a way in the bedroom of sweeping a woman off her feet, you do have selfish needs that have to be met but you do respect woman and want to see her satisfyed. You probably get a long with your mom. Even so, your love life does not run smoothly. You have high standards, and maybe if you are getting lonely you should lower them. You are a man of quality and realness, and despite your wishes to be of a don juan nature, "love em and em", there will be a woman of amazing sense who breaks down your walls. Virgo Girls: You can feel confilcted sometimes, with your emotions hidden from the person you like and your head in train wreck over if you should bother. Not to worry, once your emotions are unlocked by the one you let in, your cold shoulder will turn hot and happiness will take place.

Libra: Your a little ticked off right now, well your trying to not to me, being mad over something is not your style, you play it cool, you are of the most chilled signs; but someone who should not have gotten in, and did, hurt you. This is not usual for a Libra, they are use to calling the shots and when something unusal like this occurs it leaves them confused and dissapointed. On the contray, other Libras could be suprised by the happiness they feel right now and experiencing something that would have once before ran away from. Don't get too worked up over it, enjoy it and let it run its course. And then there are even some under this sign who are enjoying their me time a little too much. Libras dont like to be rushed into anything. They need their space. You know you have the charm to get what you want, you know other people want you, and a lot, so dont worry about where you lie at present. You could easily go out and make a bunch of friends that mean nothing to you in five seconds or less. The goal is to go after something you really like, no leading on, and let it run its course. You know you dont always tell people who you think, you like to keep things non sketch. You like to keep the peace, and just by emboiding that quality you already know more fun and fufillment is on its way. Don't fret.

Scorpio: You better know who you are and what you want for yourself before knocking on a scorpio's door. Yah, they are the ruler of the private parts, and can plow/love it/will be pleasing in bed for any lucky suitor; but your not about to feel sorry for yourself about the choices you make, and if you are your not going to make it any body else's bussiness. Instead, you will listen to all your friends wines and be supportive with your idealism that never fails. You have the back of those you care about , and this is a remarkable quality. You can been proclaimed the wiser. Scorpio woman: Some of the most personable (can have that flirty bubble about them that makes them stand out and appealing) and strong girls who don't put up with bullshit. They are able to demand what they want from themself, and really are not that interested in one nights that mean nothing. Scorpio girls are not about sharing, what's mine is mine it is not yours. So take a walk. She will capacitate loyality, and be full of passion..this aside the girl has a brain so dont try to put any fast ones by her. Scorpio man: He'll kill you will his mystery, and it will kill you even more that this is sexy; but dont take it personal, its just who he is, trust is never easy for a scorpio, it will take time for them to open up to you and when they do it will be worth it. Seduction with him will be easy, he loves sex but gaining a relationship will not come easy.It's not that he doesnt want this it is that he has the most indefensible defense in the zodiac, and he does not want you to ever see his vulnerable side. He does feel things, depsite the easy going demenor and really does not want to be hurt. He is prone to jelousy and has wicked side. Dont piss a scorpio off or fuck with their trust...because they do have wickeness that will come into play when that is taken for granted.

Sagittarius: You are so positive when it comes to the other people no? Always wiling to see the bright side of a situation, well maybe, for some sag's, its time to start taking in some of that positive thinking and direct it on yourself. You don't need to brag about compliments that you get or tell stories that make you feel secure in a moments time. You simply need to believe in who you are and trust that you've got it. Confidence is the most attractive quality, and you should already know by now that people are attracted to you.Insted of seeking validation. You have fire in your personality that people are drawn to. You have a fiesty edge that makes you stand out. You have gifts in the social department. Sag girls: Are at their most when in love, they love the excitment and their feelings of a happy go lucky life are intensifed and glowing when in something of meaning.Sag, being the sign of mental exploration she can find love not only of passion but also a challenge. She is the perfect play mate but only if she finds the game worth playing. She does not want to make the best of a bad buy. When un-happy, she can be prone to walking away. Love is learning for her and the idea of being tied to one place can be hard for a sag woman to accept, she loves to travel. Sag men: The symbol of the archer comes into play most here,the sag man is always on the hunt. he enjoys the hunt, and is considered the Don Juan of the zodiac.This is because sag loves adventure and wants love to be an elusive adventure. He doesn't want to take love seriously he would like it if people or girls in this matter were more relaxed, buoyant and undemanding. He can be of the casual fun and this is ment to be of a open, honest, CHEERful, intelligent act of loving making(err sex).

