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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 04, 02
Registered User
Join Date: Dec 2001
SomeGuy is an unknown quantity at this point
Tongue Ring?? help me plz..!!

Ok. I got a tongue ring 3 or 4 months ago.. and while I was drunk I discovered that the bottom ball(the piece on the underside of my tongue) had this white shit growing over it(yah I know that's nasty).. but WTF is it? is it my body rejecting the tongue ring? is it infected? or what??? all I did to get rid of it was push down on the top ball then all the white stuff kinda popped off of the bottom one and I swallowed it :)

I'm just wandering if anyone know's what's going on? and yes I know I should go to the place where I got it pierced and ask them but half the time the people that work there are dumb asses.

any help plz?

PS.. I haven't kissed anyone or anything oral since I got it so there's no way that had any effect on it..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 04, 02
blest w/ chest
Join Date: Jun 2001
frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
ok sick-O...when you brush your teeth you really shoud be brushing the barbell to OK. that gross white stuff is plaque. if you ingest to much of it you get brain damage and die OK
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 04, 02
Join Date: Dec 2001
*STARFISH* is on a distinguished road
its a cancerous form of aids thats been associated with diabetes *L* j/k!!
why dont you go to a doctor and find out?!?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 04, 02
little miss muffet
Join Date: Sep 2001
Gilkayo is an unknown quantity at this point
hey dont sweat ..it happens to everyone...its an over growth of white blood cells...its just helping it heal and by the time its done it should go away.
dun worry, :Keebler: it happened to me too..they are suposed to warn you about that when you get it pirced.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 04, 02
'latinum respect.
Join Date: Jan 2002
miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
People who work in piercing places aren't exactly dumbasses, or they wouldn't really be working in a piercing place. (I should know, I worked in one for two years) Your paranoia seems a bit ridiculous, thinking it's infected, that it's the end of the world because a bit of plaque (yes, it's plaque..) has accumulated on the bottom ball of your barbell. Well, the problem really started because you weren't properly maintaining your piercing, what you should always do is brush your piercing when you brush your teeth, always brush the bottom ball, this can be done by simply putting the shaft of the barbell between your teeth for easier access.
another way to combat this kind of buildup is to use a product like PLAX, which will help your teeth as well.

Another thing, just so you know and to keep you from becoming increasingly more paranoid about the whole thing is that the occurence of infection in oral piercings, most specifically tongue piercings is extremely rare. Your mouth is self-cleaning and thus it is one of the cleanest places in your body. While infections CAN occur, they don't occur at quite the same rate as they would with piercings such as the navel (probably because your bellybutton is the SECOND dirtiest part of your body...runner up to underneath your fingernails)

This is a bit of a rambling response, but in conclusion, it's not infected, and secondly, if you HAVE a problem like this, call your piercer. If you think your piercer and/or the people working in the place you get your work done are 'stupid' then by all means, find somewhere else!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 05, 02
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Join Date: Dec 2001
SomeGuy is an unknown quantity at this point
Miss.Myra I don't mean that all of them are dumbasses.. but there have been 2 at Pauls Boutique in Surrey that were. The girl never warned me about anything like this, and in the end it's no big deal(sorry if I offended you, never ment to), but another girl there messed up my friends Monroe piercing too, and then when she went back to get it re-done it was a really bad experience for her again. I've met some people from there that really knew there stuff and are great at what they do, but luck of the draw was the 3 times that we went, we got 3 seperate girl's that didn't seem to know what was going on.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 05, 02
blest w/ chest
Join Date: Jun 2001
frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
Originally posted by SomeGuy
Miss.Myra I don't mean that all of them are dumbasses.. but there have been 2 at Pauls Boutique in Surrey that were. The girl never warned me about anything like this, and in the end it's no big deal(sorry if I offended you, never ment to), but another girl there messed up my friends Monroe piercing too, and then when she went back to get it re-done it was a really bad experience for her again. I've met some people from there that really knew there stuff and are great at what they do, but luck of the draw was the 3 times that we went, we got 3 seperate girl's that didn't seem to know what was going on.
never trust anyone w/ a needle in whally.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Feb 05, 02
aka "Cyrus"
Join Date: Jul 2001
Candy-Kid is an unknown quantity at this point
ouch. Dont do stuff when your drunk lol
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Feb 07, 02
Re: Tongue Ring?? help me plz..!!

Originally posted by SomeGuy
Ok. I got a tongue ring 3 or 4 months ago.. and while I was drunk I discovered that the bottom ball(the piece on the underside of my tongue) had this white shit growing over it(yah I know that's nasty).. but WTF is it? is it my body rejecting the tongue ring? is it infected? or what??? all I did to get rid of it was push down on the top ball then all the white stuff kinda popped off of the bottom one and I swallowed it :)

I'm just wandering if anyone know's what's going on? and yes I know I should go to the place where I got it pierced and ask them but half the time the people that work there are dumb asses.

any help plz?

PS.. I haven't kissed anyone or anything oral since I got it so there's no way that had any effect on it..
HI..Ive had my tounge pierced for I think 6 yrs now...
and that white shit...is just something your tounge does...it goes away.
Just make sure you LISTERINE all the time..after every smoke, every kiss, every whatever it is you do...listerine.
Even if it feels healed...dont stop.

SOmetimes even now after so many years...it gets sore once and awhile..and once it does..i use listerine and the pain stops.
Dont worry about...if it gets really bad....maybe go see the piercer who did it. :153:
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