yea.. like offer us stuff .. hookers and blow would be a good idea for starters |
i personally dont care if people are religious or not, what bothers me about some people tho, is when they start shoving what they belive down other peoples throats, and then making accusations
rant rant rant
God is a network of human conciousness
Satan is a part of that network due to the fact that we all have a dark side. Heaven and Hell are states of mind, living, and lives themselves. There is no such thing as eternal damnation. Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is yanking your crank. The Bible is a trippy collection of ancient spiritually inspired writings, and has alot of good stuff in it, but to follow only the Bible is to truncate your spiritual growth. And that is a sin, the definition of sin being 'An action that brings harm to yourself or others' That's what I figure the definition is/should be, anyways. I think it makes sense. Oh yah another thing WTF is with this fearing God bullshit? Whether God comes out of us or we came from of God or we are God or God is some bearded loving dude in the sky Why fear it? God's everywhere and in everything to some extent, therefore fearing God is fearing everything. And when you fear everything, you'll do/buy anything to feel safe. This rantafesto was brought to you by pent up religious frustration. [Yes I totally bit this one. Hook line and motherfuckin sinker. This fish is chalk full of LSD] Last edited by Rytalin; Aug 18, 05 at 01:25 PM. |
ehem...theology 101...sorta
in response to the above rant i would like to say something about fearing God. it is not so much a being afraid of God as it is respecting and honouring God. why you ask does God deserve respect and honour??? well, because those who believe in the christian God also believe that he is creator and sustainer of the universe, that he is immanent and at the same time completely trancendant to human thought and life, and that he has the power to do basically what ever he pleases (ie: strength beyond human will, supernatural abilities...yada yada). if it is not enough that the christian God alone creates and sustains all life, which is not true of many other religions (there are usually two or more gods, or other means in which things are created, sustained, and destroyed). he can also be personal among his creation and at the same time surpass it intilectually, spiritually and physically, this is only completely true of one other religion...judaism (in which christianity has it's roots). and beyond this his power is only limited to himself, and God is unlimited......so nothing can overtake him or break his will. thus......fear the Lord.....or he'll strike you down with lighting....lol, just kidding ;)
i also agree with you somewhat about your thoughts on the bible and sin. as far as the bible goes, yes it is an ancient collection of history, narrative, peotry, wisdom and other spiritual writings. and i think that it is meant to guide the christian believer. it is not there as an answer to every question nor a means by which to live every moment of life. it is a guide. but as a guide it is also one of the ways in which God comunicates to his creation. and in this way it becomes the word of God himself. that is why christians are so serious about this book. sometimes i think they take it a little too seriously, but that's just me ;) i think that most (level headed) christians would agree that the result of sin is harm to self or others. and this is the reason that God hates sin (not people who sin) because sin hurts what he has made. God takes sin seriously. he loves what he has made and doesn't want to see it hurt or destroyed. therefore, if sin is merely actions which result in harm to self or others, then being more "sinfull" doesn't result a person having less of a chance for eternity in heaven and more of a chance for eternal damnation. it just means that person (any person really) has to pay the consiquences for his or her poor choices (sin) that may be harmful to self or others. anyhow.....it is important, i think, that people explore all areas of spirituality and religion and familiarize themselves with many different belief systems. this does not necessarily mean participation, but it is important to at least have an understanding in order to formulate well informed thoughts and opinions. so that one can construct his or her own belief system or religion. ;) right...these are just some of my thoughts. and i think too much about shit....and tend to get cyclical very fast....so sorry if i make no sense. ps. i wanna know what your thoughts are on this (everybody). what do you think about "religion" about God, spirituality and all that? what do you believe in? do you believe in anything?? i find religion, philosophy and shat like that very interesting and enjoy discussing it :) |
^"So... whats your angle with this whole prostitute nun thing?"
"Ohh no angles... just ciiiircles and ciiircles and circles and circles......." The actual concept behind 'fearing god' does make lots of sense... but then why is it even called fear? If its for the sake of slogans and bumperstickers, its really not a very accurate abbreviation. If I hold something in holy reverance, I want to learn as much as possible about it, and be around it all the time. But if I fear something, I want to be as far away as possible from it. |
fear ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fîr)