Capricorn: Do you realy need to know that other's like it? It is important for you to feel of purpose, you dont like standing in the kitchen unless you know you can make something others wil think to be amazing. You are the sign of steadiness and you strive to be the achiever.Cap girls: They may seem like they do not show how they feel about love, but inside they really do, and a great deal. She is a romantic, or she can be just dont let her private, restrained and aloof nature fool you. Cap girls dont like to leave things up to fate they put love in their hands and try to figure it all out. Least of all signs to fall in love at first sight/meeting. She takes her time getting to know what she may like, and common to other earth signs she has a deep rooted sensuality that flowers only when she feels safe and secure. Cap girls like to keep their heads up with class. You may think you are putting them in their place, but your only leaving a dent. That dent will likely push back out as they have self disciplint, common sense and clear mind. Cap Boys:He's about the the phyiscal desire but love realtionships dont come easy for him emotionally. He has a knack for insecurtiy and this can kill him in his younger stages , but with time he will grow out it if smart.He needs a woman who will reassure him and make him feel good about himself. Typical of Capricorn DNA is may stray from the romantic girl towards a woman who is useful to his ambitions. Basically, stroak a capricorn ego and they may just tie themslef to you.

Aquarius: "Yah they really want you, they really want you, they really do." Out of all the signs in the Zodiac Aquarians have the finess that is undefineable, and leaves people wanting more. They have the ability to become friends with anything, it is their natural zest to be of a very friendly nature, which most are drawn towards. They are the gifted ones of the zodiac, they can out wit and out charm and belittle anything if needed. People who are too dense to see the reality of an Aquarius' existence may percieve them weird or even strange; but those are who are open minded enough will see that Aquarius is simply unique and eccentric.You have the ability to shock and amuse at the same time, while sustaining a wicked sense of humor and a knack for new ideas-that people often appeal to or imitate as their own. Despte how many numbers are in your phone you will always be seen as an untouchable for you are of an independant character. Sometiems you enjoy being mean, and are very good at it, but that is not the side of you that you show towards the ones you love, or the one you love. Out of all the signs Aquarius contimplates love the most. Because they are very intellectual they intellectualize love, and can be prone to emotionally detached sexual relationships. Sometimes female Aquarius' are very into femminist ideology, and will not ever feel inferior to a man. They are strong lady's who hate to show weakness. If you mean something to an aquarius it is likely because you have started off as friends, building a mental rapport that turns into sexual over time. They are picky and do not go after anything. Sexually, they have a passion of them, that is not pornographic but something woman feel drawn too. They have a sexual magnetism that just is, so if you happen to be a bed post to an aquarius be careful for the memory of that night may be hard for you to earase; and when casually involved they are very aloof so don't expect them to fill your needs when you need them to be met.

Pisces: Dream Dream Dream. It's true you have a vivid imagination and daydream of what you would like love to be to you, or you did at one point and now you are so jaded it doenst even really matter. Out of all the signs, pisces is the hardest to define in written terms , for this sign is as mutable as they come. Take into consideration the fish symbol, the fish in the sea are not ever exactly alike. Their are big fish, small fish, and my most favorite *star fish*, no two pisces are ever identical but almost instantly they share a connection and understanding with each other. But to show just how wide the spectrum is i shall present a hollywood exampled, Kurt Cobain is a pisces, Elizabeth Taylor and Albet Einstein.Pisces are the sign of compassion, they try to be there for the people in their lives, and they like intimate moments.People think of you are their special friend, with a sparkiling social pressene, with a witty, vivacious sense of style that is always interested in new activities. You like fun. Sometimes they are prone to giving more then they get, and will have a hard time saying no as they are of an addictive nature, and sex, drugs, rock and roll and alcohol are all apart of this. Ever said the exspression, "You drink like a fish?" Well, if so, i dont doubt that a pisces could do just that. They are a very thirsty sign, and some search to create a world that is close to their unique vision. Despite what you may not believe about yourself, you are the most creative sign in the zodiac and artforms come naturally to you. You love music. You are art inclinded. And as the ruler of the feet, this can play as fetish, or make you swift on them making you a good dancer. You are easy on your feet, and can be quite grounded, in a literal sense. Pisces girls will catch men at first glance, being of the most feminie sign, fish girls take care of their asthetics and have a flirty flare that reals in the bate, leaving men haunted there after. She brings out the man in her mate, she can read you like a book, even if you dont say too much, she has perception and will have you pegged. Fish girls have a kack for needing to be needed so they can go for the wrong guy, or one of two extremes. Either the emotionally handicaped or the strong self assured. She can feel happiest when in love, and does have a physic nature...with the ability to adapt to just about anyone. She's got skills; but needs to work on getting too depended on her mate and dealing with the reality of rejection. Fish boys: Rare charm. Eternal charmer. He lives from the whim of the moment. He likes secret affairs and is torn between wanting to be with woman he finds appealing sexually/ wanting to be with one girl that he loves. He can fall easy but has a inate instict for going after the wrong woman. It is said that in every woman's past there is a fish man. He can be emotional about love making,in the sense that he doesnt want it to be an animal act but that is because he is tender, loving and considerate.He will give himself emotionally and will do almost anything for somone he cares about; but keep it mind that there is such a things as a black fish. Just like a scorpio has a stinger, a bull has it's hoofs and a lion has its rawr every sign as a dark sense, and means for protecting themselves againsts undesired prey.

I really could go on forever...but i must set limits. If you have any astro questions, feel free to PM me.
Have a good weekend, and be sure to post the sign you gort it on with. (j/k)

Last edited by Tea; May 26, 05 at 11:09 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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well me being aqu..im pretty hooped on this one then...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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awww lame, come on, i want to see the scorpio one. :(
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
veN veN is offline
Basically, I win.
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Thanks T! I enjoyed reading mine (and Matt's!). <3 Horoscopes are fun... =)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
mine hit me dead on right now....go cancer!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
i'm a libra and everybody loves me.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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decypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the rough
yeh wtf is with this scorpio business. I'm getting irrational and angry!!!!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
'latinum respect.
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miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
Originally Posted by Tea
A lot of you are at the point where you just can't settle for shit.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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Originally Posted by dabbler
awww lame, come on, i want to see the scorpio one. :(
werd, i wanna see sag.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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robyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by decypher
yeh wtf is with this scorpio business. I'm getting irrational and angry!!!!
Now I'm brooding and over-analyzing and horny!!!!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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Originally Posted by gusto
i'm a libra and everybody loves me.
they loooooove us
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
that's weak...only half the horoscopes?? come on now.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
you dont knowww me
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LLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the rough
*waits for capricorn* !!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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ty_guy is an unknown quantity at this point
i know i'm hot stuff and get ALL the ladies but i'd like conformation;)

ps: none of the above is true

please add the rest of them, Scorpio at the least
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
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Veni*C will become famous soon enoughVeni*C will become famous soon enough
so are these love horoscopes for this month?...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
Tea Tea is offline
ghetto gold
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Dont hate me because i have a life, hehe

sorry kids, all are up now, except pisces.

I'll get there.

And no i did not have time to edit, it takes a lot out of you.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old May 25, 05
Tea Tea is offline
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Originally Posted by gusto
i'm a libra and everybody loves me.
So true.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 05
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Apparently, I'm very adored.... By the old european men that come into my store and ask me for english tutoring....
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 05
not colbert
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stephen_c will become famous soon enoughstephen_c will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Tea

Virgo boys:
... and despite your wishes to be of a don juan nature, "love em and em", there will be a woman of amazing sense who breaks down your walls.
wtf, me??? to be of a don juan nature???
this horoscope is f*cked.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 05
not colbert
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stephen_c will become famous soon enoughstephen_c will become famous soon enough
u kno sun signs don't work.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 05
Tea Tea is offline
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Originally Posted by stephen_c
wtf, me??? to be of a don juan nature???
this horoscope is f*cked.
Maybe you don't understand words when they aren't served to you on a silver platter. What i tried to exspress was while you may wish you could be that way you cant.

Virgo is a not a fixed sign it is mutable, which means that none are exactly alike. If you want a clear reading, you can give me your birthdate including year, and if you have it, the time you were born.

I bet you money i can reveal some things about you that are true.

And if you think sun signs are fucked, you should have paid attention to the intro of the thread, no negative energy from astro haters allowed. This is just for fun, no need to get your boxer briefs in a bunch.

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 05
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Originally Posted by Silverwinged
Apparently, I'm very adored.... By the old european men that come into my store and ask me for english tutoring....
Way to work it Lioness. <3
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 05
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Originally Posted by Tea
Way to work it Lioness. <3
And then I sell them some gorgeous Tiger Woods gear....;)
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 05
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ty_guy is an unknown quantity at this point
word for word, letter for letter, i am a Scorpio. i'm baffled by how RIGHT these things can get.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old May 26, 05
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Originally Posted by Ashes
that's weak...only half the horoscopes?? come on now.
What's weak now?

*crosses arms*
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